How many of you are ex-diehard Obama lovers


Active Member
Obama for President in 2012..........
I can dig it. Only because the unemployment extensions have been funding my new and improved grow op and allowed me to work on it exclusively when I need to. Somehow I doubt unemployment welfare would have extended if Repubs were running things. I've never taken unemployment before, but It feels good taking back what the gov stole from me over the years (in the form of taxes).

Heres to hoping for more unemployment extensions. I may come out of this a grower for life for the local medical clinics.

Otherwise its part time night job time =( til yield.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You see, CJ, your idiotic post above just shows how much you know. Have you ever had to deal with healthcare providers in "socialized countries"? When I lived in france, my girlfriend had a couple of scares with lumps in her breasts that turned out to be benign but required biopsies, surgery and god knows what else. She had access to one of the best cancer institutes in the world and never had to worry for one second about how to pay for it. Everything was covered by the public government insurance. I would hate to imagine the same scenario in the US without coverage or with shitty high-deductible, yearly cap coverage. I don't know a single person in france who has been dissatisfied with the healthcare they received...not one. So stop with this bullshit about how under "socialized medicine" you get denied treatment. It's not true. In fact, a for-profit american insurance company is much more likely to deny you access to treatment than a single-payer system.

And that's the thing I find don't want a government bureaucrat coming between you and your healthcare, but if it's some insurance company bureaucrat it's fine. And guess what? Despite all the bullshit and slogans, the actual proposal for healthcare reform under consideration right now would let you keep your insurance company hack, just force him to play by some new rules. Like you can't deny people coverage or you can't drop someone's coverage when they become sick. Stop spreading your retarded hysteria about what's in this bill. It's NOT the government running healthcare, it's basically what we have in MA.....which was put into place by, yes, mitt romney. Again, good politics isn't always good policy and vice-versa. You don't seem to understand the difference.
Abe, it's always good to have medical coverage or cash when an emergency happens. I'm sure your girlfriends ordeal was scary for both of you. I hope all is well now.

I'm afraid we disagree some on the full meaning of what is "good" though ...

It's also "good" to be able to decide some things for yourself, like if you want or need private coverage or if you'd prefer "no coverage at all."

The no coverage at all "option" doesn't exist in Massachusetts. If you simply decide you want nothing to do with it, you are fined by the state. Seems like that scheme will also be incorporated in the Federal plan.

Do you see anything wrong with fining a person for refusing to purchase a "service"?

How can a forced purchase ever be defined as anything but extortion? It matters not who the extortionist IS, it is the ACT of the extortionist that makes it extortion. Titles do not exempt perpetrators from true meanings of their ACTION despite their wishing it to be so.

In my case it will not be only a fine. Since I will NOT pay any fines, eventually I will be incarcerated. For lack of a better term ACCEPTING intitiated force against me doesn't fit my "religion".

How does the good you hope to achieve through government healthcare justify incarcerating anyone if they simply say no thanks, I'd rather not participate?

The answer is simple... it CANNOT justify it without first RATIONALIZING the use of force.

Over the curse of what seems like dozens of threads I've seen people argue back and forth about the merits of healthcare etc. Yet the underlying issue of the morality of the "solution" is always avoided or rationalized away by those advocating government healthcare. It's a form of cognitive dissonance.

Seriously, what is wrong with allowing a person to decide if they will or will not participate in something affecting their life, liberty and property?

You seem to focus on "fixing" a problem. That's admirable. Your solution, which relies on forcing people to participate in something they may not want is not admirable, it's rotten at the core...think about it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I can dig it. Only because the unemployment extensions have been funding my new and improved grow op and allowed me to work on it exclusively when I need to. Somehow I doubt unemployment welfare would have extended if Repubs were running things. I've never taken unemployment before, but It feels good taking back what the gov stole from me over the years (in the form of taxes).

Heres to hoping for more unemployment extensions. I may come out of this a grower for life for the local medical clinics.

