LED GROW, 13 days into flowering.


Active Member
You make the call. I think LEDs are worth the money. I guess it depends on what kind, and the lumen/spectrum output of the various lights. The test will be confirmed with the quality of smoke I plan to get in about 7 weeks:)

AK48 Nirvana seeds, all Fem.

Germinated DEC 1st, these were taken today (Jan 21)

vegged till Jan 8th. ALL LED GROW!!!!



Well-Known Member
what kind of lights?
i know LED but brand and wattage please.... looking into a set of lights and just seeing which type is doing best


New Member
I bought one of those grow panels, they're junk, I still got it somewhere in my basement, well I mean, they will work, but they're deff no Hps

420 swede

Active Member
from what i've seen in other posts and it will probably show in this one allso. That leds are a very valid option for vegg but u do allot better with a red bulb 250w hps then a 90w UFO or equal for flowering. therefor i'd a 250w kit is better any day even with the cost of a litle extra electricity and buy one red bulb and a MH veg bulb any day then cheap leds. If i'd win the lottery i'd probably spend money on very expensive leds for vegging fast and good and saving the earth at the same time but until that day anyone who cares about money is wasting theirs while buying leds.

420 swede

Active Member
oh and btw the plants look pretty similar to my first grow using about 100w of flourecent panels i found at the junkyard :P u should probably support with some cfl light + move the led panel allot closer, since there is no heat it can even touch the plant if u wish so.


Active Member
sunshine-systems.com is where I got mine. I paid 130 with shipping for 2 of the 1'x1' lights. Working very well with two plants per light. no need for ballasts, cooling, and all that bullshit.


Well-Known Member
if it's not your first grow..I'll assume they were cfl or pc grow?

i too was once an led testor.. they don't work well .. your plant is nice and green..healthy.. good job!


it's stretched to f$%k.. and your bud is going to be airy and fluffy.. not hard dank nugs..

give it stink bud.. but your plants don't look that great as far as node spacing and such... other than that they look super healthy so you obviously got your shit in order that



Active Member
For the record, I have in the past had 3 400 watt hps lights running in a bedroom when I had a fullscale operation. I made a lot of money, eluded police, now I just grow for me, and only me. Again, this is a first time grow with LEDs, and I am impressed with the results thus far. Form your own own opinion, but these are faily new on the market. I have been following them for years, and noone has actually posted there findings of recent. Two years ago LEDs may have been shit, but its looking good so far. I dont have to vent, nor have the cooling operation of HPS grow. I am just merely posting the facts I have had experienced for anyone considering it as a grow option. Also FYI, when I switch to 12/12, I had about a foot of growth that first 10 ten days, so just for vegging is again a myth. . Just read my signature.


Well-Known Member
hater, it work for me. did you see the pics?

hater? cause he telling you your plant nodes are spaced too much? He did see the pics thats why he mention they were stretched, lacking common sense there? lmao. I was gonna say the same thing its not hating he's being honest. Threads are up here to discuss, help people etc.. If your gonna make a thread then dont be a pussy bitch talking bout someone being a hater when they are saying something you dont like to hear. Every thread has good and bad comments is this your first day on the internet? If not then stop acting like it :finger:.

(hows that for hating?)


Well-Known Member
hater... really? said they look healthy and that you know what you're doing.. i'm so sick of e-thugs.. ok.. i'm going to go smoke a big fatty and get creative.. and you can call me hater.. cause i really don't think you know what your going on about singing the praises of led.. telling me how you are some super gangster..

i read your sig - learn to spell "
work".. #1

just cause you scribbled some pointless drivel about ho
w i need to respect your opinion has nothing to do with anything. you are spreading and promoting a poor idea. Do you know why you don't see any results posted in the led threads? cause people figured out that they don't do well for flowering.
it's not personal, i'm not putting you do
wn.. i gave you props on a healthy looking plant bro.

I'm going to go smoke a fatty and have some fun.. and maybe you
will see the light and stop the led madness!! I spent the money too.. and I don't want to see another person go spend their hard earned $ for the results you get.. I agree you have a right to your opinion, but be reasonable, for god's sake and see it my way!



