2000w Purple Kush/Mystery Beans-RND3


Well-Known Member
This is my third medical grow. I welcome anyone to make comments or ask questions.
2 x 1000w HID/with mover
2 x 4x4' trays
10x8 room

The nutes I have been running are house and garden cocos a/b, drip clean, root excel, budxl, multizyn,budxl, top booster, and shooting power.
This round I am trying something new. I am adding Bloom Yellow Bottle Ooze, Phat, Final and roots to the existing h&g nutes. The Bloom as a 0-0-0 npk value so I shouldn't be over fertalizing. I have heard of a few folks that have run the Bloom with success. I am really sold on the h&g line myself, but I thought I would give the bloom a shot. With the house and garden I do add some cal/mag,Sweet, and Silcate and I will continue to this round.
I use a drain to waste system and feed them nutes with every watering. I use 50 gal of nutes every 4 days beacuse I water every other day and each plant gets a little over 2 gals. I do flush with straight R/O water while running the shooting powder.
In one tray I am running 9 purple kush ( my favorite strain) and I am running some mystery ladies (6 Mystic Cream and 2 Spice Creek) in the other. I am currently curing the two different mystery strains from the last run. I have some preliminary names picked out, but am still not sure. The names picked out are Mystic Cream for one and Spice Creek for the other.

Before you ask, I have a co-operative garden for 4 patients and I have an unlimited plant Dr. recommendation because I have a serious back injury and I use cannabanoids( etibles). As you know this requires more bud to make the butter/oil/peanut butter/ etc. So technically I could grow 99 plants, but I have been running 12 and now am running 17.

I vegged these girls for 6 weeks under two quad t-5's. The net is 14" above the medium to give you an idea of the plant heigth. I use the net for bending and weaving to keep the canopy as even as possible. All have been topped or fimmed.
Today is day 7 of flower

Mystic Cream and Spice Creek

Purple Kush

Both trays



Well-Known Member
damn raider bro, i really really want to try your PK. I don't even remember having PK.

BTW, swing by, just posted an update.


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks and welcome fellas!! ~(Passing the pipe)~I will do my best to not dissapoint :) I started to post a reply to Bender last night after a bubbler bowl and my wife had to come wake me up in my chair at 3 am. lol That damn cream puts me out quick if I am not doing anything.
Well the weather is starting to warm up here in Nor Cal so I am going to install a window unit a/c in one of the walls this weekend. I have a portable ac/dehumidifyer, but there really isn't enough room for it. So if anyone has some experience with the window units please feel free to share any advice. The damn time change has me a little off, because my lights were 7:30-7:30 and now 8:30-8:30, which might work out better as the days get warmer. I usually am on the boat a lot in the spring/summer anyway, so the later time might work out better for me..just threw me off of my schedule for a minute.
I'll post an update tonight or tomorrow, but I will be starting to step up the nutes now :)


Well-Known Member
Ok well I had typed a long update and just lost the whole thing for some reason..GRRRRR anyway this may be shorter than the original version, but here goes.

I fed tonight with 700ppm of base nutes and a total of 780ppm. The following are the doses in ml/per gal - H&G A/B 7.5 ml, .4 drip clean, .4 multi enzyme.
The following Bloom Yellow Bottle- 1ml silica, 2.5 ml cal/mag, 5ml roots.

The Bloom silica is supposed to be the strongest on the market and I might be a believer. It comes out of the bottle thick like syrup and I had to use 3 times the ph-down that I did with the Pro Silicate I had been using. As for the roots, there have been reports I have read of clumping and I did experience a large clump while pouring into the measuring cup. I will contact the rep tomorrow and see what he has to say about it.

I hadn't had the heater on, because I figured the temps were high enough. The ambient temps were getting down below 60 though so I set the thermostate on the heater to 70 deg. I also replace the CO2 Booster Bucket..

The pk tray is barely cresting the screen now while the other tray is requiring a lot of bending and weaving to get the canopy even. I will be letting this tray go now. Last run they stretched much earlier than the pk, but the pk almost cought up by week 4, so we will see.

Other issues, my damn cloner was leaking a little and the temps climbed up to 85, so I added more water with root excel. I also set the pump in the cloner to on 45min/off 15. This is something new as I usually just run 24 7, but I am trying something new here, so we will see how they like it

Anyway, I am sure I left something out, but there you have it. Now I will bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
fuuuk i was hoping to get front row seat but ill take lucky number seven. im ready for the next brotha. still here 8)
Right on man, thanks for joining the party. I can't wait to see your set-up when it is done. I am hoping to have something similar this summer when I move to my new room.:mrgreen:


Active Member
I just read in Boomer's journal that your a Vet, thats awsome, mad respect. Tell your son RIU say to come back safe. I hear shits crazy over there. But I guess that why they train so hard. Thats funny people mistake your wife and son for a couple, congrats brother you must be doin pretty good for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Nice update raider, it is a lot of fun to experiment, have fun messing around with cloning, good luck.

Today I picked up my genetics fro round 3. Chem D and Grape Romulan, I think we are all gonna be in for a wild time.


Well-Known Member
Do I Even need to say Subscribed, lol. The last round looks delicious !

I just read in Boomer's journal that your a Vet, thats awsome, mad respect. Tell your son RIU say to come back safe. I hear shits crazy over there. But I guess that why they train so hard. Thats funny people mistake your wife and son for a couple, congrats brother you must be doin pretty good for yourself.
Thanks man for the kind words man. Man you really did some reading. Yeah you combine the 13 1/2 year age differnce and the fact that my fwife looks like a teenager and we do get some confused people when my 19 yr old son is out with us. lol Welcme welcome!!

Your journals are always worth the wait dude, can't wait to see another screen of Fat Pk colars. :bigjoint:
Thanks man, I wil be updating later tonight. I can't wait for the pk either man.. I dropped off my excess at my co-op today and they said it is the most popular they have. :blsmoke:
Nice update raider, it is a lot of fun to experiment, have fun messing around with cloning, good luck.

Today I picked up my genetics fro round 3. Chem D and Grape Romulan, I think we are all gonna be in for a wild time.
Very nice selection Bro, you know the more i think about it the more I am going back to the idea of just running the pk. I have the strain down and it is my fav..I also am thinking about doing some major room remodel which will double my space..so stay tuned this will be an endever.

just a peek at what I am up to tonight( butter) mmm mean my wife gets to make treats



Well-Known Member
Just a quick update tonight. The clones still look good in the cloner with the time off interval..I was a bit sketchy on the 15 min off thing, but they seem to be doing fine..no roots yet.

I am seeing a pretty big stretch reduction this round, especially with the pk. I don't think I will mess around with the MH in the beginning again. It really does seem to reduce the stretch. Which the pk don't need any help with..they are short plants already. One thing to note is that I topped some and fimmed some of the pk this round..we will see if they like the LST or the topping better. Anyway, the other tray is stretching nicely..I just let them go and they are really reaching for the sky..my goal was an even canopy, we will see how the weaving did. :-P

Oh and I just strained the butter through cheese cloth and moved to fridge. I think the wife is gonna make some rice crispy treats this week. :clap:

The Pk

The Cream and spice

My dog cat.. that is his bed she is on