Otherwise its part time night job time =( til yield.

i hope you dont have kids cuz they will be paying back that money you are using under high interest for the rest of thier lives

cute little chaps arnt they:clap:

good luck with your grow, :-P ROTFL

FYI everyone even my dog knows that obama sucks like a cock gobbler:-P:

you know it roofis gimme five:hug:


Active Member
jeez this thread got huge, the last time i looked at it before today it had 2 replies.

lol its all bad. Yeah I bet the patriot act would be the new hot topic. I typically think these presidents, and everyone that runs in the general election is really working in collusion and the Patriot Act works just as well for the current president/admin as it did the last one. They all swear to uphold the constitution, yet things like the patriot act remain, the 2nd amendment goes infringed upon (and not amended as it is supposed to be) and states are still subject to federal rule (officially or unofficially, who knows anymore) amongst many..many other things.

They are all bad but after this last election I started to get selfish with my politics. Now I don't want whats right, I want what benefits me and my family without regard to the negative net effect on economy/freedom. Noone gives a shit about the economy/freedom, it is clearly, as in practice. What is that saying? "Your actions are so loud I can barely hear a word you're saying" Yeah. We dont give a fuck about freedom or the economy as a whole, and I dont anymore either. Its all about #1. Unfortunately I wasted about 2 years learning all the things im choosing to ignore from now on, when I could have just remained ignorant like everyone else, with the same results. lol.

In some respects Im happy with Obama while at the same time I am disappointed. If you want to criticize Obama for broken promises, all you are really doing is saying he has not been Liberal enough. Certainly not as liberal as he campaigned to be. Him and Democrats just completely screwed up the biggest majority ever. They took a super majority and turned into cowards by easily caving to Republican and corporate pressure. I hated Bush, but damn at least he had a satchel between his legs. Granted it also helped Bush had the #1 radio media and #1 TV news media in his corner. Had Bush been a Democrat he could have NEVER gotten through some of the shit he did. The $500 BILLION Medicare prescription drug reform which was funded 100% by adding to the deficit. The Iraq war, The Patriot Act, Bankruptcy reform, Farm subsidies, etc... Can you imagine how insane Glenn Beck would be going had the patriot act just now been written under this administration and congress?!?!

With the current Republican push even further right. I seriously doubt they will run somebody I like. So i will probably vote for Obama in 2012 if for no other reason but to cancel out IllegalSmiles vote. 8-)


Active Member
Believe me, I know. And I believe we've already paved the road to where we are going. Now im cashing in and worrying about #1, because 90% of the people that will be paying for what im doing now, in the future, are going to be as worthless as 90% of the people that are already here. I cannot wait to start investing my profits in foreign countries like india and stocks/commodities/indices that bet against the dollar.

i hope you dont have kids cuz they will be paying back that money you are using under high interest for the rest of thier lives

cute little chaps arnt they:clap:

good luck with your grow, :-P ROTFL

FYI everyone even my dog knows that obama sucks like a cock gobbler:-P:

you know it roofis gimme five:hug:


Active Member
i sometimes wonder if others feel that taking as much money from the government and/or depriving them of tax dollars is akin to saving innocent lives....

while it makes no difference to my current actions, it is a side effect ive considered


Well-Known Member

I really need the updates. As you may recall, he was votable in the primaries. And thats where the election ended for me.
A sizable number of Ron Paul supporters did need the update. Congratulations for not being one of them.

A great many wrote him in despite the fact he was not a candidate. Surely you are aware of that. :roll:

As for myself, I am not a Republican so I did not vote for him in the Primary either.


Active Member
I went to vote for the first time ever. I remember a great emphasis on registering republican in able to vote for him, so I made sure I did. They registered me wrong(and probably a ton of other people that registered republican), so I was not able to vote for him either.

true story

A sizable number of Ron Paul supporters did need the update. Congratulations for not being one of them.

