Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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just saying more than 100 people watched the plane fly into the pentagon with thier own eyes

you think you could convince them it wasnt a plane?bongsmilie

i dont understand how you guys cant see how redicules your no plane theory is, i mean if you logically thought it through and all
Apologies, but I think you may have mis-categorised me.

I was merely pointing out that your summation of events based on observations from that photo were entirely wrong, and redirecting you to official FEMA reliant NIST reports, here:

... so why bother ... I'm done with the stupid who want to disrupt this thread ... if they want to be stupid I certainly won't stand in their way ... and it doesn't bother me that they try to stand in the way of a real investigation ... the fact that they are stupid explains their behavior and makes them of no consequence of exposing the lies and reporting the FACTS ... so ignore them ... I certain intend to ... they are not even worth taking a good dump on ... now on to the 911 news.

[URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/30/nyregion/30trial.html?partner=rss&emc=rss"]U.S. Drops Plan for a 9/11 Trial in New York City [/url]
Why am I NOT surprised ...

[URL="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/22/charges-withdrawn-military-commissions-sept-suspects/"]Charges Withdrawn in Military Commissions for Sept. 11 Suspects[/url]
Charges against 9/11 suspects were dropped "without prejudice" -- a procedural move that allows federal officials to transfer the men to trial in a civilian court and also leaves the door open to again bringing charges in military commissions.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder if these people will ever be brought up for trial at all, or will be held in indefinite incarceration without any trial.

http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/SEAsia/Story/STIStory_480171.htmlhttp://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/SEAsia/Story/STIStory_480171.html[URL="http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/SEAsia/Story/STIStory_480171.html"]9/11 was staged: Dr M
MALAYSIA'S former premier Mahathir Mohamad claimed the Sept 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, which killed nearly 3,000 people, were staged as an excuse to 'mount attacks on the Muslim world'.
Speaking at the General Conference for the Support of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) here, Tun Dr Mahathir said killing as an excuse for war is not new to the US. He also argued that Israel was created to solve the 'Jewish problem' in Europe, saying the Holocaust had failed as a final solution against the community.

[URL="http://www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_11656"]The Real Reason for the Cancellation of the 9-11 Trial [/url]
The Obama administration will not have an open 9-11 trial because it would expose the fraud that the person said to be Khalid Sheik Mohammed is not the terror mastermind of 9-11. He is, in fact, not even Khalid Sheik Mohammed. The person said to be KSM is a "feeble-minded" man named Ahmed Abdul Qudoos. He has been scapegoated and made to fill in for the real KSM, who was killed in Pakistan.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Under torture Ahmed Abdul Qudoos confessed to being Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Lee Harvey Oswald, Judge Crater, Amelia Earhart, and Jack the Ripper!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fckLLs_RdU4&feature=player_embeddedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fckLLs_RdU4&feature=player_embeddedDEETS - audio interview part 1/6

Dwain Deets - former NASA engineer - interview on REPUBLIC THEORY by Dallas Andrews and Warren Dyson.

[URL="http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2010/01/video-building-7-reporter-byron-pitts.html"]Video: Building 7 Reporter Byron Pitts "Number of things don't add up."[/url]
"It was the one calamity that was not a surprise..."

9/11 Truth In 9 Minutes
Comparison videos of known high-rise steel structure fires of the Parque Central Tower Fire, Mandarin Hotel Fire, Windsor Tower Fire with the fires in the World Trade Center North Tower, South Tower and Building Seven. Videos of highlighted known controlled demolitions. Both top down and conventional demolitions.
You decide if the Official 9-11 Conspiracy Theory is true.

This is a pretty good video ... has some excellent comparisons of skyscrapers that burn much longer and hotter than the WTC and they didn't collapse ... been brought out before ... but the truth can't be brought out enough in this case ...

Mechanical Engineer Derek Johnson "Engineering Destruction" part 1 - Ae911Truth
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth Presentation on WTC 7 controlled Demolition.

[URL="http://www.bushstole04.com/911/standdown1.htm"]The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11: Why Was the Secret Service’s Early Request for Fighter Jets Ignored?[/url]
The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11: Why Was the Secret Service’s Early Request for Fighter Jets Ignored?
Shortly after the second World Trade Center tower was hit, at 9:03 a.m. on September 11, 2001, an officer at Andrews Air Force Base, just outside Washington, DC, was notified that the Secret Service wanted fighter jets launched over the nation’s capital. It was now obvious the U.S. was under terrorist attack, and Washington would have been an obvious potential target. And yet the Secret Service’s request came to nothing.

http://www.bushstole04.com/911/videographer.htmhttp://www.bushstole04.com/911/videographer.htm[URL="http://www.bushstole04.com/911/videographer.htm"]9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero Goes Public
Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview by Voltairenet
Source: Voltairenet.org

As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent one month filming 29 tapes: “What I saw at certain moments and in certain places … is very disturbing!”
“It was very odd to me when I learned that FEMA and several other federal agencies had already moved into position at their command center at Pier 92 on September 10th, one day before the attacks.”

