Religious views

indy kuh

Active Member
So tell me, what are your religious views?

I am atheist, raised christian all my life, my dads even a preacher.

But I am against all religion, I find proof of god as a logical fallacy. I think that religion drives people away from eachother.

Is there anyone out there who can put up a good debate on religion?


Well-Known Member
a good debate on religion is probably impossible. so many people follow it so blindly and want to shove it down your face they get distracted at whats important. just look at christianity. you got catholic, baptist, church of christ, church of nazarenne, etc, etc. all this division from one book. well a church divided is no church at all. no, religion is meant to control the masses and gain tax free income. catholics, i believe, are some of the most blasphemous people. i wonder what bible they read sometimes


Well-Known Member
So tell me, what are your religious views?

I am atheist, raised christian all my life, my dads even a preacher.

But I am against all religion, I find proof of god as a logical fallacy. I think that religion drives people away from eachother.

Is there anyone out there who can put up a good debate on religion?
Well I never actually had any thought that there wasn't a God but I hated the Christian God the majority of my life but since I had a God experience and was healed I kinds realized that all the twisting of Scripture I did was just because I din't understand the "whole picture"....eventually after having been a part of just about ever belief system out there and having been rasied by what I felt were hypocritical Christians I used to do all I could to screw with young Christians not strong in their faith....

But even after my God experience I din't really take it seriously and tried to make excuses as for how it could have happened but then I realized that the people I knew who were good Christians and really tried to follow the Word, not just push rules on people, well they had nice lives and nice stuff....but I didn't give it my all and I felt fake at points and drifted away...but just for the sake of giving it an honest try I figured I would try to let go of all my predisposed beliefs and just read it a few times though and try to see what was behind it all.

Any book that coincides seemlessly written by 40 authors who never met on 3 continents over 1600yrs is pretty amazing in itself, then after the Dead Sea scrolls discovery we had proof that the manuscripts we have today are authentic and unchanged...another astounding miracle in itself since men are so easily corrupted I would think they would go the way of the Roman Catholic Church and write what you think it should say instead...but that wasn't the case.

So it ocoured to me one day having an occult background and knowing demons exist that maybe the rest is real too...I have seen demons before ever touching drugs so I wont even debate that with people... but anyway if demons like stuff done a certain way, why wouldn't God?

So I read somewhere that we need to take the whole thing and not just cherrypick so I read it through a couple times and started applying what I was learning and within a matter of weeks my life changed dramatically for the better and even got parole after escaping from the parole office when they tried bringing me back to jail the last another miracle IMO...anyway it has been 3 yrs and God took me from a worthless heroin addict thief/crackhead/cokefiend and gave me a business making 6 ya, I will dispute you are wrong all day cuz the one true living God does exist even if you don't acknowledge Him and He loves you none the less, just the way you are.

But I also know that I tried being a Christian for a short time before and it wasn't the same. It didn't click and it didn't make sense but all I can figure is my heart wasn't in the right condition at the time or I didn't need it bad enough....whatever the case I wouldn't go back to that life for all the money in the world. God makes Himself known in so many ways in so many places.

What irritates me the most are Christians who preach a list of rules. It is about being reconciled to God through Christ (the manifestation of God the Son in the Flesh) a final passover lamb to be the last sacrifice for all sin, but it is a free gift so no one can say they earned it, not by following a bunch of rules....funny how many churchs say otherwise...makes me sad. 76.1% of America Claims to be Christian, if they only acted like it the world would be a different place. A better place...

indy kuh

Active Member
You said, and I quote "and even got parole after escaping from the parole office when they tried bringing me back to jail the last another miracle"

How the fuck is that a miracle? Seems to me that your ass just got lucky.

It really pisses me off when fundementalists are steadfast in the face of facts, trying to put up an arguement led on by their "religious truths"

It seems to me that God did not in fact give you a business, you turned your life around, and I congrat you for that.

This is just another case of "jail-time religion".


You said, and I quote "and even got parole after escaping from the parole office when they tried bringing me back to jail the last another miracle"

How the fuck is that a miracle? Seems to me that your ass just got lucky.

It really pisses me off when fundementalists are steadfast in the face of facts, trying to put up an arguement led on by their "religious truths"

It seems to me that God did not in fact give you a business, you turned your life around, and I congrat you for that.

This is just another case of "jail-time religion".
and here is the starting point where this thread goes downhill to locked-land.


Well-Known Member
i think that i would classify myself as agnostic. or simply just spiritual. i dont buy into religion. i think that its just a means to control people through fear. i do however, believe that there is more to the universe than what we perceive with our physical senses. my personal theory is that the universe itself is god, and thats the source of all life. not some dude in the sky.


Active Member
I feel terrible when I say this but I'm undecided. For some reason I just feel guilty when I say it. I was born and raised southern Baptist all my life, and living in the "bible belt" its kinda hard to escape religion. For example my 2 best friends parents are involved in church. Ones mom was my Sunday school teacher as a child and the others Dad is the pastor at our church.

