Steam Dry:::the Best Quick Dry Method


Well-Known Member
comming from the pro of 'sampling buds' before harvest, i have found that the best way to quick dry the wet planty bud, is to steam dry it. get an ordinary microwaveable plastic container. put a dry piece of kitchen towel, maybe torn in half, on the bottom of the container, then chop a few buds to a smallish size so it dries out quicker, therfore keeping more un-evaporated thc in the spliff, and then place the buds on the paper towel. Next, wet two paper kitchen towels and dry them out so they are not dripping, but slightly wet. it helps if they are attached when wetting them! now poke a hole or two in the paper towels which you have placed over the buds, and put the lid about 3/4 the way on.
Put in the microwave and 'cook' for one minute.
take everything out and dry any moisture that will be in the container.
get the other, dry torn half of the paper towel and put the drier but still moist buds on it.
make sure the paper towels are still wet and do the same thing as many times as you need to until you are happy. steam dried bud actually tastes nice, smooth and gets you very stoned. you should try it.


Well-Known Member
if this shit works it would be the ultimate way of drying bud...i'd rather do it the old fashion way and know that i wont be taking risks of destroying my 3 months old


Well-Known Member
It may well be the best way to quick dry but in my opinion all quick drying is bad and a total waste of bud and I have tried many methods including the "steam dry" way


Well-Known Member
3 months of total dedication for a quick burn in the microwave to dry............thanks very best of luck to you

I will store the info under S for shit


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well Im sure you know that the microwaves put off by the microwave degradate your thc and break it down lowering the quality of the bud greatly so by doing this you made commercial grade buds.Not what Id do after a long successful grow almost as bad to do it in an oven. HAs to be under 100 degrees F to not cause thc loss and damge


Well-Known Member
Well Im sure you know that the microwaves put off by the microwave degradate your thc and break it down lowering the quality of the bud greatly so by doing this you made commercial grade buds.Not what Id do after a long successful grow almost as bad to do it in an oven. HAs to be under 100 degrees F to not cause thc loss and damge
Yup, I wouldnt use the microwave for anything weed related.


Well-Known Member
I threw mine in some paper towls in a box in my suv, gonna see how that works. My vehicle should smell nice anyway.


Well-Known Member
Just toss on top of a ballast. A tin foil 'pot' can elevate it a bit to keep the bud temps down.

I've just tossed onto an AreoGarden. Seemed to work well (not instantly, but a few hours)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
This destroys the trich but if you want to ruin your buds go ahead as anything over the 110 degree F mark breaks the trichs down


Well-Known Member
id think steam would moisten it. my quick dry technique is i put it in a cigar box over night and its smokeable by morning
wow some of the people on this website are ignorant. "microwaves" destroy thc... really? show me how you know this. you can't. yes temps above 100 degrade thc, but the temp has nothing to do with microwaves. Microwaves "basically melt THC?" shut the fuck up and stop talking out of your asses. and if you say something prove it.
stfu. i come here for real information not opinions stated as facts or idiots pretending to be know-it-alls.
I can personally say that i just tried this method and it works wait longer than 20 seconds though. I was not sure if i did ok since my crop is about to be chopped and i can say i am as high as the sky right now while typing this. So yes it works does it taste great no, ok but not great.....will it get you high yes!!!! 30 % power worked great. Also i checked my crhomes after every nuke at 100x just to make sure i was not poppin my balloons so to speak. Nuff said


will post tomarrow throught a few popcorn buds from a northen lights I justed harvest
we need more personal accounts on methods and less argument, if you want to find out take a few small buds and try it out


well it works but a nasty taste and kind of weak, i would just wait I tred the buds after airdry 10x better even without cureing