OOOh lookie ... here's some more crazy people that want a real investigation ... imagine my lack of surprise ...

http://world911truth.org/60-aerospace-engineers-call-for-a-new-911-investigation/http://world911truth.org/60-aerospace-engineers-call-for-a-new-911-investigation/[URL="http://world911truth.org/60-aerospace-engineers-call-for-a-new-911-investigation/"]60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at AE911Truth passes 1,000, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility. While the skills necessary to conduct professional forensic analysis of destroyed buildings is largely distinct from those experienced in aerospace engineering, the basic physical laws involved in an analysis of the speed, symmetry, and energy input/output balance of the World Trade Center’s destruction involve only high school physics and chemistry, some lookups regarding the energy necessary to crush concrete, and basic arithmetic.
Of course the idiots in denial are far more intelligent than these engineers ... they know so much more ... :roll:

Here's a great video of a Japan Senator asking some tough questions about 911 ... and note that the minister doesn't have the answers except ... "that's what the US government told us" ... Also notice the pictures of the pentagon he shows to MP and ask "why is there no plane wreckage at the pentagon?
http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2010/01/japanese-senators-ask-tough-questions.htmlhttp://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2010/01/japanese-senators-ask-tough-questions.htmlJapanese Senators ask the tough questions
you see the representatives of the Japanese people exercise their critical thinking skills in public - aware of bogus origins of the "War on Terror" (whatever that means)-aware that we've all just taken the word of some paid-for people - while ignoring real science. Must be nice to have a functioning government - anyway - take a peek.

David Ray Griffin at Boston University, Part 1 of 8

David Ray Griffin's lecture at Boston University on April 11, 2009 (9/11, Time For a Second Look) . Dr. Griffin meticulously presents the case for a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks--the 9/11 Commission Report on the "official" conspiracy theory is full of contradictions and apparent lies. 1st. of 8 parts.

... so why bother ... I'm done with the stupid who want to disrupt this thread ... if they want to be stupid I certainly won't stand in their way ... and it doesn't bother me that they try to stand in the way of a real investigation ... the fact that they are stupid explains their behavior and makes them of no consequence of exposing the lies and reporting the FACTS ... so ignore them ... I certain intend to ... they are not even worth taking a good dump on ... now on to the 911 news.

awsome grow rebel let me try to see if I can debunk you point by point

[URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/30/nyregion/30trial.html?partner=rss&emc=rss"]U.S. Drops Plan for a 9/11 Trial in New York City [/URL]
Why am I NOT surprised ... they dropped the plans to do it im manhatten however they are still having it. its just that the american people in droves did not want it there it would have created 2000 police check points in manhatten for the duration of the trial as per the NYPD and many locals protested


[URL="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/22/charges-withdrawn-military-commissions-sept-suspects/"]Charges Withdrawn in Military Commissions for Sept. 11 Suspects[/URL]
Charges against 9/11 suspects were dropped "without prejudice" -- a procedural move that allows federal officials to transfer the men to trial in a civilian court and also leaves the door open to again bringing charges in military commissions.
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder if these people will ever be brought up for trial at all, or will be held in indefinite incarceration without any trial.

the charges had to be dropped in order to allow them to try them in civillian court in NY


[URL="http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/SEAsia/Story/STIStory_480171.html"]9/11 was staged: Dr M
MALAYSIA'S former premier Mahathir Mohamad claimed the Sept 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, which killed nearly 3,000 people, were staged as an excuse to 'mount attacks on the Muslim world'.
Speaking at the General Conference for the Support of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) here, Tun Dr Mahathir said killing as an excuse for war is not new to the US. He also argued that Israel was created to solve the 'Jewish problem' in Europe, saying the Holocaust had failed as a final solution against the community.

