Favorite Tripping Movies

Movies ? Ever hear of reading a book ? Ha, just kidding.

Anything with death and dismemberment would be a bad idea. Any movie that is like a series of "short stories" is ideal. Like Joe Dirt, Monty Python movies (Holy Grail), Chris Farley (Tommy Boy, etc.) The Jerk, etc. A movie with a good stand-up routine might be a good choice too, like Richard Pryor, Sam Kinison, or George Carlin.

For a purely musical trip, There are 2 great tripping movies. Led Zeppelin's "The song remains the same" combines excellent music, interesting video's and great concert footage. Jimmy Page playing the guitar with a violin bow is insane. Pink Floyd's "Live at Pompeii" may be hard to find, but it's worth it. Same deal, great music combined with great video.

The best movie though, is definitely "Heavy Metal" (the original) followed by the sequel "Heavy Metal 2000." Great music with freaky cool short stories, sci-fi style.

I haven't tripped in like 10 years now. The only thing that would get me to do acid or shrooms would be to see a soccer game with COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAM MASCOTS.

This weekend, I'm going to eat a bunch of cannabutter brownies, and trip out to Heavy Metal and Live at Pompeii
tebor whats this ideal show?
are all the seasons good should i just start at season 1 or is it one of those shows that sucked for a bit then got good?
Start at season 1. The seasons are short but has an overlapping storyline.
It's a show out of the UK about a weed/hash dealer.

If you cant find on dvd, it is available on most torrent sites.
not the michael keaton batman, the old school adam west batman movie... unbeatable for entertainment value, theres a rediculous scene where batman and robin are in the batcopter and they crash, but they crash at a 'rubber convention' so they are unharmed because the giant pile of rubber at the convention cushins thier fall.

I'm downloading this now.
gonna watch soon.
old school star trek the TV series with Will Shat as Kirk. Very Very trippy it's like they made it for people who are under the influence of hallucinogenic substance. You no how the 60's were. My friends and i gobbled down some shrooms and it was on non cable telivison !crazy shit did you no Bones and Suelou were gay !if you watch it on shrooms and you will.
Way way back in the day (18y olds) 4 of us tripped and watched Apocalypse Now. i still dont think im right after that one...lol Pink Floyd's The Wall is another good one..
The first time In watched old school i was trippin and i was so confused because their was so many characters i couldnt remember who was who for like the first 30 min

Stand up comedy is good I watched chris rocks standup while trippin my ass off it was great
Yesterday I watched the anime Paprika (english dub) while tripping 2c-i.
I think its the best tripping movie ever and Im not really a fan of anime.



The best movies to watch while tripping would be anything Wes Anderson has made. The Life Aquatic is quite possibly the greatest
movie ever and The Royal Tenenbaums with knock ur socks off.