The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
sounds like a plan mate, hopefully a couple of months then and you'll have your evenings back

Heres hopin mate, its shit gettin up at 7 workin then uni n back home at 9, i have been skiving alot though of late, as u can prob see with the times im on here lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Sambo... what is mod? n canni beat a cheeky voddy, my fav drink...n yeah they seem to be doin ok, didnt put them under the HPS as i knew it might be to hot to start with, was a trial run on an empty room... i have a cunning plan though that may enable me to get my earowing cool shade on fri/sat, so if all goes well i may even flip the switch to 600W... heres hopin anyway lol
mod = match of the day im a yiddo m8 0-0 with fulham were do them at white hart lane so alls good.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
alrite smar3rt im good mate just watching mod n having a vodka, hows ya plants doin after there sunbed session lol you done the right fing m8 puttin them back under the cfls until you can sort it out, im well happy with the temp n humidity in mine at the mo i got 1450watt of light n the temp is 78f humidity 42% 4wks into flower thats nice ive had humidity problems but finally sorted them.

n dragon why u gotta cum home to sort the plants out? why didnt ya just feed/water b4 u went out? n havent you got ya lights on a timer? ive had to do the manuel fing a few times and its shit! problem is if ya running loads of light or power etc them cheap timers just wont work! i paid 80quid for my timer/power plug fingy lmao i dunno what its called! but it can take alot of power without failing.
yeah they're shit i,ve gone through 3 mate it takes me ages to figure the fucking things out and they stop working after a day or so, i,ve given up now and just do it by hand, even if i did get another 1 i'd be their lights on/off just to make sure it's working lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Sambo... what is mod? n canni beat a cheeky voddy, my fav drink...n yeah they seem to be doin ok, didnt put them under the HPS as i knew it might be to hot to start with, was a trial run on an empty room... i have a cunning plan though that may enable me to get my earowing cool shade on fri/sat, so if all goes well i may even flip the switch to 600W... heres hopin anyway lol
thats good then m8 i only scanned the other pages when you was saying bout the temps i didnt realise you only done a test run,

good man cause ya plants wouldnt have liked that 1 bit.


Active Member
thats good then m8 i only scanned the other pages when you was saying bout the temps i didnt realise you only done a test run,

good man cause ya plants wouldnt have liked that 1 bit.
i think at 110F they would have wilted just a tad lol, so yeah lucky was just a trial run, there is a brain workin up there... sometimes lol


Well-Known Member
i think at 110F they would have wilted just a tad lol, so yeah lucky was just a trial run, there is a brain workin up there... sometimes lol
lmao dont doubt a weed plants you could run 110f consant and still get a yeild, some of the best weed in the world hindu kush is grown in the mountins of afghanistan with sum fucked up temps!


Active Member
lmao dont doubt a weed plants you could run 110f consant and still get a yeild, some of the best weed in the world hindu kush is grown in the mountins of afghanistan with sum fucked up temps!
True, didnt think about that, but i think they have more air circulating then i do in my grow lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
cheers mate did you order from them? that looks a lot better than the shitty little things i,ve been using so far those 3 cost me 35 lol if i can afford 1 when i've put it all together i'll pick 1 up if not definately for the next 1 nothing worse than leaving the party early
thats my local growshop m8 lol ive done the same dragon with them cheap timers ya just wasting ya money m8 like you already have unfortunatly, get 1 of them and no more leavin the party early lol still keeps the missus happy n ya nose n pocket healthy lol

ja no with hydro you can even get a little machine you can fill with nute set up to your feeding schedule and not even have to look at ya plants for wks cost bucks tho.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
dont matter dragon id still headshot u! lol just joking mate i got an xbox but i dont play it that much, prefer football manager 2010 on the pc lol
lol i plan on picking up a 360 in a couple of months when moneys picked up again so we might find out lol i love cod i can't play games on the lappy i tried 1 of my misses games and my fingers just aren't up to the job lol