I dont have many stores to choose from
Im growing in pots outside

I use the MG Organic and like it, also Hyponix is available at walmart, its super cheap but you need to add perlite or it tends to compact.
mikey hustle no one said to use fox farm because he asked what he could get from wallmart
Miracle grow regular is fine just make sure and mix with perlite/vermic or it will burn.. the organic i have twice had bags that had RIDICULOUS amounts of bugs in them.. just swarming inside the soil.. threw those away, never had bug problems with their regular though. I've read of other people having the same problem with their organic.. i dont want to microwave it cus then it kills all the good shit too. Why bother then.. drive the extra 20 mins to the hydro store and get some ocean forest! Why are you not willing to do that?
Half ocean forest and half happy frog is king.