Well-Known Member
Do you think that you could live out in a big cabin by a lake with little too no money and just grow weed and live a peaceful life, by getting food by hunting or going to town and buy things in bulk. if you think you could how would u do it?
heres wat id do.. Id have the cabin by a lake and some how use that for water and have some kind of filter system to clean it or if i lived in a area where it rained alot id have a big tank to catch rain water and also use the lake for water. Id probly hunt for my food and have a big garden with veggies and fruits. Id have solar panels for power in the cabin, Id have sum kind of crazy setup if i wanted internet so im not totally cut off from the world lol. I wouldnt have a cell phone unless their is service out their id maybe have one for emergencys if I was going out hunting or something. Id have a big green house to grow marijuana in, Id have couple dirtbikes and a truck for entertainment also a boat to go on the lake and to fish. id have 2 dogs maybe 3 id want 2 rotties and maybe a husky if i got a third one. the only thing id be spending money on would be gas and other supplys that id need to start growing and build everything and gas for the vehicles.
heres wat id do.. Id have the cabin by a lake and some how use that for water and have some kind of filter system to clean it or if i lived in a area where it rained alot id have a big tank to catch rain water and also use the lake for water. Id probly hunt for my food and have a big garden with veggies and fruits. Id have solar panels for power in the cabin, Id have sum kind of crazy setup if i wanted internet so im not totally cut off from the world lol. I wouldnt have a cell phone unless their is service out their id maybe have one for emergencys if I was going out hunting or something. Id have a big green house to grow marijuana in, Id have couple dirtbikes and a truck for entertainment also a boat to go on the lake and to fish. id have 2 dogs maybe 3 id want 2 rotties and maybe a husky if i got a third one. the only thing id be spending money on would be gas and other supplys that id need to start growing and build everything and gas for the vehicles.