Pitt bulls and growers


New Member
it would be some shit if your avatar pic popped out with a joint and said next time i see you i will smoke u like this joint


Well-Known Member
some people NEED pitbulls. whether they grow or not.

clearly evident here. :wink:

Give this man a cigar.

I love dogs. I am not too keen on pit bulls, due to the type of owners they seem to attract.

Besides they are too puny, I prefer BIG dogs!!!


Well-Known Member
real men sport poodles.
you'd be suprised at some of the men i see with poodles at dog shows and such.

personally, i chose to continue working with pitbulls because of their loyalty, willingness to please, temperent of a WELL BRED game pit bull, and the size(they are smaller but im only 5'9 160) im not into them for the look, that is whats ruining the breed now. everybody wants big xxl blue dogs with block heads. these dogs are not APBT by breed standard and the people breeding these dogs do not care about temperment and such, they do it for the money.


Well-Known Member
For the most part his statement was true.. i would never recommend using a pitbull for a guard dog. entirely too trusting, it was bred into them..by handlers who wanted a dog that wouldnt bite its master while in the midst of a bloody fight, just like we breed the qualities we want into our favorite plant.
Very well put. I own a pit but I got her long before I started growing. She took 3 shots to the face of mace from the mail lady and didn't even make a noise, just walked inside the house like WTF? Never made a theat at all she was walking up about to roll on her back looking for a belly rub. I have owned 2 pure breed black labs and they don't have shit on how smart and loyal my pit is. Again it's all about the owner. Great dogs growing or not. heh.



New Member
the smaller one is a girl and the other is a boy. i never got him nutered so he got big. the girl is small tho but really fiesty not in a bad way. how old is your dog?