Anyway Christian is what I'm closest too. Or Rasta if ya count the weed haha. But its weird. Our church was really strict growing up. Like we were considered sinners if we had a haircut that wasn't the traditional Weather man do up. (Comb over). Anyway we were considered "of the world". Weird huh? Mouths always drop when I tell this story. Its crazy stuff but there crazier mess that went on so religion is like blah to me


Active Member
I completely believe in some of the morals. I will be the first one to help some one out who is deserving and I do not need to harm anybody ect ect. But there is a lot of evil behind it, Look at Gaza its the worlds largest open air prison! Its illegal by international law! Whats going on here or even look at Scientology? I'm just out there to say be a good person for you and others not because or scared. :peace:

indy kuh

Active Member
christians are atheist towards anyother god that society has ever instilled upon them, atheists just add a god to the list

indy kuh

Active Member
I completely believe in some of the morals. I will be the first one to help some one out who is deserving and I do not need to harm anybody ect ect. But there is a lot of evil behind it, Look at Gaza its the worlds largest open air prison! Its illegal by international law! Whats going on here or even look at Scientology? I'm just out there to say be a good person for you and others not because or scared. :peace:
your signature contradicts what you just said


Well-Known Member
i think that i would classify myself as agnostic. or simply just spiritual. i dont buy into religion. i think that its just a means to control people through fear. i do however, believe that there is more to the universe than what we perceive with our physical senses. my personal theory is that the universe itself is god, and thats the source of all life. not some dude in the sky.
yea that about sums up what i think.

I feel terrible when I say this but I'm undecided. For some reason I just feel guilty when I say it. I was born and raised southern Baptist all my life, and living in the "bible belt" its kinda hard to escape religion. For example my 2 best friends parents are involved in church. Ones mom was my Sunday school teacher as a child and the others Dad is the pastor at our church.

Anyway Christian is what I'm closest too. Or Rasta if ya count the weed haha. But its weird. Our church was really strict growing up. Like we were considered sinners if we had a haircut that wasn't the traditional Weather man do up. (Comb over). Anyway we were considered "of the world". Weird huh? Mouths always drop when I tell this story. Its crazy stuff but there crazier mess that went on so religion is like blah to me
i feel ya man. i was raised the same way. but when i grew up and realized it was just full of a bunch of hypocrites and what not, well lets just say i started changing views. sometimes you just got to stop caring about what other people think of you.


Well-Known Member
All kinds of crazy beliefs have come and gone over the centuries: the sun is a guy riding a chariot, elephant god with a bunch of arms, thunder gods, etc.. The current ones aren't much different or any more believable to me... they just happen to be really popular at this point in history, and somehow that makes them more acceptable.


Well-Known Member
So you started a thread to debate religion and the first religious post you just rip up?:dunce:

I thought you said you were looking for debate not slow-moving targets for your weak insulting skills.

You said, and I quote "and even got parole after escaping from the parole office when they tried bringing me back to jail the last another miracle"

How the fuck is that a miracle? Seems to me that your ass just got lucky.

It really pisses me off when fundementalists are steadfast in the face of facts, trying to put up an arguement led on by their "religious truths"

It seems to me that God did not in fact give you a business, you turned your life around, and I congrat you for that.

This is just another case of "jail-time religion".


Active Member
HYPOCRITES thats the word. My so called Pastor just finished serving a 9 year prison term and was once accused in a court of law as being a child molester. Crazy shit.So i have my huge doubts. Just crazy


Well-Known Member
I aint shit but when I was locked up I read the Quran I think thats how its spelled.It was very interesting and a very long read but I dont wanna become muslim or anything really.Muslims are some good people though the ones I know would give you the shirt off there back if you asked for it.Then you have the extremists and im not even gonna get into them.


Active Member
Jesus said, "[You need no man to teach you. I will send my father's spirit into the world to instruct]".
And here we have an agnostic who knows that, " my personal theory is that the universe itself is god, and thats the source of all life. not some dude in the sky." -sara22 just relayed the singular theme between all Judea-Christian-Muslim-Bhuddist faiths. {in Genesis God tells Joseph that through his children he will save EVEN the gentiles.}

God shows himself to people in any way he chooses, not in the manner prescribed by some slick haired seminarian under bright lights. Quit it. I ain't hearin it anymore.

And , Indy Kuh, in my personal opinion: I think it's in bad taste to start a thread asking people about what they believe in only to insult them. Makes you no better than a spanish inquisitor. Get a punching bag.

indy kuh

Active Member
Haha, well I'm not ripping anything except these bong hits. I also wouln't say that my insulting skills are "weak" lol..

Im liking what Im reading.

And thats crazy....another hypocrite pastor!! lol