Club 600


Well-Known Member
Ohh where do i start heres the list. 2liters Zone,1 gal Silica, 3 gal Add 2.7, 1 gal Grow A 1 gal Grow B, 20 Liters Gold Flower A, 20 Liters Gold Flower B. Enough to mix an 80 gallon batch several times over i hope.:o

I havent checked internet priced yet. But i like the idea of being aable to just go get them and not delivered. Extra safety measure. Shipping would be outrageous also.
Yeah, that'll do it. Nutrients are the worst part of hydro. But thats a little high still. I get my whole set for right around $300 and the grow store. But I use the Technaflora line-up


Well-Known Member
plants look dank drips, but i cant really tell when they should be done.
so instead of a transplant that could cause stress. i decide to cut the bottoms off a ten gal grow bag and place my other pot with the plant in it and cover up with dirt so the roots will beable to grow outside the bottom holes into the new soil it worked pretty well with no shock att all. it looks getto but it will have to do. heres a few pics to show u what i mean. also the girls in flower are 24 days of 12/12 do they look alright bud size wise


Hey guys hoping someone can help me im having a few different problems one of my soil plants has some leaves that are yellowing in between the veins that is pic one

im also having an issue i grow soil & aero (self built) and my aero plants grew much faster and larger than the soil but dont seem to be budding as fast the buds are barley there at all but the soil plants have nice popcorn buds popping up all over the place pic 2 and 3 are the aero bud sites and pic 4 and 5 are the soil bud sites



Well-Known Member
What a beautiful room of shineyness 1BMM. I love the look of mylar. I have boring white walls, but I am thinking of doing an overhaul for the next run.....whole new build....we shall see. Enjoy the puff, just waiting for my day to finish to twist one up...

Peace, DST
DST my bro/u lol. Mylar is cool. It works well. Heres my peeves with it. Pics are obviously the down fall for a grow & show. Think you got a good pic and then you can see yourself in the back. From my inquiring mind ive read that black white poly is just slightly lesh reflective. Plus if you ever got to get rid off it, in say a dumpster its alot harder to explain a legit reason for using it. Gift wrapping lol best fkn thing i can think of bro. I would much rather the b w poly. Although taking a tall draw off the bong in there is kinda cool. Like being in the house of mirrors at the carnival or fair. trippy. Also it wears fast, its basically chrome spay painted box tape.

Ohh by the way overhaul maybe ayy?. The jungle is soo cool bro. what would you do diffrent?. Man im so T Totally baked. had a pre season crew meeting with my boys about the up coming projects. Blaaa blaa im rambling again or blethering lol. :eyesmoke: Peace bru. 1BMM

It's the 80 gallon rez. That's why so much. 1BMM I would plan on cutting the water down when the roots get long enough, I think I mentioned that. Maybe use only 60%... the buckets don't need to be full all the time. And I would say a qp per plant is resonable.

Thats cool Jig and yeah that is a perty $. But im one who likes to see things through. We will see . I know you did well with the vert scrog. Thats something to be proud off fo sho. Was very impressed:bigjoint:Thats my inspiration for this grow as yours is to H R. were engineering new shit and its awesome. Peace my nug.

DST... awesome floor you got there. My wife has done a couple mosaics, but nothng like that. WOW.

Agreed :hump: and beautiful wall as well. You and the Mrs. are some artistic folks. :D. I love it man im so blown away by the talent of this group of folks. Anonymous brilliance. Love it .

This has got to be one of the best threads on riu by far. Stickity sstoned again my friends. :bigjoint:

I also really like the wall. Very distinct. Props mate.

1Bad....nice DIY cloner. I am making one out of a 25 gal res....heavy duty. right now running a 3 bucket central res system. 5 gal res too small.....these 2 chics are 2-4 gal a day. Make it yourself. Its better cause if anything goes wrong you know whats happening.

so postin in the 600 club.

Here we go. Im in week 7 12/12 trich's look clear. nugs fattening coke can size right now. I used a jewelers loop 30x over my camera lens for some of these pics.

only had like 2 problems throughout. One was PM....cleaned house and all better. I also realized that my intake takes in dew at like 3-7 am thats like 90% that fixed it when I managed that. The other was a little burnage...just slight on the leaves due to adjusting my ventilation and temps getting 94-96ish. But overall awesome.

I have lots of pics in my album....check em out. Here are a few. I was thinking that nutes for another week and then flush for 2. Is she almost ready? just helps not to have different insights.

Harvest predictions?
Thanks for droppin in D420. Im far to stoned to predict anything other than how many more beers i can drink before i crash. haha. We dont do much speculating over here bud. Its a show and tell what you and the lights can do bro. Looks like your well on your way though. hang around and show your stuff dooob. Peace 1BMM

Sounds like a mission. If you haven't got a seperate veg tent, or seperate area all together, I wouldn't start getting involved in trying to breed seeds. imo. Just get some nice gear to smoke from your girls first, then you will have either A/ Money saved to get a little bit more equipment - i.e for a flower room or- B/ You won't be bothered about trying new seed strains, buying some or whatever. Just my humble advise bru.

I stop 1 week before, but I grow coco. One of the bubble/hydro boys will gen you up I am sure.

Agreed. It can be done but i would do a great deal of reading first. pollen indoors is a no no imo unless you want seeds.

