My first (hopefully successful) Aerogarden Grow!


Well-Known Member
ok. fair enough.

i catch your drift. as a soil grower i know what you mean in terms of potential growth.

on the contrary tho, i live in a cold climate and i dont have much room in my house for a full scale grow. I have an outdoor greenhouse that is fully rigged, but i will not go thru the expense of heating it in a climate that falls below zero regularly.

the aero provides me with a fast, and yes, small, winter crop- which i would otherwise not really have the ability to do.

thats just my case, i dont knwo what other peoples reasons are. but i think for $150 base cost, many people find this an attractive way to grow.

i guess essentially, you do "get what you pay for" in the fact that investing $150 plus nutes and mods will not get you nearly waht you could with a more open set up, which costs slightyl more.
but im ok with that and i think most users are as well


Well-Known Member
no need to start a war.

i know where you are coming from and im gravy with that, so i hope you are with myself and other users.


Well-Known Member
ok. fair enough.

i catch your drift. as a soil grower i know what you mean in terms of potential growth.

on the contrary tho, i live in a cold climate and i dont have much room in my house for a full scale grow. I have an outdoor greenhouse that is fully rigged, but i will not go thru the expense of heating it in a climate that falls below zero regularly.

the aero provides me with a fast, and yes, small, winter crop- which i would otherwise not really have the ability to do.

thats just my case, i dont knwo what other peoples reasons are. but i think for $150 base cost, many people find this an attractive way to grow.

i guess essentially, you do "get what you pay for" in the fact that investing $150 plus nutes and mods will not get you nearly waht you could with a more open set up, which costs slightyl more.
but im ok with that and i think most users are as well
Your mistaken again, to build it yourself costs less!!!!

Here that LESS!!!!!

You can build your own aero system that is bigger than that and more suitable to growing plants, you could even build one to your exact measurements if thats the way you wanted to go with it.

The systems are still worthless unless you wanna grow basil and that kinda thing. Having a better setup will easily cost far less.


Well-Known Member
start a thread on how to make your own system for less then if you are about letting folks know they arent getting their moneys worth

better yet, come up with a low cost design and ill fund production for you.


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how far someone will go to defend an aerogarden, just to make themselves feel better about buying it.


Well-Known Member
you obviously have a lot of experience and knowledge in cultivating bud.

its amazing how far you will go to criticize others instead of sharing your wealth of knowledge.

keep in mind the extent you have been going to to tell people they are wasting their money. i am on this post because i share something in common, and i was seeking input from other aero users. you dont seem to be inputting anything on here but negativity

you arent a psychologist so do not tell me that im defending the aerogarden because i want to feel better about buying it


Well-Known Member
you obviously have a lot of experience and knowledge in cultivating bud.

its amazing how far you will go to criticize others instead of sharing your wealth of knowledge.

keep in mind the extent you have been going to to tell people they are wasting their money. i am on this post because i share something in common, and i was seeking input from other aero users. you dont seem to be inputting anything on here but negativity

you arent a psychologist so do not tell me that im defending the aerogarden because i want to feel better about buying it

But its true!!!!!


Well-Known Member
so back to the topc at hand, before 2 pages of wasted words.........

xtc, did you start flowering? how old were they, how many nodes?


Well-Known Member
Straight from the aerogarden website.

A: The AeroGarden has the footprint of a breadbox and is sized to fit conveniently under most cabinets. The AeroGarden measures 16" long by 10 1/2" wide by 15 1/2" high when it is first set up with the lights at the lowest possible setting, and 21" high at the highest level. Currently the AeroGarden comes in only one size.

How many plants from seed you got in yours?


Well-Known Member
im not sure if i should even respond

do you ask because you actually care how many plants are in there and will have some helpful input?

or do you ask because you want to tell me that i have : too many, or that 2 plants is not worth $150 , or some negative crap like that?


Well-Known Member
and you tell me i go to lengths to defend it

here you are quoting the website of a product you dont advocate or use.


Well-Known Member
Just trying to get the point across of how its just not suitable, and anyone that says they have grown seeds from plant in one and had great results for cost of the system is full of shit.

