The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!

it was the infomercial way you presented the product that got everybody's skin to rise. If you had done a little better on your sales approach I am sure you would have had a better following. ......
it was the infomercial way you presented the product that got everybody's skin to rise. If you had done a little better on your sales approach I am sure you would have had a better following. ......
I don't give a fcuk...
I'm not trying to sell anybody. I'm just looking to raise awareness, about quality products that are currently on the market, and let people how useful of a tool it can be for our hobby. It's a small ticket item, that delivers big ticket value...
So i looked at the site and basicly this is a natura form of glade not aroma thearpy but an air purifier my question to you is how long does it last you spray it on your plants and you cant smell weed for how long? How much do you have to spray? What about after i harvest does the orange smell eventually wear off and i get my dank smell back or does it smell like oranges forever? have you ever smoked a plant that has been sprayed with this stuff or did you just find it because id be pretty pissed if i sprayed my plants down and then my plants tasked like hairspray!!! Glad it works for you though bro it is pretty cheap if it works and doest ruin the taste of your final product.
lolololololololololol i guess im stoned didnt notice this was a 5 page thread b4 i posted! you fuckers are hilarious argue on ill tell you what +rep just cuz reading you guys argue about some fucking scented spray was so funny!
So i looked at the site and basicly this is a natura form of glade not aroma thearpy but an air purifier
Correction, this is nothing like glade spray. IT IS TOO an aroma therapy!
Again, I would never consider breathing or spraying my plants with glade spray. THIS IS ONLY essencial oils, extracts from orange peels. THAT is it! NO CFC's!

my question to you is how long does it last you spray it on your plants and you cant smell weed for how long?
On a living plant 4-12 hours depending on the strain, and development of tricromes.
How much do you have to spray?
approximately one (spray) misting per plant.
What about after i harvest does the orange smell eventually wear off and i get my dank smell back or does it smell like oranges forever?
Yes the smell is only temporary , and will not effect the long term smell of your plants.
have you ever smoked a plant that has been sprayed with this stuff or did you just find it because id be pretty pissed if i sprayed my plants down and then my plants tasked like hairspray!!!
I have and am currently working on it. You can use spray on dried buds too. !!!REMEMBER THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY ESSENTIAL OILS EXTRACTED FROM ORANGE PEELS! WHAT YOUR SMOKING OF THE MARIJUANA PLANT IS THE ESSENTIAL OILS. IT IS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME THING! WHAT TO YOU THINK HASH IS? PURER EXTRACT OF THE THC ESSENTIAL OIL !!!!!! Remember hearing about people putting a orange peel in there bag to extract some of the moisture from the peel> THIS IS THAT< IN A CAN WITH NO CFC'S.
Glad it works for you though bro it is pretty cheap if it works and doest ruin the taste of your final product.
Yes it is WELL worth the price.
It works better then I can tell you, try and see for yourself.
uh huh... people need to mask smells for various reasons. Maybe the parents are coming over for diner. It just makes your house smell like something good, and really covers ganja smell well. The mist is pleasant, like a house that smells good, and not suspicious.

so let me get this straight...instead of a slight weed will think you're in an orange grove....yeah thats not suspicious.....SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM

and there is no way i'd spray that shit on my plants
I bet my rep points on it. I'm at 70. I see a good chance to double up. I'm all in. Call me and I'll take your chips too. Otherwise learn your place at the table.

what is your childish fascination with rep? Who really cares about rep points anyway? Do you need them as validation that someone on the internet likes you?
It's just the simple principle behind it. Call me a child...I don't give a fuck about your opinion, all you do is want to come and be a critic. Your a dime a dozen...Douchebag
Stop trying to change the subject.
Here is a product I found, am excited about ,and back with everything I say.
Soo... why don't you put up or shut-up.
so let me get this straight...instead of a slight weed will think you're in an orange grove....yeah thats not suspicious.....
Slight weed odor...? oK, I don't know about you but my plants are potent.
so, maybe you personally don't need it...OK.. that does not change the fact many could use it.
No, it doesn't smell like your in an orange grove, but more like you've recently peeled an orange... I spray it in my closet, and around my clean clothes. Makes my clothes smell like the best fresh laundry EVER. So... how is the smell of good clean fresh laundry coming from the clothes closet such a suspicious thing?


and there is no way i'd spray that shit on my plants
That's because you simply do not have any experience with what it is your talking about.
what is your childish fascination with rep? Who really cares about rep points anyway? Do you need them as validation that someone on the internet likes you?
Obviously you do... Your the one who clicked on the title...not me...
And to try and jump on the haters bandwagon so that you can gain ground by taking thier position even when it's obvious to me they have never used, seen or even heard of this product until now...
...your in their sinking boat...
no amigo, my plants smell storong, but the room being sealed up good, and using a carbon filter is working just fine for me.

and you sound like a used car salesman with your attempt for some reason to hype this orange spray shit you like so much...

one more thing...if i was obsessed with rep like you seem to be, i'd be trying to figure out how to take away some of your precious points.

if im a "hater" on your product so is everyone else....i don't think anyone who posted likes your sales gimmick as of yet

That avatar fits you that supposed to be you broke, with empty pockets b/c nobody is buying this air fresner stuff you're hyping?? LOL
Nobody is hating on you. The thing is you post a odor control spray thinking its the best thing to spray shit on your plants and in the air and claiming its the best method is absolute bullshit. Anyone who buys it is a sucker for your marketing methods.

End thread.
vaportek optimum 4000 is like this, bu better, as it automatically releases essential oils into the air...its been made for the medical community since the 60s or 70s
This may be good to rig in one of the dispensers that spray when the door is open and closed like the bathroom ones. Sounds like it may be cool for that and a quicky if someone unexpected drops by and your current odor control aint working. I think most people are upset because of the way they were drawn into the thread with the amazing best ever product. Anything that gets em looking at your thread works I guess, you have more replies than all my threads put together.