First Timer, seeing if I'm on the path to good greens


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum. This is my first time growing myself. I have a 3' x 5.4' grow area with 1 mil white plastic surrounding the grow area. I'am using two 48" Flourescent bulb fixture, Unknown wattage of the bulbs right now. I'm using Organic Potting Soil (Expert Gardener Brand) keeping the grow area around 70-75* F and started a small fan going tonight.(set on low)

I will try and post pictures tomorrow

Anyway I planted my seedlings (just some good commercial) 6 days, I started 2 of them in 8.5 oz. insulated foam cups. I have the flurescent lights about 5-7 inches above the plants and they are about 2 inches tall. I know the pics will help you better, I just want to see if it sounds like I'm off to a good start.

-Edit- Oops such a newb... ;)

I'm leaving the lights on 24 hours a day right now and using no fertilizer. When should I begin to use fertilizer? I'm planning to go with a 20-10-10 or 30-15-15 mixture through the growth stage and a 10-20-20 or 15-30-30 mixture in the flowering stage. Also going to find something with a source of secondary nutrients like Calcium.



Well-Known Member
Hi, doesnt sound too bad dude..Maybe try to get the lights a lil closer..
I use the ferts when the two round leaves dropped off, seems a lot of people do this too, or when you have the 5th/6th set of proper leaves.. use a diluted fert to start with and work up to a dose youre happy with.. not too much tho... you might wanna try to find a seperate source of nitrogen, i recently got some sulphate of ammonia, nitrogen food that is aimed at cabbages and brassicas.. the plants have perked up real nice...I am using 1/10th of the suggested dosage..will prolly only take it upto approx 1/5th.
but i'd see how youre babies grow on their own in the soil first.. wait n see if the plants tell you theyre short on nutes, or ya might get burn..

jus my .2

good luck


Active Member
^ Like he said, I didn't use nutes until my plants showed signs of a defiecency, usually its just nitrogen(at least in my case). And if you are using those cool white shop light flourescents, put them only maybe an inch away from the plants. With mine they put out virtually no heat, so just put your hand under and if its not burning, you should be fine. Oh and, atleast on mine, the bulbs have the wattage printed on 'em. They are probably 40watts a piece.


Well-Known Member
Thanls guys, sounds good I'll try and get the lights lowered a little. I'm going to run out to the store and get some papers, then I'll try and get some pictures up.

My bulbs are 25 watts, should I be changing these to a higher wattage later?


Well-Known Member
Well shit.. I got my pictures taken and I can not find my USB cord for the life of me to transfer them to the PC. This sucks I was really wanting to have a visual diagnosis.

I have a quick question. What would be the best time to transplant (should I transplant or 3 or 5 gallon pots?) and should I use anything to help them from the shock?


Well-Known Member
All depends on how the plants are growing.. mine needed replanting after 15 days, i thought i was gonna have a weedy lil root sys, and infact it had virtually filled the bottom of its 1st first pot...As for stress, Get some SuperThrive, that helps alot.

more importantly try to let your plant become moderately established a lil before you disturb it, stress to early on in its life can be a disaster.. i try to transplant once only..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. When can I expect to see it really grow? LOL so anxious (I know it takes time) it's maybe a little over 2 inches which I think is good for now. I planted the seed with about a 1.5" root and it has been sprouted out of the ground for 7 1/2 days now. Temp right now is 76*F

Also remember I have my plants each in 8.5 oz. insulated foam cups. Is this sufficient growing room for 15 days? What's an idea height and # of leaves sets for 15 days sprouted? Will I notice the roots starting to fill the cup?(I also poked small drain holes in the bottoms of the cups) I haven't watered them in a few days the soil still appears moist.

The Super Thrive, do you just follow the directions with it? Do you put it on before or after transplanting and is there a chance it could harm my babies?


Well-Known Member
Well my plants are about 3.5"'s tall now and the 2 leaves ( of 4) on each are starting to develop, I introduced some really weak nutes (30-10-10 mix w/ secondary plant nutes 1/4 tea spoon to about 2.1 qts. H2O I did this a few hours ago and watered them with it very lightly)Little less than half what Miracle grow recommends.

Now for the question.
My stem is purple from the soil up to the leaves on both of my plants? What does this mean? Is this normal? good? bad? possibly it's trying to tell me something? PLEASE if any could help me with info or tell me what to do exactly it would be greatly appreciated.(the stems have been this way for 3-4 days)

Other question my plants are still in the 8.5 oz. foam cups I have pots ready for transplant just not sure exavtly when and how frequently should I be watering them in the 8.5 oz. cups?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so far as i know, purple stems are fine at the beginning stages.. mine were purple and the new batch of LR#2's i'm doin are too... it usually goes after a few days, i think the last lot of mine were green at the 9/10 days..It depends on the strain etc..

Have a read thru the FAQ and the Newbie section, there's a bunch of threads about purple stems, and purple branches etc in later growth. It'll give you a better indication of what to expect and how to remedy it if it happens later on in your grow.

As for watering them, that again all depends on their enviroment... for example, mine are indoors in a spare room that is centrally heated by the rest of the house, they dry out pretty quick and need a decent watering every 3 days.. i always let the soil dry out a lil, as this lets the roots get oxygen, and apparently helps promote better/more root growth, and the better its rooted the better your potential yield could be.

