First time DWC Grow



Ello guys/gals,

I just got my purdy grow light today, and I am eager for everything.


1.) 5 gallon bucket
2.) Active Aqua Dual-Output pump+ AQT 3000 aquarium pump
3.) Sun System 150 watt HPS light
4.) General Hydorponics (Maxi-Bloom&Maxi-Grow)

Very little as I am only wanting 1 plant at a time. As my state still has STRICT laws on use and cultivation of marijuana. Very cheap and useful. My grow box is a(n) old Huggies diaper box, wrapped internally with tinfoil with a 8w fluorescent cabinet light on the top. I don't think it's doing the job too well as the area I have the babies in stays roughly between 30-60 degrees. Maybe it is too cold? Would I need heat on the seedlings?

But, that is my CHEAP set-up for right now. Don't have a big budget for it and I am also starting out. So I don't want to dump boo koos of money right yet while I'm still getting the green thumb. Pics will be coming soon.


Active Member
Ello guys/gals,

I just got my purdy grow light today, and I am eager for everything.


1.) 5 gallon bucket
2.) Active Aqua Dual-Output pump+ AQT 3000 aquarium pump
3.) Sun System 150 watt HPS light
4.) General Hydorponics (Maxi-Bloom&Maxi-Grow)

Very little as I am only wanting 1 plant at a time. As my state still has STRICT laws on use and cultivation of marijuana. Very cheap and useful. My grow box is a(n) old Huggies diaper box, wrapped internally with tinfoil with a 8w fluorescent cabinet light on the top. I don't think it's doing the job too well as the area I have the babies in stays roughly between 30-60 degrees. Maybe it is too cold? Would I need heat on the seedlings?

But, that is my CHEAP set-up for right now. Don't have a big budget for it and I am also starting out. So I don't want to dump boo koos of money right yet while I'm still getting the green thumb. Pics will be coming soon.

Man, I feel ya. Im the king of cheap DIY! Nothing wrong with that. Check out my journal, and you'll see what I mean. Maybe even give you the reassurance you need. LOL
Good luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
Good Luck on the grow the only thing else you really need is a ph tester
yah your gonna have to keep up with ph and EC, also you might want to rethink the tinfoil, it can cause hotspots. if you cant afford some good mylar or something white printer paper would prolly be better then tinfoil. with a 150 watt it may not even matter


Im using tinfoil for right now. I might go and get a warming blanket or a sun visor tomorrow. I have some questions, Is it ok to leave my light on 24hrs now, or should I wait? And also, i have the fan blowing all thru the grow box, is that ok? And, Is it ok to have my seedlings in the same box?




So, I woke-up this morning with 4 of my seedling babies dried up. The only guess I had was that I didnt have no water in the bottom for the plants to stay wet? I don't know, but the one I have in the bucket is going just fine, and is closer to the light. But hey, you learn from your mistakes when start out I reckon.

Illegal Smile

30-60 is way too cold. You want seedings in the upper 70s with high humidity.
illegal smile is right, during the seedling stage, spring is the season being needed to be represented. which in spring you have high humidity, and for your temperature.. you always want it to be at the very minimum of like 65 i would say. most ppl try to keep it around 70 to 80 but if your temp cant be that high, you might beable to pull it off, just realize how much stress thats putting on your girls!


Damn, that really sucks about your seedlings. Now all you can do is to put your effort into the one in the bucket. I know you are doing this cheap, but you really do need to add some more light to the mix. CFLs are deffinitely an economic solution for lighting. Maybe add 2 - 100 watt output eqivalents in the 6500 K spectrum. That might even get the temp up a little in your box as well. Hope this gives you some help. I am new at this too, and these were some of the answers i got at the local hydro shop where I live. Good luck and smoke good.

You can check out my grow if you want. Thanks


Well-Known Member
i do my seedlings in rockwool also and have had some trial and error mistakes lol. for a while i had alot of damping off cause i kept my blocks to wet, then to dry lol. i would say keep the plastic on your blocks till they are rdy for transplant. will protect any roots that grow out the sides, and keep moisture in longer. after a while i starter just watering from the bottom by dipping the cubes bottom in water once or twice a day tops. check moisture by weight, pick up a dry cube and wet it then pick it up and feel the diff, as your cubes get lighter you can tell when they need a little water


Ello guys, well my baby in the bucket is looking immaculate so far. I shall have some pics by the weekend. My slow connection at the time is really hindering me. But I've noticed my very first leaves (the ones at the bottom of the stalk now) are yellowish and dying off. The other ones are fine but with a little bit of black tint. Just a LITTLE. I'm not sure if it's the bagseed or what. But I just swapped out the bucket Saturday and added new fresh water and nutes and a dab of lemon juice for the Ph since I haven't got any Ph down yet. I will take some pics maybe 2maro or the Wed and post them and let ya'll see my progress so far.


This is 1 week and 4 days after being put in the dwc system. Sorry for the up-close pics but it's what my wife took. But here she is. She's even bigger today but haven't had time to take pics.



dude i think your plants gonna be nice man i just purchased my first dwc i got a 6 pot bubbler fed from a seperate nuts tank so when ever the buckets get low it just fills itself right back up ill be keepin an eye on your grow man peace out


Thanks Nathan, I would love to have a set-up like what you have. It gets aggravating when you have such a busy schedule having to change water, adjust Ph, etc etc. But hey, I'm going reap the fruits of my labor :). T/y for commenting man. I'm doing this on a VERY low budget. First time also. Just an ordinary bag seed, I'm deciding on which strain I would like to grow next. I'm just trial and erroring right now. Try to give me some schematics on that system man I would love to try and build one.


Well-Known Member
You might want to fill that netpot up with more hydroton, there has to be a ton of light getting in your resevoir the way you have it set up now. Which is going to cause you trouble in the future.


Can i put the Hydorton around the stalk? I wasn't sure that's why I have it like that. Im a newb to the growing area man. She's even bigger today. HUGE!!! I'm already having some trouble with the water going down quick and getting light in it. Algae on the bubblers and the buckets. Would I have to move the rockwool or just pile the rocks in?


Well-Known Member
Can i put the Hydorton around the stalk? I wasn't sure that's why I have it like that. Im a newb to the growing area man. She's even bigger today. HUGE!!! I'm already having some trouble with the water going down quick and getting light in it. Algae on the bubblers and the buckets. Would I have to move the rockwool or just pile the rocks in?
yeah you can put it around the stalk. Your netpot looks pretty big, you might need to put the rockwool on top of a little more hydroton to avoid burying it when you fill it in around the sides. Hard to tell from the pic though.


I cant pull the it out now. My baby has one heck of a root system growing out. So I'm supposed to disturb them right? I'm in the process of building a bigger box now cause my light is like 11 inches from the plant and she's getting to grow taller so I can't let it hit the light. But she is wonderful. I thought for sure i'd kill her or something lol. Didn't think it was this easy lol. I know I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg on knowledge with this set-up here but I think I'm doing purdy darn good lol. Anywho, I'm going to take some better pics Friday or Saturday when I change her water and tape up the open holes on my net pot to reduce the light in the bucket. I wana get some of her roots to you guys and some of how big she is now. She is enormous :)

growman 5000

wow, i cant believe no one mentioned sooner about the temps or the humidity dome.

Go to lowes and get the jiffy plugs humidity dome next time. Keep things sprayed at least once a day.

Keep temps above 70, and below 85 if you can.

Way sorry to hear about your seedlings drying up. Hit me up when you have questions about dwc, peace