Active Member
Your the virus eating away at our nation. I am no thug, nor have I been called that. After you get high, look up sarcasm in the dictionary. And I know how to spell work, geez man.


Well-Known Member
I have a 26 watt grow panel.....at first when I turned it on I was like f*ck why did I spend my money on this bull.....I got it on Craigslist for 80 bucks and had to drive to butt f*ck egypt for it...........I threw it in my mother room just for kicks..I was just curious about LED lighting......this one is supposedly the equivalent of a 250 hps.....well I didn't check my mommies for 3-4 days convinced I wasted my money....when I went and checked my girls looked super happy...the leaf formation had changed completely...they were much wider and had more of a shape...they look really different and very happy...I have 1400 watts of hid in my flowering room..and wouldn't mind usind Led as supplement lighting......since the spectrum is better than hids for plants they sure do like it.....Led just dont have any penetration power...that's the only thing they lack...all in all I am suprisingly satisfied with my little 26 watt grow panel


Well-Known Member
Your the virus eating away at our nation. I am no thug, nor have I been called that. After you get high, look up sarcasm in the dictionary. And I know how to spell work, geez man.
you make no sense. I praise your efforts, but tell you they could look better.. and I'm a hater. I have grown with LED and they suck. If this is your first grow it may be hard to gauge it against anything.. and you come back at me telling me about you growing in a bedroom and evading police blah blah blah... e-thug is what i called you.. implying that you are in fact NOT a thug.. meaning you talk your shit behind the safety of anonymity.
you tell me to read something that you wrote and expect me to adapt my value system cause you had a brain fart? and read your sig.. you spelled "work" wrong.. takes away from the magnitude of your prolific pontification.. so you should fix it. That makes me a virus because 'I value useful information and stopping others from making the same costly mistakes that i made. and you're stretched out little ditch weed shouldn't impress you if you've grown anything other than your hair.

Going on like this is the next best thing may influence someone figuring out their gro
w - to spend cash on this junk.
I don't need a dictionary to look up sarcasm.. but you do..
where do you see sarcasm in anything that's been said in this thread? you got your poor wittle feelings hurt cause you got told your plant isn't a specimen likely to convince the masses of how super mega amazing LED growing is, regardless of how killer you think it looks.

next thing you're going to tell me that they are the same lumens and if you put enough of them in there you can have as much as a 1000
watt HPS or some other notion that makes no sense but has the words "lumens" and "1000watt HPS" so it sounds like you know what your talking about.. but then don't...

I'm not being a dick. Re-read my posts.. it's the truth.. your plant looks healthy and green.. but the light isn't sufficient for the purposes of growing pot.

just because you CAN gro
w pot with led doesn't mean it is good or give you the results that growers should get. You can build a house out of shit and sticks, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. This isn't about you being wrong, or me being right, it's about the fact that other growers, myself included have used led and the unfinished grow threads are a testament that it doesn't work well. Go on.. finish your grow mr. i can grow and ditch the cops..then post your total 1-1 1/2 gram dry weight and let me know if that's worth 130 bucks.:wall:

EDIT: yes i agree they
work, I'm not saying they don't, but they aren't as good as florescent and I'm using them now.. I just think that if more people just said "they're shit.. really.. they may get there someday.. but they aren't there yet" I would have saved the $500 I spent on the 45watt led panels..


Active Member
No, Id punch you in the face if you were in front of me. If you can write all that, and no one will read it, your a douche. Get laid dude. seriously. I don't have to defend myself to some asshole on the internet. Quit being gay. Geez, your the problem with our country you close minded fuck. Hippies with all their knowledge and great ideas are pretty much racist, ignorant assholes. Preach free love, freedom of mind blah blah blah, but you all look down on those that are differnet and have jobs. Fuck off, go do your thing, vote for bush, join a tea party and leave me the fuck alone. I seriously would punch you in the face if you said that to me, and I can promise you will be on the ground for a while. You are the problem with this nation, and hurt my reform to change marijuana laws because you douchbags have no real knowledge, and think you know what you are talking about. So, fuck you.