Did you heft the pots to get a comparison on their weight dry and wet??
My 0.2 would be to say let them dry out a lil, put your finger an inch into the soil, and see if its damp..if its reasonably damp/moist, leave them until the next day, if its dry, water them..

Personally i always under water, as its easier to remedy any problems..You'll also lessen the chances of root rot and mold etc.
The plants will generally look dehydrated when they REALLY need water..and dont be worried if the leaves droop a tad after you water.

Note :- the most common mistakes by new growers are to over do everything, in a vain attempt to do the best for your babies..


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much, that's just what I needed to hear. I understand what you say about newb's over doing that is what I keep reading so I'm trying to under-do somethings like watering I have been doing just what you said waiting until the top 1 or 1.5" is dry and then watering. My environment is also heated by an extra air duct that I ran to the top of the grow area. However it is in the basement and doesn't remain the same temp. has the house. It ranges from 67-79* F sometimes reaches ( I have done the water, sugar, active yeast CO2 in the grow area to the heighth of the cups was this a good idea or...?) 80* F So they dry out in a few days in the 8.5 oz. cups. I'm going to go read the FAQ etc. I have been reading a lot on the subject and only absorb so much into my long-term memory LOL

I appreciate your help very much. How far are you in your current grow? I'am around 8-9 days now.


Well-Known Member
Oh and one more ? how old should they be to transplant do you think they could handle it in the next 3-4 days? Also do any big name stores stock SuperThrive?


Well-Known Member
Like i said before, you will see if the plant is too dry..But it seems you are doing ok so far..Not 100% sure if you need to be doing the yeast CO2 thing as a small grow rarely needs the carbon dioxide level boosting, but having it cant hurt.
Being as CO2 is heavier than O2, i would imagine your basement has a decent supply of CO2, provided you have some sort of ventilation, or the door is open etc..
Maybe one of the other folks on here can give ya a heads up as to whether you need to do that or if its a waste of time..

I'll post ya some pics of my current grows later, as its lights off right now, so i cant get in there.
My kerala is 20 days, was repotted last wkend, it didnt get too stressed, altho i did notice i had two new leaves on the same stem that were yellow as they grew..but all of the others are 100% fine, so i gave it 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom salts and a !/4 teaspoon of sulphate of ammonia to boost the magnesium and nitrogen levels... Its grown alot more since last weekend and there is no more evidence of yellowing so, it may just be 2 dodgy leaves on the same stem, or Heat or something..either way its had the corrective measures if it was a nute deficiency and its growing 10cm per day..
I also have some LR#2's that sprouted on Wednesday this wk, and they are approx 1.5" with the first sets of leaves growing steadily..


Well-Known Member
I dont know if you will find much of it this time of year and all, but try the old Wal-mart gardening section, last time I stopped in there I coulda sworn I seen a display of superthrive on one of the shelves.


Well-Known Member
ok heres a shot of the kerala the day after transplant, followed by some pics i just took to show ya how much growth i have had since then, Day 20, also a pic of the yellowing on the 2 leaves(like i said only on those 2)
and finally a pic of one of the LR#2s which sprouted on Wed.
Think theyre doin ok so far..



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help and your grow looks be doing great. I'm so excited my babies are getting their third set of leaves have the bottom round leaves, the set above that and now the other set is starting to come in YAY! LOL
As far as the CO2 I don't if I will continue it when the bubbles are gone but the first 2 but it doesn't seem to be hurting anything, kinda smells like beer in the grow area hehe but other than that seems ok. I appreciate everyone's help, I'm glad to be doing my first grow and I think I'm going to do a decent job for 1st time and FL bulbs.
I was thinking of adding maybe 1 or 2 CFL's of the warm light spectrum. I beleive my current lights are in the blue spectum 40w and 25w long FL's.

Would these warm CFL's work good in the dome (clamp) type light fixtures and be beneficial to my girls in the growth stage? What is the K reading of a warm light(like 2500K etc.) and can i use the cool white CFL's or do you need the daylight kind, I beleive I read either will do but want to double check.

Thanks again friend, I will continue to update and hopefully get some pictures up soon. I'm not going to buy another USB cord for my cam LOL I have already bought 3 of them since the original was lost. So hopefully it turns up soon. I'm going to setting up an area for flowering this morning too!
Some beauties you have going there, keep up the good work!


I didn't find any at Wal-mart the other day but will continue to look, I got some rooting gel there and the closest mix of Miracle grow I could find to what I wanted (30-10-10)

Thanks for the heads up, glad to hear walmart atleast carries it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the warm white bulbs would be beneficial.. after all the sun doesnt just emit blue light. i have a couple in my tent just to even out the light.
They are labelled Warm white, and i think they are 2500k or 2700k, it might be posible to get higher K bulbs, thik i've seen some 4500k somewhere, i'll be damned if i can remember where tho.


Well-Known Member
Yea like I said, Wally world starts making things harder to get like that in the winter thanks to them almost always using the gardening section for christmas displays. But I have seen it there for sure during the spring/summer/fall so hope you can get some bro.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'll try going to a few of the surrounding walmarts to see if they still have anything good in stock.

Well I added two 27w CFL's 2700K Rating to my grow area and have the soda can reflector DIY trick on both of them I have them on the sides of the plants with the 4' Flourescents above a few inches above the plants. Going good, can't wait.