woulda a 10 hours on 14 hours off light cycle work for flowering marijuana?
woulda a 10 hours on 14 hours off light cycle work for flowering marijuana?
it would work yes, aslong as you dont go over 12 hours light
it might get into some debate but stick with the 12/12 and at the last week or 2 you can go to 10/14 to get them to mature a lil faster !!
best advice.
use 12/12, and on like week 7-8 or so switch to 10/14 and your buds will mature quicker..
12/12 is tried and true..... if it ain't broke don't fix it
how good would it work? as i hear buds grow at night not during the day or something?
like you said buds grow at night lol it would have 14 hours of dark............... thats 2 hours more than needed! if you cant figure that out then i dont know what to tell you lol