REVENGE!!!! plz read


Active Member
i know this is way off topic, but i need everybodys help! long story short my girlfriend had two bosses that are husband and wife. and they pretty much stole 300 dollars out of her last pay check. there is no real way to prove it because of how the pay system is set up. anyway she has quit and moved on, but i really have not! and they have also done some fucked up shit before that. so my question is how can i get revenge on these motherfuckers? 5 years ago i probably would have done something illegal but i have way too much to loose now. anyway if yall have any good revenge ideas i would love to hear them!!! thanks rollitup peeps

Illegal Smile

I can tell you this - hate and revenge are like trying to kill your enemy by drinking the poison yourself. Move on. Living the good life yourself is the best revenge.


Well-Known Member
how does someone steal money off your cheque without you being able to prove it?
you either worked the hours or you didn't

my advice is get a lawyer because if a lawyer thinks he can win then they wont even charge you any $$ until after you've won and you can sue for enough money to pay the legal costs and compensation


Well-Known Member
I feel ya, man. My previous boss fucked me over and I'm still cooking up something. Remember, revenge is a dish best served cold. Wait until they forget about you, then strike! Basically, you can't get the $300 back unless you steal it, or you could cause $300 bucks damage to their house place of business. So my next question is, what do they do? Then we can plot revenge. They must pay!!


Active Member
Just let it go. There's no sense getting revenge. If you are the better person, you may bring them up to your level. If you stoop to their level, you're no better than they are. There's also the odds of you getting caught and the courts will have no sympathy especially since you already said you can't prove they stole the money. Just let it be and move on with a lesson learned.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" - Mahatma Gandhi


Active Member
I feel ya, man. My previous boss fucked me over and I'm still cooking up something. Remember, revenge is a dish best served cold. Wait until they forget about you, then strike! Basically, you can't get the $300 back unless you steal it, or you could cause $300 bucks damage to their house place of business. So my next question is, what do they do? Then we can plot revenge. They must pay!!
they own a hair salon! and trust me i hear what all of you guys are saying about move on. but im not looking to do anything illegal just really clever.


Active Member
I'd talk to a lawyer...
well normally i prob would but its such a small amount of money that its not really worth that type of effort. i believe in street justice! for me its not so much about the money as it is the disrespect.


Well-Known Member
Hair salon, ehh? If you could gain access to their shampoo or conditioner, you could dilute it with nair. Then, after women complain about losing their hair, business goes bye-bye. Hair dye also works and won't cause bald women. Purple is a very striking color. Either way, this is WAR!!! You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs!


Well-Known Member
You could pay some one to take a dump all over the floor of the bathroom in the salon, too. Preferably a person with IBS or at least, the runs. It's sick, yes, but its THEIR bathroom. Putting a Fish in the ventilation system is good, too.


Active Member
those r pretty funny! as a warm up i was thinking of collecting dog shit and my piss for a few months then putting it all around the salon. it would stink and be pretty bad to clean up thats for sure. but im still looking for a big finale!


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's easy.

I'm a window basher, tire slasher. If you take my money and I can't get it back from you, I'll COST you the money.

Nothing gives me a bonner like bashing a windshield out of a car from a guy who didn't pay me for the ounce i fronted him...beach justice mutha fuckers.


That's fcked up and anyone would want revenge, just don't do anything too bad,go for the humiliation side.
Anyway,watch some south park , cartman's plots are the best.


Well-Known Member
I think you should take a dump on the floor and then piss on it. Take a picture and anonymously mail it to them with a note that says, "I'm going to kill you." You really don't have to want to kill them, but it helps having them think you do....Mind Games, take that shit to the next level holmes!


Well-Known Member
I'm a firm believer in karma, don't do anything bad, just wait..

what comes around, goes around!...

I don't know if all this talk about bashin windows or guns.. cough wannabe gangster..

ffs it's a hair salon..

don't listen to the shit about bashing windows etc, coz true real gangstas wouldnt do that