who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!


Well-Known Member

ahh man bring it to me......... NOW !!!!
I never seen that before in my life.
The mac juniors are good but I only seen them at one mcdonalds ever
that looks awesome where did they sell them?
In the UK, 1987ish @ Mc Donalds, just had a funny thought....'MC Donald' - Can you imagine Ronald in his yellow overall's and bustin it MC Hammer stylee? lol, anyway lol, they retailed at approx £4.99, man I miss it, the one burger that did actually fill you up - STELTHY:-P

That's all I gotta say. They were smart to only release it during certain times of the year...fuckers.
LMAO I have never herd about that and when my brother and I worked at a Mickey D's and we made that exact same sandwich but we called it the BIGGER MAC. We enjoyed that hoss on breaks LMAO
How about we post everything that was cool, and has either been changed for the worse or discontinued!!! I can think of loads!!! - stelthy :)
I cant find images yet but here are a few ORIGINAL TIZER, NESTLE SECRET, DWEEBS, TAB CLEAR, TOOTIE-FROOTIE (original), MARS DARK N LIGHT, LUCKY CHARMS, CHOCOLATE HUBBA BUBBA, more importantly (HUBBA-BUBBA CREAM SODA) if you can find pics for these PLEASE by all means post 'em up in here :) and if you have anything else that is sorely missed please post that too!!!! ps anyone remember the lush but short lived taste of the bubble gum you got inside packs of TURTLE CARDS?? -STELTHY :)
Roland rat spaghetti, Freaky feet - icecream, Caramac, Space-Raiders, I THINK MORE PICS ARE NEEDED :) Theres gotta be heaps more products that should come back to us!!!! - STELTHY
I went to a McDonalds one time and they had "The GREAT Big Mac."

It was a Big Mac with quarter pounder patties. It was good until I shit it out almost immediately.
I forgot.

If you like Big Macs try the Tons of Fun Burger at The Cheesecake Factory. It is the Big Mac the way it should be made.

If you support McDonalds, you're supporting their racist agenda, as they cater almost exclusively to black people, leaving other races behind as they spew black power messages through their 365Black website... fuck McDonalds and fuck anyone who supports them.

See for yourself,


However, if they come out with 365White, 365Asian, 365Middle Eastern, and 365Native American, I will then support them... but as we all know, they won't.
original tizer was the shit! thye must of discountinued that shit as it had pure sugar and additives made me go crazy, couldnt stand still love it haha!

Peace x
LSD-25 for you old schoolers. You know what I'm talkin about. Or how about Tia'd Stick or as it looked like Tied Stick.