how much will things bulk up?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, im finishing up my first grow soon. Im a little worried. I feel like my buds should be alot bigger. I'm growing under a 600 watt hps. im just wondering with about 25 days left of flowering left how much will things bulk up? thanks in advance for any help.:bigjoint:

ripe fruit

do you have any pictures? how dense are they? how many plants? how are you growing (hydro, soil...) what type of lighting?


Well-Known Member
600 watt hps soil 3 plants about 11 inches away from the light as of yesterday. yeah I can put some up in a bit


Well-Known Member
Need clear pics and hold something next to them so we can see something to scale it to. They really bulk up in the last 2 weeks so be lookin for big burst in growth, but yeh.. PICS


Well-Known Member
well on one of my plants I can tell you right now I have about 17 colas that are about 3.5=4 iinche tall.

ripe fruit

i gave a broad average. white widow under right conditions 1-4oz each plant. i had a bad problem with my last batch. powder mildew, spider mites (me spraying serenade on the rockwool cubes). to say the least 1 lost 5 plants. trashed 1hindu kush that was covered in mildew. and still got 2oz from 1 widow, 3oz from 2 querkle. and 1/2oz from tthe sour desel.


Well-Known Member
oh that sucks dude but hey you sound like you still got a nice yield. im hoping for about 40 grams per plant


Well-Known Member
i followed your thread and got the answers i asked. hope for 20-30grams each plant.
He's obviously joking... If you're growing under a 600 Watt lamp, not completely messing up, and have 3 seedsman WW you're going to get closer to 2 ounces minimum off each plant.