Oil leaders' private debate televised by mistake

[URL="http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Business/2007/11/19/forecast_us_dollar_could_plunge_90_pct/4876"]Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct [/URL]
A financial crisis will likely send the U.S. dollar into a free fall of as much as 90 percent and gold soaring to $2,000 an ounce, a trends researcher said. "We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen," Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente said, forecasting a "Panic of 2008."

So tell us what this means ... are we completely fucked or what? :neutral:
That's why the good mormons keep a years supply of food at all times, not entirely a bad Idea, eh? I've been discussing this with my wife and she's been telling me I'm nuts, but I believe this would be a real good Idea, A years supply of canned goods would help ease the pain if this scenario came to fruition, although it would be real hard to keep from sharing with all your neighbors and friends. I'll bet republicans would have no problem hording the food. I'd be sure to not let any greedy assholes have any, and I have the firearms and ammo to back that up.
Gee, most folks in my office are mostly conservatives and libertarians. We are all contributing food to the local food bank. We have a barrel full of canned goods in the front office ready to go to the food bank. Maybe I'd better hide it before some liberal steals it, then gives it away so he/she can feel good about him/herself. ~lol~

Gee, most folks in my office are mostly conservatives and libertarians. We are all contributing food to the local food bank. We have a barrel full of canned goods in the front office ready to go to the food bank. Maybe I'd better hide it before some liberal steals it, then gives it away so he/she can feel good about him/herself. ~lol~

You are an ass, that sums it up.
Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct
A financial crisis will likely send the U.S. dollar into a free fall of as much as 90 percent and gold soaring to $2,000 an ounce, a trends researcher said. "We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen," Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente said, forecasting a "Panic of 2008."

So tell us what this means ... are we completely fucked or what? :neutral:

There are always people screaming fire in the theater. What your post tells me is that people read articles and don't consider any logical way to interpret.
Yeah right ... the director of the institute ... who job it is to know trends ... just read some articles and didn't consider any logical way to interpret ... sure ... sure ...
Ahh the "amero" if u all go to youtube.com and search "north american union". then go down until you see the video titled "NORTH AMERICAN UNION & VCHIP TRUTH". watch this video it will make you think...
Not to hijack the thread or anything but where is your avatar from GrowRebel? I remember that thing being in a video game and constantly pissing me off, but for the life of me I can't remember where (imagine that).
Not to hijack the thread or anything but where is your avatar from GrowRebel? I remember that thing being in a video game and constantly pissing me off, but for the life of me I can't remember where (imagine that).

It's been so long ... I can't remember where I got it ... :confused: I just thought is fit my personality ... :mrgreen:
Might not have been an "accident":wink:

The truth is all types of securty at these talks is three deep and a supposed mistake like this would take more than one on the inside without the help of errors made by others.

Common sence says that venezuela and iran couldn't get what they wanted from the talks and the releasing of this part of the talks goes a long way towards geting what they want, and that is the untying of the dollar to the price of oil.
What comes later will show if others are involved.
Common sence says that venezuela and iran couldn't get what they wanted from the talks and the releasing of this part of the talks goes a long way towards geting what they want, and that is the untying of the dollar to the price of oil.
What comes later will show if others are involved.

Ahh the "amero" if u all go to youtube.com and search "north american union". then go down until you see the video titled "NORTH AMERICAN UNION & VCHIP TRUTH". watch this video it will make you think...

I will be checking this out as soon as I get home. It sounds like it is right up my alley:wink:
If we let the dollar float, it will sink like a lead balloon. No other nation could survive this burden of debt without an internal collapse. The FED bankers are creating dollars out of thin air and the rest of the world is catching on.
Exactly Med, "Oh we need more money for the war...start up the $100 bill press". Every US dollar used to be backed by gold or silver, sadly that is not the case anymore.
Exactly Med, "Oh we need more money for the war...start up the $100 bill press". Every US dollar used to be backed by gold or silver, sadly that is not the case anymore.
Do you remember the C130s that flew to Iraq loaded with 100 dollar bills, billions of them, most of them have been diverted to private bank accounts by the leading Iraqis, why should they care what happens to their country, they are all millionaires many times over. They had the money stacked on pallets, pallets of 100 dollar bills, can you even imagine that. I should have volunteered to go to Iraq and help unload the money, can you just see those Iraqis unloading those pallets. There was little to no accounting of that money. All we know is that most of it is gone. Another genious plan by the Bush regime.