Try checking his journal, see if you got the same problem. Perhaps it's only people who are Registered Friends, or as 1BMM say, his Album might be private...poss.

yup i set it to private. didnt know yall couldnt see it. Got it fixed. Fkn mylar. no good for a gro sho.

it's like the plague man, spreads for your lives:shock:

Dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt. It's like 6 euro for a bag of coco, and like 20 euro for 2 X 1 litres of organic growin some of the Cheech and CHong turn you into a Lizard shizzle? lol. You gotta do what you gotta do I suppose. And yes I can see your pics...very nice thanks...hehe

I know my nug. love soil truly love it. i may have to revert if the dm fails. I dont know im gonna try it though for better or worse. lol. I do like soil though its so much more user friendly. Gotta be like frankenstein to run this monster i built. Tryin to automate as much as i can of it. Just gonna have to watch the ppm EC close. Im learning daily, i love to read. Peace 1BMM.

He expected scantily clad young vixens to come round and rub themselves against him while he tended his girls.....:shock:

waaa huhhh lol.

Good luck with it bru...hope it slows the yellowing down.

Thanks Jig lad. Props to the wife, her desgin natcho.


Welcome to the 600 Drips, Looks to be almost done there, give it a week or so poss. Depends how you like yer bif.

Do I get a prize if I guess right? hehehe.

Peace, DST
Yeah, that'll do it. Nutrients are the worst part of hydro. But thats a little high still. I get my whole set for right around $300 and the grow store. But I use the Technaflora line-up
plants look dank drips, but i cant really tell when they should be done.
so instead of a transplant that could cause stress. i decide to cut the bottoms off a ten gal grow bag and place my other pot with the plant in it and cover up with dirt so the roots will beable to grow outside the bottom holes into the new soil it worked pretty well with no shock att all. it looks getto but it will have to do. heres a few pics to show u what i mean. also the girls in flower are 24 days of 12/12 do they look alright bud size wise
Hey guys hoping someone can help me im having a few different problems one of my soil plants has some leaves that are yellowing in between the veins that is pic one

im also having an issue i grow soil & aero (self built) and my aero plants grew much faster and larger than the soil but dont seem to be budding as fast the buds are barley there at all but the soil plants have nice popcorn buds popping up all over the place pic 2 and 3 are the aero bud sites and pic 4 and 5 are the soil bud sites
MCP lookin lovely a usual my nug.


Well-Known Member
plants look dank drips, but i cant really tell when they should be done.
so instead of a transplant that could cause stress. i decide to cut the bottoms off a ten gal grow bag and place my other pot with the plant in it and cover up with dirt so the roots will beable to grow outside the bottom holes into the new soil it worked pretty well with no shock att all. it looks getto but it will have to do. heres a few pics to show u what i mean. also the girls in flower are 24 days of 12/12 do they look alright bud size wise
Nice McP!!! Loving the getto design, lol. And they are looking cool for 24 days for sure!

Hey guys hoping someone can help me im having a few different problems one of my soil plants has some leaves that are yellowing in between the veins that is pic one

im also having an issue i grow soil & aero (self built) and my aero plants grew much faster and larger than the soil but dont seem to be budding as fast the buds are barley there at all but the soil plants have nice popcorn buds popping up all over the place pic 2 and 3 are the aero bud sites and pic 4 and 5 are the soil bud sites
Difficult to tell Hatter with those pics, but with the description I think it could be a
Potassium (K) problem....
Interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the leaf veins) develops.

:eyesmoke:Sorry if i fogot anyone jus power fried an ready foa snoozyy. Peace catch yall on the flip side 1BMM.........
Catch up wit you peeps ron...



Well-Known Member
Super Dank shots Bender!!! Very nice.

Here's my OG Kush to compare^^^^^Looks exactly the same in Veg..... is it the same in flower?


Well-Known Member
ageed very nice pics and plants to the both of you bender and dst. and dam bender thats one huge plant in the first pic

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
help guys!!!!

is it normal for my plants leaves to poit up to the light - its only happening on my white widows not to the big bang and only in the last couple of days - temps are between 24-29c day and 18-23c night, RH is 40-50% day - 70-60% night - some of these are estimates as i have had to check at different times, my new max/min therm/hygro arrived today so will know more exact temps tomo. i have my bulb 18" away from the big bang top which is 22" tall - the widows are 182 & 16.5" so further away from the bulb.

will take a pick in a bit but a heads up would be nice.

ps. they had nutes with their water this morning, 2ml grow per litre & 2ml bloom per litre. the WW had 1.25 litres and the big bang had 1.5 litre. BB in a 10 litre pot the WW's are in 14 litre pots.

i know this isnt the sick plants thread but since i was looking through the 600 club posts i thought id just ask.



eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
i had thast happen to me to, but i was told its fine and that theri most likely reachin fot the light
thanks bro - thought as much but first grow so overly paranoid!!

your turned out sweet then?

i must admit even tho ive nowt to compare them to i think they look good.


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for your kind words guys,

I reckon all OGs look quite similar during veg, it's the bloom where the pheno shines.
Yeah our OGs during flower look way different.

What medium and nutes was you amazing OG in DST? Did you notice it was more susceptible to powdery mildew then other strains.

Here is another shot for you

Day 41 Bloom




Well-Known Member
lol.... you two deserve each other. Kinda hard to tell what you mean without pics... but if your leaves are doing what I think they are doing... that means your plant is happy as all get out.

I would take it as the WW praising your ability to grow.

It's cute how much you guys worry. ;-) I kinda go the other way now, and tend to not worry enough. :sad: It's all about balance I guess. :-P


Well-Known Member
lol.... you two deserve each other. Kinda hard to tell what you mean without pics... but if your leaves are doing what I think they are doing... that means your plant is happy as all get out.

I would take it as the WW praising your ability to grow.

It's cute how much you guys worry. ;-) I kinda go the other way now, and tend to not worry enough. :sad: It's all about balance I guess. :-P

LOL, yeah bro the board has all kind of folks, some worry about the smallest thing, others let their plants have a snow fight with PM and do shit.

I deffo feel like I am getting more balanced as time goes on, I used to worry about every little thing my first time around.