Well-Known Member
Oh lighten up dude!!! Its gotta be a dude.
I do like the signature idea though. Yeah. that would work.
Oh and about the cold spoon of cement idea.....
open wide!
OK after reading through this thread, i've come to the conclusion that you really are very childish, you may know how to grow good weed but growing good weed and being a twit on an internet forum are two differant things, which i believe your alot better at the second one.... seriously grow up ey, with the mentality you've shown from replying to my post and the others that follow it seems you probably didn't even grow those plants and someone else did and your taking all the cred (just don't understand how someone with the mentality of a 6yo can manage such a feet). afterall how whould we know it's the net??!! thats all i have to say to you, now go gather with all your lil friends and talk about how much of a 'Jerk' that Mattao guy is. lol
the original topic was about chic status...and personally i don't really care, it's not going to stop the world if chics on a weed growing forum can't have Mrs.Ganga instead of Mr.Ganga, if it really affects you that much to be known as a chic then as i said earlier put it in your sig or where your's not that hard.
btw you need to learn definitions...jks means joke! as in ahaha im only kidding. (in ref. to treat em mean, keep em keen.) hippocrite.