typical muslim leader curring favour with his people, notice the reference to the holocaust,

typical anti semetic rant by muslim leader

[URL="http://www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_11656"]The Real Reason for the Cancellation of the 9-11 Trial [/URL]
The Obama administration will not have an open 9-11 trial because it would expose the fraud that the person said to be Khalid Sheik Mohammed is not the terror mastermind of 9-11. He is, in fact, not even Khalid Sheik Mohammed. The person said to be KSM is a "feeble-minded" man named Ahmed Abdul Qudoos. He has been scapegoated and made to fill in for the real KSM, who was killed in Pakistan.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Under torture Ahmed Abdul Qudoos confessed to being Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Lee Harvey Oswald, Judge Crater, Amelia Earhart, and Jack the Ripper!

they are still having the civilian trials your website is trying to lie to you and make you outraged

DEETS - audio interview part 1/6

Dwain Deets - former NASA engineer - interview on REPUBLIC THEORY by Dallas Andrews and Warren Dyson.

[URL="http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2010/01/video-building-7-reporter-byron-pitts.html"]Video: Building 7 Reporter Byron Pitts "Number of things don't add up."[/URL]
"It was the one calamity that was not a surprise..."

9/11 Truth In 9 Minutes
Comparison videos of known high-rise steel structure fires of the Parque Central Tower Fire, Mandarin Hotel Fire, Windsor Tower Fire with the fires in the World Trade Center North Tower, South Tower and Building Seven. Videos of highlighted known controlled demolitions. Both top down and conventional demolitions.
You decide if the Official 9-11 Conspiracy Theory is true.

This is a pretty good video ... has some excellent comparisons of skyscrapers that burn much longer and hotter than the WTC and they didn't collapse ... been brought out before ... but the truth can't be brought out enough in this case ...

Mechanical Engineer Derek Johnson "Engineering Destruction" part 1 - Ae911Truth
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth Presentation on WTC 7 controlled Demolition.

[URL="http://www.bushstole04.com/911/standdown1.htm"]The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11: Why Was the Secret Service’s Early Request for Fighter Jets Ignored?[/URL]
The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11: Why Was the Secret Service’s Early Request for Fighter Jets Ignored?
Shortly after the second World Trade Center tower was hit, at 9:03 a.m. on September 11, 2001, an officer at Andrews Air Force Base, just outside Washington, DC, was notified that the Secret Service wanted fighter jets launched over the nation’s capital. It was now obvious the U.S. was under terrorist attack, and Washington would have been an obvious potential target. And yet the Secret Service’s request came to nothing.

[URL="http://www.bushstole04.com/911/videographer.htm"]9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero Goes Public
Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview by Voltairenet
Source: Voltairenet.org
As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent one month filming 29 tapes: “What I saw at certain moments and in certain places … is very disturbing!”
“It was very odd to me when I learned that FEMA and several other federal agencies had already moved into position at their command center at Pier 92 on September 10th, one day before the attacks.”

OOOh lookie ... here's some more crazy people that want a real investigation ... imagine my lack of surprise ...

[URL="http://world911truth.org/60-aerospace-engineers-call-for-a-new-911-investigation/"]60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
As the number of verified architect and engineer petitioners at AE911Truth passes 1,000, the number describing themselves as aerospace engineers, or as engineers who have contributed professionally to the aerospace field, exceed sixty. These sixty-plus engineers were motivated to place their names on the public record as a matter of professional and social responsibility. While the skills necessary to conduct professional forensic analysis of destroyed buildings is largely distinct from those experienced in aerospace engineering, the basic physical laws involved in an analysis of the speed, symmetry, and energy input/output balance of the World Trade Center’s destruction involve only high school physics and chemistry, some lookups regarding the energy necessary to crush concrete, and basic arithmetic.
Of course the idiots in denial are far more intelligent than these engineers ... they know so much more ... :roll:

Here's a great video of a Japan Senator asking some tough questions about 911 ... and note that the minister doesn't have the answers except ... "that's what the US government told us" ... Also notice the pictures of the pentagon he shows to MP and ask "why is there no plane wreckage at the pentagon?
Japanese Senators ask the tough questions
you see the representatives of the Japanese people exercise their critical thinking skills in public - aware of bogus origins of the "War on Terror" (whatever that means)-aware that we've all just taken the word of some paid-for people - while ignoring real science. Must be nice to have a functioning government - anyway - take a peek.

