if you had to torture someone. HOW?


Well-Known Member
Did you ever see law abiding citizen?
He tortured the guy that killed his wife and kid in that shit.
He paralyzed him but he could still feel everything and cut his eyelids off so he couldn't look away pretty sick shit it didn't show it all though but they described it later on.
I didnt get to see that film, sounds good though!


Well-Known Member
The problem with major torture is a balance between enough pain or discomfort to exact the correct response, without applying so much pain that the victim loses consciousness or becomes immune to the pain.

For instance, sandblasting someone would suck for them, but after you did that, they wouldnt feel anything further because they more than likely would be dead before you finished.

The body can only deal with so much before it shuts down. The balance is finding the point where the victim passes out from the pain or discomfort and then only taking it to that point. That way, the torture can both be long and brutal.



Well-Known Member
oh, that's EASY. Just like on the movie, 'The men who stare at goats'

Lock em in a padded cell and play the Barney Song (that fat-ass purple dinosaur)..... non stop over and over till they break. It won't take long. ;)