Frist time grow, Trainwreck and bag seed, please help


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply, very good info. my two afgooey are only infested on the bottoms and they are 2 weeks into flowering. should i still cut off the bad leaves? whats the best way to get rid of them in flowering?
The best way is to do a 2-3 round bug bomb. They are aresol cans that fill the room with poison fog. Thig usually gets into most things the mite can get into and kills all mites. the next round of eggs will hatch in 2-3 days and then you bomb again, this should kill the rest, but if you want to be more certain, bomb one last time 2-3 more days after the last. Most grow shops sell them for $12-$30ea. Im not sure the real difference between the cheap and the more expensive though. Here's a link to one to help the search.
But If you set one of these off, make sure everything electrical is off especially lights and fans, because as the gases build, a spark could ignite it. One way around the high buildup is to break off the lock tab that keeps the can spraying and just hold the nozzle down and with only your arm in the room until a decent fog has built up and then just stop and was your hands. Forgot to say, since in flower, I would only remove the worst leaves and and bag them up and get that garbage out of your house. if you are just trying to slow their damage you can still get the organacide and a new sponge. Spray the organacide on the sponge and gently wipe the leaves only, top and bottom. This wont usually get rid of all of them, but may get you through till harvest.


Active Member
so the bombs would work better then the organocide? on a tight budget for another week. my grow shop has both and i was also thinking of a 1/2 and 1/2 rubbing alcohol and water mix. would that help you think?

thanks for the tips + rep


Well-Known Member
so the bombs would work better then the organocide? on a tight budget for another week. my grow shop has both and i was also thinking of a 1/2 and 1/2 rubbing alcohol and water mix. would that help you think?

thanks for the tips + rep
I tried that, but it didnt seem to work well. The bombs are the best way when in flower, but using the organacide for a week before you get the bombs would really help. Those basterds spread like wild fire. premix bottle of it usually goes for less than $15.

Go Go Ganja!

Well-Known Member
the thing that comes to my mind is i dont wanna be smoking buds with poison on them!! but i dont know maybe it doesnt matter.


Well-Known Member
the thing that comes to my mind is i dont wanna be smoking buds with poison on them!! but i dont know maybe it doesnt matter.
Yeah, that was my inital though when I started fightin them, but unless you want to start over from scratch, there isnt really a choice. Organacide is an orgainic pesticide that is safe to use up to the day of harvest. heres a link to the organocide so you know what to look for...


Active Member
i bought the organocide today and used it on the two afgooeys before lights went out. that stuff smell like dirty rotten fish. got out the scope and saw those little fucks all rolled up in a ball. noticed the webbing on some lower leaves also. going to do a little trimming tomorrow. also getting some lady bugs in the next couple days. will organocide kill the lady bugs?

on the bright side i inspected all other plants with no sign of s.m. still going to use the spray on all clones from now on or dip them in something. just finished my aeroponic clone unit and cut a few new clones. purple widow and white widow. the purple was cut a few days ago and put into moist soil under shade in the veg room. today i pulled the little girl up and she had two tiny roots in two days. put her in the new box.



Well-Known Member
Im not sure if it will kill the lady bugs, But there's an easy way to find out. its good that it hasnt spread to the other plants, but always double check them and check all plants on a regular basis. Aero is supposed to be real good for cloning, but I already have dwc cloners so why spend the extra money, I too have 100% success rates. Bud shot looks great.


Active Member
thanks again and that stuff seem to work well. for how well it work it stinks twice as bad. inspected them again today and only saw 2 that could still move their arms. they weren't traveling just kind of sitting stationary and shaking. did some trimming on the worst areas and will use the organocide as needed on hot spots. lady's are here tomorrow. didn't see any on the white widow, purple widow, two flo's or the three about to get chopped.

took a sample bud off my purple leaved plant (big picture) the other day. sat it in the veg room for two days and smoked a bowl last night and one first thing today. the sample was taken of a very low branch to see how the lower would be. i am a total head and smoke all day most the time. two hits and i was/am domed. when i get real high my eyes turn real red and thats kind of a way i tell how high i am. judging from my eyes id say 10/10. very frosty and a very nice taste considering the fast dry. giving the plant her last flush tonight and Chopin her tomorrow morning. shes 105 days old today.



Well-Known Member
Cool. Glad its working out for you. Yeah there is definetly some smell with that stuff, but of all the ones I listed in the earlier post it smells is the least foul and neem being the one that drove me nuts. Couldnt stand the smell of that stuff and it lingered for hours. Glad you tried a sample. I have recommended that to severl other people and have one it myself on every plant I have ever grown. I will never cut one down without trying it first. I dry mine in a dehydrator at 105F for 24 hrs. this kills the potency about 30-50% and tastes like shit. But even through all of that, I usually like it, and if I like it like that, I always love it when it's done right. Enjoy your harvest and make sure to grab some good bud porn pics before the chop.


Active Member
well the day has come and my purple looking plant got the chop. took me like 4 hours to trim her. it was my first time and all. the next 2 will get harvested in the next week or so. my friend said that it could be blue dream but who really knows. all i know is it looks so fucking dank and my room smells so good now.

any guess on how much this plant will weigh dry?


Well-Known Member
forgot to upload the picture. give me a break, its late/early and i'm high as fuck off scissor and finger hash.
Looks great! Hard to guess weight, but I'll say, somewhere between 50-100g, dry. Hey just a tip, passed to me when my first plant was hanging - cutting those stems down to about three inches will reduce your drying time by days. Here's an example of how I hang mine - smaller buds, just get cut off and tossed in a small box lined with newspaper - which also gets hung, and gently stirred daily. Drying this way, it takes the smallest buds three to four days to dry, and the largest five or six days.:mrgreen:



Active Member
thanks for the hanging tip doe. i forgot to leave a node on some of them and had to tie string to them. just going to call it good this time and leave them hanging for about a week.

my guess would be well over an ounce. thats all i really want is a z a plant but this was the smallest one also. i think 60 is about right but maybe a little less.


Active Member
did the math and if each branch has 1/8 oz average then that would be 77 grams. and i would say each branch is easily 1/8 oz.

my big girl is going to put this harvest to shame. she is over 60 inches tall and just packed with killer bud. and my mutant 4 top plant is thick and big also.

how about some pictures. picture 1-4 is the girl i just chopped. picture 5 and 6 are my purple widow buds after less then 2 weeks in flowering. picture 7-10 are the next to get chopped. my big girl is on the left. mutant is raised about 20 inches on right. that is the true color also. hope you all enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Great pics, as always! Looks like twins in that last one! Gotta love the color though. Keep up the good work!


Active Member
i really wish i knew what those three plant are. glad i still got about a dozen seeds left.

my order from the attitude has finally shipped and my a-train seeds should arrive sat. or mon. excited to get some free green house genetics. most looking forward to the supper lemon haze.


Well-Known Member
I got one of those with my recent order, I'm saving it and a Train Wreck for a day I have more patience to flower for three months!