Not really this rookie...well, maybe


Active Member
Total rookie but I germinated 4 seeds because well, I think I simply wanted to see them pop. 4 did and i put them in some soil but have no light or place to put them at the moment and wont for atleast 2-3 days. I will have nice place for them to live at that point but for now nothing.

The question is will the seeds root or rot in the 4 pots without light?

It's all up hill from here.

thx all


Well-Known Member
once they poke out they will need light and nutrients. don't use an incandescent. Find a fluorscent somewhere in the house and put them really close. Also get some air moving close to them, but not directly on them.


Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
They will root but very very slowly, Only use 25% of what is recommended for the nutrients try a vitamin b1 starter solution then a a month later try the heavy stuff! As for the rot it comes from over watering so let it dry out a little before the next watering ( top 1 to 2 inches of the soil is dry is a good indicator to water) Lights will help out your plants alot so like 420 penguin said find a floro light and dont be afraid to put it right over the plants touching even wont hurt it good luck!
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