My German Shepherd got KILLED by a car today

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New Member
My beautiful, loyal, loving shepherd got killed by a car today.(less than an hour ago) I'm not gonna be here for a while. i'm shocked im writng thjssssss.
i love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
damn i am so sorry to hear that. i can tell you truly love your animals. it must be heartbreaking, so my heart goes out to you.


Sector 5 Moderator
Ohhhhhh Lacy!!! I'm so sorry for you loss. My dogs are like family to me and I know how it hurts to lose one. You are in our thoughts.


Just some idiot
Lacey I am sorry, I don't know if you recall but you and I once talked about our GS dogs. I can't imagine how you feel, once again I am so sorry...:cry:


Well-Known Member
Lacy,,sorry for your lose,,my missy is like family,,dogs are great,,,just remember the good times with him/here..look at some photos once in awhile...sorry again..


Well-Known Member
oh my god! lacy i'm sorry. i can't even comprehend what it would be like if i lost my dog. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Im Really SORRY to hear that lacy :hug:
Im sure it may be too soon, but you think you'll get another one? Its hard to imagine ever having a new one after something like that happens. But puppies = SO much happiness. And one may just be what you need to move on. (It helped me ALOT)
Im so so sorry to hear that once again lacy. I hope your okay



Active Member
Our pets are a part of our family, I can't imagine what it would be like to lose one of them, especially a G Shep, they are such great dogs. My condolences. Hopefully he/she is playing in the big dog park in the sky.


Well-Known Member
O my..I am sorry to hear that, the same thing had happened to me awhile back, it definently hurts to lose one of your pets, especially when they arent as much a pet to you as a friend. My heart goes out to you..


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear this lacy, i know its a terrible shock, my dog died on new years eve last year and i can feel your pain. We honor your lost friend and hope you may find another dog to love and care for as you did for your recently passed. im sure this is what they would want you to do.


Well-Known Member
I am deeply sorry Lacy. We lost our little Millie last year from a car. Remember all the good times and also remember you have LOTS of love and support around you!!!!
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