David Ray Griffin at Boston University, Part 1 of 8

David Ray Griffin's lecture at Boston University on April 11, 2009 (9/11, Time For a Second Look) . Dr. Griffin meticulously presents the case for a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks--the 9/11 Commission Report on the "official" conspiracy theory is full of contradictions and apparent lies. 1st. of 8 parts.

ok well i just took a zanext and started drinking and my buddy tired of watching me type

i will rebut these later tomorrow after reviewing them

but from debunking (your first few see above in blue) i have a feeling most of your post is deciet (not by you per say)

all i can tell you is if it was an inside job you know all of us would be ready to take down those responsible one way or the other

anyway I shall return
ok well i just took a zanext and started drinking and my buddy tired of watching me type

i will rebut these later tomorrow after reviewing them

but from debunking (your first few see above in blue) i have a feeling most of your post is deciet (not by you per say)

all i can tell you is if it was an inside job you know all of us would be ready to take down those responsible one way or the other

anyway I shall return

In other words " I gotta go find some debunking site that debunks all your links, then I will come back and try to sound intelligent by basically just spewing out whatever the debunker site said. Even if it totally contradicts anything I said before".

Its I before E, except after C. Just that little tidbit will help you come off as way more credible, because nothing says uneducated more than constant unswerving terrible spelling.
No, ur supposed to use ur own common sense.... but since by now it is evident that you don't possess it in enough quantity.... only others will get it.

9/11 truthers scheme is so convoluted and twisted as to defy common sense. But most of us can easily see that....
[QUOTE="SICC";3737528]so you guys got nothing then?!?! :lol:

maybe you should just unsubscribe[/QUOTE]


maybe you all should give up. there will be NO new investigation. :cry:
im not asking for another "investigation" lol

the info is already out there by the mass's, thats all that really matters to me
Yes, and I've already mentioned that quite a few "truthers" don't want another investigation. It's the only way they can keep the delusion intact....the way it is.
[QUOTE="SICC";3737604]im not asking for another "investigation" lol

the info is already out there by the mass's, thats all that really matters to me[/QUOTE]

so, in your own words, could you run down what "really" happened that day? a quick time line maybe. since it's "all out there" this shouldn't be a problem.

such as, ...

9:17 am - missle 2 is launched from aircraft 12 at a speed of XXXXX and an impact rate of XXXXX.

9:20 am - truck scatters "evidence" before news cameras arrive.

9:23 am - press allowed to enter site and film


In other words " I gotta go find some debunking site that debunks all your links, then I will come back and try to sound intelligent by basically just spewing out whatever the debunker site said. Even if it totally contradicts anything I said before".

Its I before E, except after C. Just that little tidbit will help you come off as way more credible, because nothing says uneducated more than constant unswerving terrible spelling.

actually its the I before E bullshit that just confuses me as I am parcially dyslexic and I before E is not a true rule here some examples my "smart" freind

here just a coulpe for you to ponder my little buddy:-P

geiger counter

so you can see for a person whos first language is was not english and the fact that I am somewhat dyslexic you can see how i got fucked by my teacher always telling me it I before E except after C

and drama I clearly stated I was too busy yesterday to debunk the rest, and that I would do it today,

dont be a lier and say things that are not true becuase you have your feeling obviously hurt,also dont put words in my mouth, as I catagotically spit them out in your face.

now let me see these clips and see what they are all about,

its funny you dont mention the first items that i already debunked off of GR's last post

what do you have to say about that blatent misinformation I already debunked, it was laughable

well let me know.
so, in your own words, could you run down what "really" happened that day? a quick time line maybe. since it's "all out there" this shouldn't be a problem.

such as, ...

9:17 am - missle 2 is launched from aircraft 12 at a speed of XXXXX and an impact rate of XXXXX.

9:20 am - truck scatters "evidence" before news cameras arrive.

9:23 am - press allowed to enter site and film



Id like to see the reply for that one looooooooooool nice one!!!


there is something that happened to me last thursday that i havent shared yet, because frankly it scared the shit out of me

i had gotten off of work early so i decided to head to my friends house for a blunt

somebody followed me to my friends house, and when i parked and got out, he turned around and pulled up next to me

i thought he was going to ask for directions or some shit so i said whats up

he responds with "what the hell is your bumper sticker supposed to mean"

i said " exactly what it says "

" and what does that mean "

so i pointed out a random 9/11 fact that doesnt add up if you believe the official nonsense...

but the reason it was scary was because this guy was like "well my father died on 9/11" and he sounded pretty pissed, and the guy was huge, 250 easy, with arms like a roid user...

i was just thinking... please please please dont get out of the car

but anyway, he left after i convinced him to watch loose change, so yeah i was afraid that when i went back out to my car my window would be broken or tires slashed etc, but nope all good... and thats my story
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