Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
These guys were everywhere: Anyone guess where this pic is taken? I will post a full explanation shortly....but they were always having scraps with the Muslims, basically protecting all those so called God loving people...I have more pics if anyone is interested in the insides of this, now famous little Chapel

Is it under here?



Well-Known Member
Rossylyn(spelling?) chappel. I would love to go there!!! which pilar is that one?
You got it mexiblunt, not far off with the spelling either. It's about 10km outside Edinburgh, me old stomping ground, which I thought I'd add a little pic (taken from the Walter Scott monument.)

You can see from this pic why they built the castle there. The gardens below were drained in the 1800's (correct me if I am wrong.) Was adding to the nickname of Edinburgh - "Ye Auld Reekie" (fly tipping in those days was very common - bring out yer dead, dump em in the Loch basically.



Well-Known Member
There are crops carved in that chappel that are native to north america! How did they know this before north america was"discovered"? Very interesting building.


Well-Known Member
There are crops carved in that chappel that are native to north america! How did they know this before north america was"discovered"? Very interesting building.
True, there are what looks like Corns (or Mealies if you South African) and I think a Pineapple if my memory serves me correctly (it was 6 years ago we visited it)