Guerilla Outdoor 2010


Well-Known Member
So after a long desperate search for a real job me and my longtime good friend are both fed up. We've been friends going on 6 years now so I trust him. He's been up North camping as have I and he doesn't mind sleeping outside. My idea was to just camp during the season until October or so and then maybe pay off some bills. My idea is to maybe do 4 patches of 15 and those 10 miles apart. We have a big kayak so that's what I think we'll use. That way we can get into tighter places where normal people can't get to. I'd say that's a reasonable amount, and given the care they'll need, we should stay pretty busy. This will all take place during the spring obviously so the temperatures will be mild and we'll have all the gear we need. I'm looking at spending pretty much all summer outside camping, but it'll be so worth it.

I know the season is fast approaching and I should be getting prepped. Im thinking for the climate, white widow and big bud should both finish in time. My plan is to get a female clone of both white widow and big bud by march. From here this plant will become the new mother so that I can get the clones needed. My only drawback is that I'll have to be doing the scouting right before planting with no time to account for native vegetation later on. I figure my best bet is to be out there the day after the last frost and make due.

Well that's my idea let me know if you guys see any big holes in the plan.


Active Member
id like to see how this turns out...too bad you cant update rui while your out there

sounds like an adventure!!
good luck


Active Member
I'm guessing ur glnna be using native soil...u should buy some good nutrients. ....and watch for forest rangers....
I'd trim out three so bring buckets


Active Member
I'm guessing ur glnna be using native soil...u should buy some good nutrients. ....and watch for forest rangers....
I'd trim out there so bring buckets


Well-Known Member
sounds like you're obviously on a limited budget. If you can come up with any money for supplies, buy as much potting soil. worm castings, bat guano, fish emulsion, etc., as you possibly can. The more you can fertilize the soil, the better. I think if you spent $100 bucks on these supplies you'd easily increase your yield by a couple pounds. Good luck. Is this in the US or Canada?


Active Member
2010 is going to be my first outdoor grow. Im in the process of finding the right spot or spots.. any advice for best locations or where to begin looking for a place?


Well-Known Member
Just want to say your a badass. And the plan sounds good. I want to do the exact same thing. But, I'm too much of a pussy to spend six months in a tent. But, Good luck, homie.


Well-Known Member
So for the strains I was contemplating some big bud and white widow. It looks like those would would have time to finish in the upper-midwest.

As for heading out camping, I'll have to keep it stealth so I was thinking I would take a female clone of each and put it outside ASAP and turn it into an outdoor clone mother. This way I can veg it out big and have enough clones for my project. I wouldn't even be against installing a miniature greenhouse which I could hide if that would give me enough time to get enough clones.

This leads me to my next question. If I want to have 60 clones in the ground by April, when should I actually get the seed and grow until I can sex? I'm trying to establish a timeline so that I can procure necessary equipment and make sure I don't screw myself by missing important deadlines. And I hope to get at least a pound per plant.

As also a little side project I was thinking of would be a little mini patch of some lowryder or other autoflowering so that I could get a little harvest mid-season that I could use to either smoke or re-supply

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yeah you got 3 months you better either find some clones or plant some seeds

theres always 100% female seeds


Well-Known Member
Depending on your latitude your already behind schedule... From your selection of strains it sounds like your pretty far north. Let me know, I'd be interested in offering help.
I'm on target for the first time in four years. I've failed the guerrilla camp for the last three seasons. Not this year! I definitely let you know what not to do, and things to look out for that you'd never expect. All that of course depending if your in my neck of the woods... =)


Well-Known Member
Depending on your latitude your already behind schedule... From your selection of strains it sounds like your pretty far north. Let me know, I'd be interested in offering help.
I'm on target for the first time in four years. I've failed the guerrilla camp for the last three seasons. Not this year! I definitely let you know what not to do, and things to look out for that you'd never expect. All that of course depending if your in my neck of the woods... =)
Right on man, I appreciate all the help I can get. I'm looking at probably planting in the 46 to 47 degrees north latitude. I hear you about failed seasons, my last year was one of them. There's still snow so I know its not too late to make this season an absolute solid success.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking to another buddy of mine to see if I can just get some stuff started for the season. I figure I could trust him with that considering it would be at his place and his ass on the line. In return he could get a bomb ass crop of some white widow. I'm feeling the pressure though as I'm trying to get this all put together.


Active Member
I'm talking to another buddy of mine to see if I can just get some stuff started for the season. I figure I could trust him with that considering it would be at his place and his ass on the line. In return he could get a bomb ass crop of some white widow. I'm feeling the pressure though as I'm trying to get this all put together.
I would go with female seeds that have a earlly finish time.I think you would be better off this way cause you would have to put so much time into clones.Also dont leave a car or truck in a parking area or some thing cause that would raise red flags with encon. or the police,they just might use a chopper to see whats going on so get dropped off.bring a cell phone and have someone meet with you for supplies.I thing you could pull it off but dont tell alot people just your closest friends and even then that might be to many.the word will travel fast.goooooood luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, the season is not fast approaching. It's January 10th. Good luck though. I've got the same thread going on another site. :)
Where are you looking at doing this? Do you have a spot yet?


Active Member
That would be one bad ass way to come up some money, coming back a ghost with 60lbs of weed would be a good way to make bills hahahha


New Member

dude, youve been smoking too much crack...

15 plants is not a big deal... put them in a cluster, dont do rows, just put them here and there, 4 together here, 4 together there...

and MAYBE spread them out over a 1 or 2 mile area

10 MILES APPART!!!! for under 100 plants? dude...