rootbound?? pics, help!!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Im a very new gardener with 3 bubblegums in 5gal pots, They are getting kinda pale green and the leaves are droopy. Ive been feeding every other watering with 1/2 dose botanicare nutes. Ive got some smaller ones that look great so im wondering if im rootbound. Ive topped/fimmed and supercroped these girls so do i need to get into 10gals? Im 17 days into 12/12 so im hoping i just need to feed more. advice is very welcome. thanks!



Well-Known Member
thanks! i love good news, I should of took pics of the others, they are much darker than these ones that i topped and fimmed and i didnt want find out i had a problem to late to fix. can anybody guess the yield of one of these girls? they are under a 1000w HPS with co2. I had a question about humidity as well, most the time its around 55-65 but for the first day after watering it can get up to 70, will i have mold problems with that RH ? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
why arent you at full strength nutes? the plants look fine to me, if you think they need more then by all means let em have shouldnt have any problems with 5gl pots, I veg for 8wks in 3gl pots and havent had any problems...your plants wont die just because there just slows there growth down...Keep up the good work, peace


Well-Known Member
The best thing you can do to prevent mold is to have good air circulation, so more fans the better if your dealing with lil higher humidity...mine are between 50-60% rh pretty much all the way through, I add 1 more big oscillating fan last few weeks just to be safe...its good to invest $100 in a de-humidifier just so you can easily adjust your of luck, peace


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i'm really new at this and have never done dirt before. gives me peace of mind that you veg that long in 3gals. i was using 1/2 strength botonicare hydro nutes and have whitney farms dry foods in a black gold organic/perlite mix. i'm gonna up the nutes after hearing your advice. i wanted to make sure to not over fertilize like all us newbies do. those pics are of 17 days in 12/12. can you ballpark the yeild per plant? appreciate it bro.


Well-Known Member
The best practice is to under estimate your grow then surprise yourself when you've trimmed up, but in general a 1000w light should be turning over a pound unless you do something to inhibit the bud production between now and harvest time. Your plants are definately pot bound, but not root bound. The colour of those leaves tells me that whatever you are feeding them at the moment is spot on.

Keep an eye out in about 5 days time though, you should see them asking for more food as they enter the week 4 phase of bud production.


Well-Known Member
ty+rep jonus, thanks bro, Are there more ways than the shade of green to tell if the plant wants more food?

drew k.420

Active Member
your not going to get a pound a plant from your set up bcause its not the 100%optimum conditions that you would need to produce a pound,lets just say youll get about an ounce and a half that way when you dont get a pound you wont be dissapointed and if you get two ounces youll be extrmely happy..good luck!

drew k.420

Active Member
whatever nute regimen you have them on now looks just fine ,but if you want to bump it up dont go str8 to 100%full on nutes or they will fry and youll get even less bud.

drew k.420

Active Member
i was going by what i saw in the pics..if your setup is perfect than you should get a pound i guess.but if not your not getting a plants looked just like yours(same size)and my set up is two 600 watt hps on movers in a 8x8x10 grow tent with temps at 80-85 and r/h at 60-70%whi ch is pretty good and no poun d...i just didnt want you to be dissapointed when you dont get that much.


Well-Known Member
i was going by what i saw in the pics..if your setup is perfect than you should get a pound i guess.but if not your not getting a plants looked just like yours(same size)and my set up is two 600 watt hps on movers in a 8x8x10 grow tent with temps at 80-85 and r/h at 60-70%whi ch is pretty good and no poun d...i just didnt want you to be dissapointed when you dont get that much.
thanks Drew, I hear you on not expecting anywhere near what the pros get, Id be lying to say I havnt been thinking about yield like a 10 yr old at x mass but if i got a couple oz a plant id be stoked, more than anything id love quality. How close did you get with 2 600s bro?


Active Member
Dude what is ur prob????????they look fine to me,and try some fox farm's tiger bloom the stuff works great!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude what is ur prob????????they look fine to me,and try some fox farm's tiger bloom the stuff works great!!!
thanks indy, the pic doesnot show it but my others are darker, these BGs are getting lighter green and being new and worrying to much, I didnt want to mess up. Ive been using botanicare pro blend,liqued karma,cal/mag,hydroplex and sweet all at 1/2 dose every other watering, the ppm of my food is around 700 but i just raised it to 1000 and have been feeding every watering the last week, I mixed dry food in with the soil/perlite as well. I saw they were/are getting lighter than the others and wasnt sure my pots were big enuff.