A great many wrote him in despite the fact he was not a candidate. Surely you are aware of that. :roll:

As for myself, I am not a Republican so I did not vote for him in the Primary either.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Believe me, I know. And I believe we've already paved the road to where we are going. Now im cashing in and worrying about #1, because 90% of the people that will be paying for what im doing now, in the future, are going to be as worthless as 90% of the people that are already here. I cannot wait to start investing my profits in foreign countries like india and stocks/commodities/indices that bet against the dollar.

i feel ya if the governmnt wants to act like we are in prison and its a free for all

you damn well be sure im lookin out for #1 too:hug:

rape and pillage the government best you can without getting caught I aways say,

if the government doesnt have to follow laws of respect and decency they are insane if they think we us the real MOTHERFUCKERS are gonna just sit by and take it in the ass lol

what you are going to see that is already happening in droves is the degradation of morals in the society, you are gonna be able to bribe your way out of anything soon,

stack your chips up, its turning into a survival of the finacially fittest,

you see how many billionars they got in Russia now,

lets just say they didnt make that money selling grog at your local soup kitchen:weed:

the poeple who are going to be fucked are the ones who got no ends and the ones who play by the book.

NO MERCY anymore, just look out for #1 anyone else tell you differnt does not have your interests at heart because you will just be left behind,

there is going to be a Renaissance for the criminal element in Amercia and its already started

they do not have the money to police the hordes any longer.

it will be early releases and plea bargins as a main stay from here on out.

stock up an weapons too, weapons and cash & gold.

it going in this direction for the next 20 years atleast.


Well-Known Member
.....after this last election I started to get selfish with my politics. Now I don't want whats right, I want what benefits me and my family without regard to the negative net effect on economy/freedom. No one gives a shit about the economy/freedom, it is clearly, as in practice. What is that saying? "Your actions are so loud I can barely hear a word you're saying" Yeah. We don't give a fuck about freedom or the economy as a whole, and I don't anymore either. Its all about #1. Unfortunately I wasted about 2 years learning all the things i'm choosing to ignore from now on, when I could have just remained ignorant like everyone else, with the same results.
doing what is right isn't always easy. all those folks clamoring for the good life and considering themselves entitled to all this country has to offer are continually drowning out our better instincts and leading us to believe that cutting our neighbor's throat is the only way to insure ourselves a fair chance at a decent life. well guess what, life ain't fair. there will always be those that began life with a head start, who scam the system or who screw the future for their own gain and maybe you've just become one of them.

luckily there still exists a certain portion of the population whose humanity remains intact, who do not expect to be rewarded for their ethical nature. they realize that a single life is of ultimate importance and of no importance at all. they understand that the key to being more than just another animal is the ability to empathize with all those around them and act in a manner that improves everyone's situation without taking from others more than is equitable. despite the repeated setbacks, the growing culture of entitlement and the rampant corruption at every level of government, those people are willing to continue to vote with their conscience and support the cause of individual liberty by thwarting their own baser instincts.


New Member
Liberalism robs the individual status. It collectivism....the averaging....but in order to put ppl who cannot or will not compete in the market place on a handout, the ones who do compete must be punished and diminished.

This becomes a cycle.... A percentage of the smart and wealthy simply leave and go elsewhere. The rest duck for cover and stop RISKING their wealth to create more (and more for others...ripple).... thus less and less is generated at the top, but the bottom needs evermore.

The cycle continues and the country economy slides backwards and EVERYONE suffers.

That is the end result of liberal politics and economics.


Active Member
Im not entitled to this, I am taking advantage of it. And I absolutely have become one of them, as im sure the net effect of what im doing has to be paid for somehow down the line.

I know where you're coming from. Unfortunately im convinced voting is not going to do anything. I once had this humanity you speak of, and thats what im coming out of. I have to tell you though, it is impossible for something to be of ultimate importance yet of no importance at all. This sounds like some crap an "enlightened" college student might repeat out of a book about eastern religion.

Im not buying the feel-good patriotic shit anymore, noone is on the same page and few seem to be on the right page. This has been a losing battle for at least the past 100 years and there is no upside in sight.

