hotsxyman911's guide to making cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
We ended up making molasses cookies. the recipe used 12 Tbs of butter and made about three dozen soft molasses cookies. I ate two of them and caught a great buzz. I think the strength is just about right. The molasses, ginger, cinnamon and allspice blended nicely with the canna taste too.

I have enough butter to make 3 more batches.:bigjoint:

Then I'll have to think about making more butter.:lol:


Active Member
We ended up making molasses cookies. the recipe used 12 Tbs of butter and made about three dozen soft molasses cookies. I ate two of them and caught a great buzz. I think the strength is just about right. The molasses, ginger, cinnamon and allspice blended nicely with the canna taste too.

I have enough butter to make 3 more batches.:bigjoint:

Then I'll have to think about making more butter.:lol:
yeah its all about how big the portions are also, because i make brownies for dispensaries in orange county and they are called knock out drops and they literally are bitesize lol my butter is pretty potent because i generally use 70-80g per lb


Well-Known Member
hi i have 9 blueberry clone almost ready to flower im planning to use all the trim from the 9plants for butter, im vegging these plants for 6-8wks so they will be at least 6'' tall how many brownies do you think i should make out of the trim from 9 plants??? i have a very high tolerence and was planning on making 9 brownies from the 9 plants? will this be strong enuff? too strong???


Active Member
hi i have 9 blueberry clone almost ready to flower im planning to use all the trim from the 9plants for butter, im vegging these plants for 6-8wks so they will be at least 6'' tall how many brownies do you think i should make out of the trim from 9 plants??? i have a very high tolerence and was planning on making 9 brownies from the 9 plants? will this be strong enuff? too strong???
I just made soem cookies with the butter i made last nite. I used an entire autoflowering plant, stems and all in 1lb of butter. it was prolly about 98g of material. got about 30min till the results are in. I'll let ya know.:bigjoint:


Active Member
oh wow haha that is going to be some potent shit, if i was to use the WHOLE plant i would have atleast used 2 lbs of butter have fun with that let me know =]


Active Member
yummm ive only made cannabutter once but I'll have to try this method soon- my brownies tasted like crap then :( hopefully this one works better :D


Active Member
I just made soem cookies with the butter i made last nite. I used an entire autoflowering plant, stems and all in 1lb of butter. it was prolly about 98g of material. got about 30min till the results are in. I'll let ya know.:bigjoint:
well it's been a little more than 30min lol but anyways that shit was out of this world. i had hallucinations, no exaggeration, from one brownie and one cookie. so yea in retrospect maybe not the whole plant next time. great method though.


New Member
SO I wonder if Lokee is still in the bud coma. I have a serious question, I alreadydo my crockpot budder but my lastbatch didnt turn out as potent as I want it. is it beneficial to re-cook that batch into my next one to increase its potency? I wonder if anyonehas done that before.


Well-Known Member
Good shit man! Great recipe. If I was growin right now and had trim i'd make some. How much fire bud would be needed to make 2 sticks of cannabutter?
Had alittle stem collection goin, i fiugred after my plants grow this collection would be pointless due to amout of stem and leaf i'd get from my plants..
but anyways used you method how ever, to strain it all I used was a paper towel, so itworked fine. but thats only because im stuck in a snow storm and I cant get out. :weed:

awesome thanks abunch man, heres pictures of what i did with little amounts of stem.

Ive got a question tho.. If I were to put it in oatmeal and stir it in and then microwave it wll this work? and would i put alot of butter or will little get me high?


Active Member
it all depends on how strong your butter is and yes you can do that, shit you can put the butter in whatever you want. it all depends on potency and your butter looks just like mine, GOOD haha