the best designed CFL fixture!


New Member
Who has the best DIY CFL fixture? i am designing a new box and would like to see how some of you have your cfls hooked up. i want to have a pulley system of some sort to easily raise and lower the lights. i also want the lights to be horizontal so the side of the light faces the plant, not the top of the light. HOW DO I DO THIS? if you think you have a clever set-up, i would love to see how you did it. it dosnt have to be exactly how i explained, it just has to be CLEVER! Thanks RIUers


New Member
looks cool if your using just 1. im looking for something that i can hook at least 8 23W CFls to and have it look half decent.
come on people... lets see what your workin with!


New Member
For the tops use this rig. For the Sides normal flourescents work great. Unless your rolling a SOG out then T5 the shit out of it. You can make that yourself easy too. Simply wiring 2 ballasts, some sheet metal, pin connectors.



New Member
Here is an idea I have seen used by others. It uses simple materials and is simple to make: (1) 3/4" plywood or solid wood board, size depends on size of grow space. (2) 3-way bulb socket fixtures, available at larger lighting supply stores. (3) Screw eyes (4) Appropriate wiring and plug. (5) Reflective foil type material

Look at the attached drawing. Hope this picture is worth a thousand words. :-P :leaf:



New Member
is it true that the side of the light gives off more usefull light than the top? i read this somewhere but if its not true then i dont really care if they are flat or not.


New Member
Well it isn't too hard so I'll break it down for you. Get an extension cord that can handle your total wattage pull. Look up cable and gauge 14 would keep you in the clear most likely. Strip the cord at the female end cut it and strip. Then wire it to the sockets. Black to black (Hot) White to white (Nuetral).

However i don't think you're gonna go for that so here's an alternative.

Simply get power strips and zip tie them to some pvc or sturdy rod/thin board. Then plug all the sockets in where you want the CFL's and screw them in. Pretty simple to imagine how you can do it and get awesome light coverage and good yield with properly setup CFL's. For a side note PVC is great because if you do choose to wire it you can run the wiring through the tubes so it looks very clean and professional. Make sure you use electrical tape and Twist ties for wiring.



New Member
is it true that the side of the light gives off more usefull light than the top? i read this somewhere but if its not true then i dont really care if they are flat or not.
The sides of CFl's have more surface area so yes to an extent. They are best to put in between plants. Best way to utilize the light.


New Member
Well it isn't too hard so I'll break it down for you. Get an extension cord that can handle your total wattage pull. Look up cable and gauge 14 would keep you in the clear most likely. Strip the cord at the female end cut it and strip. Then wire it to the sockets. Black to black (Hot) White to white (Nuetral).

However i don't think you're gonna go for that so here's an alternative.

Simply get power strips and zip tie them to some pvc or sturdy rod/thin board. Then plug all the sockets in where you want the CFL's and screw them in. Pretty simple to imagine how you can do it and get awesome light coverage and good yield with properly setup CFL's. For a side note PVC is great because if you do choose to wire it you can run the wiring through the tubes so it looks very clean and professional. Make sure you use electrical tape and Twist ties for wiring.

so i have wired a few fixtures together so i kind of know whats going on but not 100% at the end of the y sockets is just a screw in correct? what do i wire it to? is there another cnnector i need?
and how do i connect from one socket to the next?


Well-Known Member
For the tops use this rig. For the Sides normal flourescents work great. Unless your rolling a SOG out then T5 the shit out of it. You can make that yourself easy too. Simply wiring 2 ballasts, some sheet metal, pin connectors.

That's pretty similar to a rig I used a couple years ago, though I just used single sockets. I left a bit of slack in my wire so I could slide them back and forth and rotate them.



New Member
Always be careful with electricty! Use wirenuts, no exposed bare wire, socket fixtures MUST be secured to a solid surface. Use as few extention cords as possible. And be careful! Do not let your love of weed cause a fire.

GrowingfortheGold's design looks solid and safe; Hellbelly's design does not. :-( Sorry, no offense. :-P :leaf: