Guess my yeild win $10 via paypal!

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Active Member
2 more weeks i'll have the FINAL numbers, time to shut up all the naysayers, its looking like a .6-.8g per watt on MY FIRST REAL GROW


Well-Known Member
Ok...first real grow and you got 6.5 - 7oz from your smallest plant? You must be talking wet weight. Your final take on that plant will be just over 1.5oz DRY which is pretty normal for one plant given a lot of peoples situations....but YOU have 3k of HPS, Adv Nutes etc... and thats all you got? Not bad for the runt plant.

I'll say you will have about 22oz dry if all 10 of those plants produced, but you aint getting my paypal address. Ten bucks...baaaaawaaaaaaah :bigjoint:
i think your going to get about two ounces or so a plant so if you have ten i would have to say about 668 grams total is this your first grow?


Active Member
no its not wet weight, plant was hung to dry a week ago, 75 percent of stems snap when bent. And yes it is my smallest one. I did a TON of research before i made any moves


Well-Known Member
no its not wet weight, plant was hung to dry a week ago, 75 percent of stems snap when bent. And yes it is my smallest one. I did a TON of research before i made any moves

its easy to say it, but if your gonna talk big you gotta show real proof or else your just blowing smoke up everyones ass

Setup 3 1kw hps hanging vertically down the room
Co2 supplied via generator
Temps low 80's high 70's

10 trainwreck/ romulan with a slight mix of The Purps
Average 3ft tall vegged for 2 3/4 months
LST'd and on a tilted stadium
All plants were topped at about 1ft tall so they're pretty bushy
8 1/2 to 9 week flowerer
This dont even sound right :confused:


Active Member
it was always running 4 1k's, i thought i was going ot use 3 but i said fuck it and went for four. What is th epoint of lying on a internet forum? My suces is because of co2 and vertical lighting, horizontal lighting is just complete fail in my opinion


Well-Known Member
congrats on your harvest man.
I think almost all roll it up users, at least on the weed forums, are all perverted.. the sense that we LOVE bud porn! root porn! all of it! pics pics pics! I wanna see nugs and big ass root balls! at 2 3/4 month veg! did you veg with the 4x1,000w ?? or what did you veg with? pics pics pics
I'm greedy :)


Active Member
pics soon to follow, just gotta get the cable to connect the camera to my comp

They were vegged in 3 gal pots until they were about 2.5ft tal then in 5 gal pots with ffof, total veg time was maybe 2.5-3 months? flowered them when they were slightly over 3 ft tall and ended up around 4.5-5ft tall. They were trained very well and were almost as wide as they were tall, i have a really good training tool/style that i'll post up soon.

Veggd they were under 2 1000w hps horizontally and flowered under 4 1k's vertically, co2 supplied through everything

8lbs dry MAYYYYYBe, but im thinking probably around 5.5-7, which is pretty good, nearly a gram per watt


Well-Known Member
I seen a member on here with almost the same grow 3 1000's CO2 he had 15 gallon pots though and he average 6 to 8 oz so it is possible this user does have pictures and its on here. If anyones intersted in the link let me know and I will post it.
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