"Cutting my neighbors throat" so to speak is not the only way to do anything. However, if since my neighbor is most likely one of these military men that swore an oath that they continually fail to fulfill, the one about enemies domestic, or some illegal alien we invite in and support, or some other lifetime-welfare recipient, or some evangelical christian that votes with god....

The point is chances are, none of them are worth my refusal to take advantage of things that are going to help me survive the worst of times. I look around and see what we have here, and look at a history of our lost freedoms. Then I realize im at the ass-end of generations upon generations of pure failure to keep what was given to us. I don't see a reversal in this trend, nor any real desire to change it.

doing what is right isn't always easy. all those folks clamoring for the good life and considering themselves entitled to all this country has to offer are continually drowning out our better instincts and leading us to believe that cutting our neighbor's throat is the only way to insure ourselves a fair chance at a decent life. well guess what, life ain't fair. there will always be those that began life with a head start, who scam the system or who screw the future for their own gain and maybe you've just become one of them.

luckily there still exists a certain portion of the population whose humanity remains intact, who do not expect to be rewarded for their ethical nature. they realize that a single life is of ultimate importance and of no importance at all. they understand that the key to being more than just another animal is the ability to empathize with all those around them and act in a manner that improves everyone's situation without taking from others more than is equitable. despite the repeated setbacks, the growing culture of entitlement and the rampant corruption at every level of government, those people are willing to continue to vote with their conscience and support the cause of individual liberty by thwarting their own baser instincts.


Well-Known Member
A man who considers the private sector 'enemy territory' (his words) is Commander in Chief.

The much touted 'stimulus' resulted in more government.

The average salary for a government bureaucrat far outpaces the average salary of an employee in the private sector. That is a bad sign.

Uncertainty is poison to business. Owners and producers are waiting for the ax to fall.

The cause: Elected officials in the majority who hate and fear free market capitalism.

The effect: Businesses are not expanding. They are not hiring.


New Member
Our posts are in parallel JO.... why's that?

Because we've got liberals in charge now? Big flaming ones who spend every dime for the next 50 years right now.


Active Member
He said publicly a few times that he wouldnt legalize it before he got elected. People led themselves to believe that he was for MMJ before the election. And this is another reason and perfect example of why I have lost all faith. Even when people vote, campaign, pick someone to follow, they do it with absolutely incorrect information. You should have seen the videos of Obama followers and their reasons for choosing him on youtube, its just more of what im talking about. Not to single out Obama, it is the same story no matter who is running for office. How the hell do you fix this? I can only think of ways that involve genocide, and im just not down with that.

Right after he got elected, everyone was surprised when they announced they would not be raiding any more legal medical dispensaries. I didn't believe it, but was hopeful. Recently I've heard of some raids on legal medical dispensaries. Now what happened to that?

i fell for barack the magic negro!!! boy was i wrong.....i think we all was... he played us all, and led us to beleave he was for m.m.j. then got elected and out right said.... he wont legalize it..... that stupid mother fucker right then and there already soilidified the fact that he is only getting one term, and after him there wont be any more black presidants....


Active Member
I love reading comments like this. It just means you don't stay current. Just in case you did not know, decisions are made and things are done even in the first and second year of presidency. Because of this, it is not unusual for people to change their minds before its 'over'.

You're a little off on his remaining time in office btw.

you talk like something's over. 3 years, 10 months left.


Well-Known Member
Our posts are in parallel JO.... why's that?

Because we've got liberals in charge now? Big flaming ones who spend every dime for the next 50 years right now.
It should be obvious to even a casual observer.

We get our talking points from the same source because we are incapable of independent thought. :lol:

Unlike those free-thinking Proggies. :dunce:

Wait... there's a fax coming in from Fox News right now!

Yay! More bullet points.

More to follow just as soon as I write 'em on my hand.


New Member
The Obama a way of governing ... ie ... ramming unpopular and unneeded policies through behind closed doors will end in November.