Holly shit! I need all help people! I am gona get tested!

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
Hi I wana know what I can do I am gina get tested tomorow!:cry: I smoke`d two days ago! gona do a urne test at the doctor. PLEASE HELP ME!:cry::cry:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i hear you can flood your system with water ,drink like two gal of water the morn. before but take multi vite so the urine will still have color


Active Member
you can do that, and you will be temporarily scott free, but the test will come back as "failed" because they can tell its diluted, when all the numbers are off.

I have also heard takeing a ton of vitamin E will give your urine the yellow color.

i cant vouch for it, but i would run to your local head shop, and see what solutions they have.

also GNC has some "detox" tea's and juices, that you drink followed by a gallon of water, that make you pee like a race horse.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
cheap multi vite packs the gas stations keep by the reg . make sure your piss is clear may take a few times pissing in the AM the idea is to over load the kidneys so they just pass the water


This is gonna seem crazy, but it actually saved me two years ago. If you can buy some time as suggested above.. Ureasample.com.


Also, if you were a regular smoker like me.. the head shop solutions just wont work at all. I tried.. and I tested myself for 3 weeks and failed. I had to go to extremes


Well-Known Member
Also, if you were a regular smoker like me.. the head shop solutions just wont work at all. I tried.. and I tested myself for 3 weeks and failed. I had to go to extremes
is your doctor testing your urine specifialy for mj


Well-Known Member
will it help if I do exersize?
I smoked a day before i went into the military and the only thing that works for me for sure is vinegar. Drink straight vinegar with water and it will clean you out. I dont know if it will work for you but it did for me. I dont know how much i just got a bottle from the store and drank it all with tons of water, then took the test and was clean. Hard as hell to get down but it works.


synthetic piss is your only sure bet... you can get it at most head shops. I like to use one called magnum. so far it's 15/15 let me know if you use it.....

comes with heat pack and a little bottle with a temperature gauge sticker thing.... its gangster

Now As A Side Note Who Knows How To Pass A Hair Follicle Test????


Well-Known Member
Holly is a plant. Get a clean friend to piss in a cup and then using a turkey baster, put it up your pee hole and fill your bladder with it. It will be uncomfortable and feel like an egg is hatching inside of you, but if you can hold it in till its time to pee, you should be ok.

Its very gross.


theres a thing called the whizinator i got from my head shop. got tested for a job and they watched me piss and never knew. its a belt that fastens around your stomach to heat up the urine to the right temp with a heatpad as well. it has a small tube with a release valve. hide that tube under ur junk and just act like ur doing your business.