any flushing or plant rinsing ideas?

I'm growing in soil and am nearing the end of my grow. was wondering if there is any flushing or rinsing agents that anyone would recommend?
I like to use a mild 300ppm solution to remove salts and unused nutes first then just plain h2o ph balanced of cource
for soil i like the canna brand

The beauty of soil grows is how simple they are. When you think you are two weeks out just water as usual but with no nutes.

Soil grows are over though many times. There is generaly no need to ph in soil grows. If humans can drink it it's usually good for a soil grow. Nobody with 20 outdoor monsters in NorCal ph anything. We all use tap water. Same with flushing.
Clearex made by Botanicare. Use 15ml in every gallon of watering the last week before harvest. 15ml is about a tablespoon. What i use everytime, works wonders. Botanicare is a great brand for all hydro and soil needs. All i use is Botanicare and Dutch Master Products. NEver had a problem with either. Hope this helps!!! Good luck With the grow!!!
so one says flushing the other says just tap water. how much more effective is the flushing agent than just tap water? or do you normally just use the flushing agent as a rush flush?
When I dont have any Clearex I just put it in the bathtub and run water through it as close to room temp as you can get, as to not shock root systems with hot or cold h20. Run about 3x the volume of water through the pot as it will hold. ie: 5 gallon pot. Let about 15gallons of water through to leech out old fertilizer. Water should run clear when decently clean.
Well if you are just using tap water you want to start that routine AT LEAST a week before harvest, better would be closer to 2. With the flushing agent you can use fertilizer up to 2 or 3 days before harvest. So you just get that much more time with that extra kick in your water ya know? an extra week with fert can help quite a bit.
When I dont have any Clearex I just put it in the bathtub and run water through it as close to room temp as you can get, as to not shock root systems with hot or cold h20. Run about 3x the volume of water through the pot as it will hold. ie: 5 gallon pot. Let about 15gallons of water through to leech out old fertilizer. Water should run clear when decently clean.

Nutes are in the soil and the plant itself. You need to flush the plant slowly by watering normally with tap water. Flushing the soil till it's clear does not mean the plant is flushed...that means your soil is flushed.

Once your plant has reached maturity a properly flushed plant will look pretty beat up. The nugs will look great but the leaves will be yellow, brown and a little crunchy.

Listen to the plant. It's flushed when it looks empty.

This is a link to a guy with a really nice little grow. He has flushed properly and is within days of harvesting.
Nutes are in the soil and the plant itself. You need to flush the plant slowly by watering normally with tap water. Flushing the soil till it's clear does not mean the plant is flushed...that means your soil is flushed.

Once your plant has reached maturity a properly flushed plant will look pretty beat up. The nugs will look great but the leaves will be yellow, brown and a little crunchy.

Listen to the plant. It's flushed when it looks empty.
yup never heard it put that way but your right a beat up plant usually means its ready same with hydro after flush for a week i starve the bitch for 2-3 days b4 harvest
I agree with him. BUT I still think a flushing agent is the best way to go for best results and higher yield. As you can see on your plants, buds can grow quite a bit in 2 weeks with that extra fert. But best way to see is just to experiment for what is best for you bro. :)
diferent folks diferent strokes i have a friend that pumps his baby's right to the end then uses a super leach and flush for one day but just doesnt taste as good as mine. go organic save your lungs
ive read that if you flush with water and molases youll get sweet buds.. but also use molasess during flowering...
Once your plant has reached maturity a properly flushed plant will look pretty beat up. The nugs will look great but the leaves will be yellow, brown and a little crunchy.

Listen to the plant. It's flushed when it looks empty.

doesn't sound like the plant should look like that prior to harvest. sounds like the symptoms of some nutrient deficiency.

nay to flushing
doesn't sound like the plant should look like that prior to harvest. sounds like the symptoms of some nutrient deficiency.

nay to flushing

The goal is to make it deficient dude. No nutes in it at harvest. If you want to smoke some nitrogen go smoke lawn clippings.
If I have perfectly flushed my plants (in my eyes/experience) I have consistently reduced the PPM of the solutions given to 50 or leading up to the last two weeks. Usually my flushing begins at about two weeks before harvest.

Last run how ever I started flushing at four weeks and only noticed added benefit. I aimed for no run off within those four weeks and they were plenty devoid of nutrients in the leaves by the time I was done.

Moving a ton of water through the media could still be stress inducing. I would not recommend more then a 10% run off anyways. The best soil growers never have run off.
The goal is to make it deficient dude. No nutes in it at harvest. If you want to smoke some nitrogen go smoke lawn clippings.

nitrogen shouldn't be there if you properly cure the bud nor should their be any sort of nutrient "left overs" if you properly cure.

but, hey, i'm not knocking. it is just a plant and we all enjoy it the sameway :bigjoint:
awesome. well I started flushing my plants. some of my big fan leaves are getting really yellow. 2 of them dropped off. still a little concerned with the buds themselves getting a little lighter green but we'll see. I'll post some pic's in a little bit.