Anyone who grows in one of these from seed, you better pray to god you only get one female and its in the centre pod.

Anyway, i think i'm done laughing at you guys, i'll let you carry on now and have your moment until you guys find out what crowding means.


Well-Known Member

how is the flowering going, id like to know how many nodes your biggest one is at

one of the aero pioneers- tek70 flowerd at 4 wks and he said it was too late. suggested at like 5 or 6 nodes. Garden Known also stressed the important of nodes v. height in this set up.

just wanted to know the age and nodes you started at.


Hmm amusing thread. As an x-noob just 4 months ago, I want to put my 2 cents worth. You're free to listen or not listen (and see your plants wither and die).

I have made the mistake many make, fortunately not with the aerogarden (i wasn't crazy enough to use that even in the beginning) but with Stealth Hydroponics which is 5 times the size and actually has at least SOMETHING that looks like a proper light.

To cut the long story short, it would be wise not to argue with people like NGT, he's an expert and has grown REAL yields unlike the toys I'm seeing here. He helped me and saved me from making the same mistake as you guys are making and actually corrected me just in time.

Please please look at my journal if you don't believe me. I have a journal that shows why even the SH is crap (it's god compared to aerogarden) and the method that REALLY brings results in the 2nd journal. My plants are at 2.5-3ft right now, covered in large buds and ready to harvest in 3 weeks in a space only 5'x5'x7' which I've built in my bedroom using DYI stuff from Lowes. If you think that NGT is being harsh, you're wrong, he simply gets upset when he sees people advertise things which simply do NOT work. Check out my journal for step by step details on what does.

Be wise, save your money, save your nutes, don't use aerocrapper. You will remember his and my words if you even get close to flowering in that toy.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
my 2 cents...

I would definitely like to get an aerogarden and take a shot at growing with this tiny titan.. but i would not expect much... but I bet I would really enjoy the process... especially if it were my first time growing..



Well-Known Member
I just think that considering its size and its ability for growing from seed that new growers would benefit from spending less on the grow setup and more and a decent light to grow with.

The aerogarden comes in at 150 usd and while it does look cool the money could be far better spent.


Well-Known Member
hmm.....I don't know man, the only real reason i went ahead and got this thing is because...
1. I'm new to all of this and I wanted to just try it out and eventually build my own system using the aerogarden as a guide.
2. I have wayyy too much money to spend, I just built a brand new computer that cost me a total of 3000 smacks including a 700 dollar graphics card. I live with 2 other roommates in a 2 story house with 3 bed 2 bath and there is not much room to grow and
3. I know 2 people who use the aerogarden to grow and that is all(well with extra full cfl lights and in the other a 400w hps! And! I have seen with MY own Eyes that you can successfully grow atleast 2 full sized fully grown female plants using the aerogarden..
It may not at all be the best for growing marijuana no shit but i don't see why you have to go out of your way and take the time to bitch about it on someones thread. If you care sooo much about it make your own fucking thread telling people why they probably shouldn't buy the aerogarden because it's a waste of money...But I really don't wanna hear it....peace
yes Thank You XtC. my point exactly. great educational tool. like my First Potfarm. :0)
No need to really hack it at all....if you dont want an airstone in it no problem just change the water regularly then o2 levels stay up there.
it is all about the resale value.
you cant really resell a tub with holes in the lid, some pvc and a wierd kind of growlite to easily at a yardsale whereas the aerogarden will sell right away. you know, after you learn how to do it and get it right the first time or find out it's not for you at all this growing thing. really the ultimate beginners tool.
learned TDS, PH, O2 for roots, Nutrients, PPM, Light importances, reflective properties, CO2 methods, Ventilation Properties and Odor control.Had a blast learning also cause it came with basil to eat along the way. bonus. How can one say it is shit after learning all of that for 150 bucks out the door......?
after all of six monts with this thing, really confident that I could pull of a fullscale SOG operation with no major stress.
This thing has been 25 years in the making Since the original Genesis system.
just look at what aerogarden has done in about a year, cant wait to see next years products in action.