10 on 14 off for flowering

it would work yes, aslong as you dont go over 12 hours light

From SKUNK mag Vol.5 Issue 1:
"If marijuana plants grown outdoors required a 12 hour dark period to flower, they would not be induced to start flowering until September 21, the first day of Autumn, when day and night are equal length...If it were given just 10 hours of dark period daily indoors, rather than 12, it would still flower."
it might get into some debate but stick with the 12/12 and at the last week or 2 you can go to 10/14 to get them to mature a lil faster !!
it might get into some debate but stick with the 12/12 and at the last week or 2 you can go to 10/14 to get them to mature a lil faster !!

best advice.

use 12/12, and on like week 7-8 or so switch to 10/14 and your buds will mature quicker..

12/12 is tried and true..... if it ain't broke don't fix it :leaf:

k right on thanks i got my first plant in thats been in flower since the 11th of jan but didnt sprout hairs till about 2 weeks was wondering what would speed it up to get the biggest nugs
how good would it work? as i hear buds grow at night not during the day or something?

like you said buds grow at night lol it would have 14 hours of dark............... thats 2 hours more than needed! if you cant figure that out then i dont know what to tell you lol
So if you were to do the 10/14, would that decrease the potency of the bud? Or not necessarily decrease, but not reach the top level of THC it could have produced? Thanks
my light cycles suck becuase my timer dosnt have a plug for a ground. so my light cycle is shitty as fuck and slowing my bud grownig bad
like you said buds grow at night lol it would have 14 hours of dark............... thats 2 hours more than needed! if you cant figure that out then i dont know what to tell you lol

Omg dude, do some research alright. People do more dark than light so the plants mature faster and plump up. THE PLANTS RESPIRE DURING THE NIGHT CREATING THE BUDS. The more dark, the more time to create buds.
Do you really think legions of expert growers around here would be using 12/12 if there were a better alternative?
Growing with 10/14 would actually make the buds flower a little bit quicker than if you flowered using 12/12, but the bud won't go grow as large as it normally would with the 12/12 cycle. It's better to start off with 12/12 and later on flowering give them more dark like 11/13, than 10/14 like a week or two later. It helps prevent regrowth. :leaf: