I have to ditch 14, 6 week old veg'd plants


Can I do anything with these? Or are they just like any other plant at this stage. Theyre all about a foot and a half tall with excellent growth underneath. I dont have the means to flower them.


Well-Known Member
not really.... you could make some cannabutter out of all the leaves, but it probably won't be very potent at all...

bummer you can't flower.... that's a shame...


Well-Known Member
sell them to sum1, even give them away with a few to gettin an ounce or two for a smoke. bummer mate!


Active Member
how do you not have the means to flower them?if its lights go spend 20-30 bucks on cfls and make your own lights. dont trash them or give them away. that is just you being lazy in my opinion


Well-Known Member
My bad Violator! Why cant u flower them?
i too wonder why not flower....

switch whatever lights you have now to the 2700k bulbs... slap them into flower, if it's bag seed, you'll probably lose atleast half (males).... That will free up half your space or so... What if 9 are male and there are only 5 female... would you have room for 5 plants in flower? Maybe even pick out the biggest, best looking 1-2 and only grow those 1-2....


Let me tell yall whats going on. Im moving, I didnt plan for it like this but my hours at work got cut in half so I had to find a new place. Thats all taken care of. But a few days back(when I made the thread) my landlord was up my ass to show the place to tennants.

At the time I had a 7ft tall 6x4 hydro hut in a bedroom with my 14 beuties under a 600w mh. It was great.

Giving them away wasnt an option. I dont know anyone else around me whos on the same level as me, so I cant risk letting my name out.

On the plus side I was able to save 3 of the 14. I put them into the 12/12 the day before I expected company, and hid them and everything else during their dark time.

I'll put some pics of them up along with some others I got started in a few mnutes.

Thanks for all the replies guys! I still have alot to learn but without this site I'd know a whole lot less.


Well-Known Member
im glad you managed to save some.

Growers need a universal sign that lets other growers know who they are or something so we could trust each other enough to help out when problems like these arise.


Well-Known Member
Keep topping them. I have a friend who I gave a grape clone to a year ago and he's still veg-ing it 'cause he doesn't have the money to get a big light...haha. It's a friggin' bush, I'll tell you what.


Well-Known Member
If you've really gotta get rid of 'em though, you can always go out to the woods and plant them...they're tall enough...


Active Member
im glad you managed to save some.

Growers need a universal sign that lets other growers know who they are or something so we could trust each other enough to help out when problems like these arise.
If you did that you would get robbed, just because someone grows weed it doesnt mean they are your friend neither does it mean you can trust them.