D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here


Well-Known Member
Hey Feva,

Nice looking plants, what strain is it? what nutes are you using?? keep up the good work bro!
thx man its just some seeds from some good regs i had. its my first grow so its all a learning process. the plants are same age 4 weeks. the one is jusst taking off. its almost 17 in. wide now and about 5 and a half tall. seems short compared to some ive seen on here at same age but seems healthy to me. im using ionoic nutes. i think im gonna give one more week of veg then start flowering thx aagain for the positive comment. o and boomer very nice
opps forgot i use a air pump i had from old aquarium its for a 55 gallon tank its got daul outs i hooke d it up to six inch airstones i get at the dollar store


Well-Known Member

I use a General Hydroponics air pump that feeds into 4 buckets at a time.

This pump is specifically made for hydroponics, and has been known to run up to 8 buckets.

But I like to run only 4 off of this one pump for maximum air.

I need to get another one because Iam expanding to 8 buckets myself.

Price about $65 a pop.

And I use 1 heavy duty air stone per bucket.

I may be switching to a flat airstone next time..I dunno.

Good luck, and Welcome to the wonderful world of dwc!!! ;-)
Kick ass pump..I want one. I've been using those dual diaphram ecopumps, someone mentioned earlier in this thread to hang them above the water level, that's great advice, one side failed on one of my pumps because I didn't do that..which I usually do.

...oh and I use micropore airstones. Thy're pricey, but don't require replacement as often, easy to clean, and procuce a shit load of tiny bubbles, instead of not so many big fat bubbles.

Nice scrog BommerB...how many plants is that exactly?..and if you dont mind, could you explain your system setup. Is it a modified DWC etc..


Well-Known Member
thanks CG,

Man I just love this time period of the grow. I get to go out and just relax and monitor nutes, add a coupla gallons of water every day and watch these girls fatten up!

Fun under artificial Sun........

boomerb here,
boomin back at ya',,,,,



Well-Known Member
thanks CG,

Man I just love this time period of the grow. I get to go out and just relax and monitor nutes, add a coupla gallons of water every day and watch these girls fatten up!

Fun under artificial Sun........

boomerb here,
boomin back at ya',,,,,

Im 30 days away... I know how you feel.

Have a Happy Harvest!! :)


Active Member
After having to kill my last three crops, because of FUCKING HERMAPHRODITES, I finally got some feminized from Attitude. What do you think?

I start seeds in water saturated RapidRooter plugs, under a dome, on a thermostaticly controlled hat mat. A single T5 helps them along. When they get about 3-4" tall, I put 'm into buckets.
"BLUE ROOM" Temp @ 68*, humidity 70%.

For clones, I built my own DWC cloner that holds 20 foam plugs. An Eco1 provides oxygen to plain water, with about a Tablespoon CloneX mixed in.

When the roots look good, they move into 6" netpots which are placed directly into 5gal buckets under an 8 bulb T5-HO. An Eco5 provides the air for up to 8 buckets. When they hit 18", they get clones removed and moved into the flowering room.

EuroSystems Twin-600 HPS are currently lighting the "RED" room with 3600w. I really like these because they run TWO 600w lights off ONE ballast, and they only draw 5.8amps apiece for a total power usage of 17.8amps for three ballasts! The hoods are spaced for maximum coverage, and fresh-air cooled with a CanFan Max 12" that is timed similarly to the lights(5min before, 10min after).
Another Max 12" runs through a home-made(we'll see) carbon filter, and is on a GroZone TV-1 set at 68*. Two Eco7's provide air for upto 32 buckets, but I run them at 1/2 load = 8 units each.
"RED ROOM" temp 72*, humidity 50%.
This room is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION, so don't give me any grief...yet. ;-)

For nutrients my core regimine uses Botanicare products, and feed according to the label. Pro Grow, Pro Bloom, Cal-Mag, Karma, Sweet, AquaShield. I also use Advanced Nutrients Overdrive and Ful-Power (which is Humeric Acid from BioAg)
They work well for me, so I fuck with anything. After I get a better grip on WTF I'm doing, I may try some Connoisseur or something.

Everytime I screw someting up, I LEARN from the mistake and try to do it better. I've listened to others to help me get started (THANKS EVERYONE HERE ON RIU!!!) but no one situation is ever the same.

K-Train, Hawaiian Snow, Super Lemon Haze, Moby Dick, Power Kush, LA Woman, Jack Flash #5, Sharks Breath, Lemon Skunk.



Well-Known Member
Here's a few of my first attempt with a micro-DWC. Plants should be starting to flower soon. Second picture just to show the LST'ing. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm as green as they come. This is my first indoor RDWC closet grow. I'm working with a 400 watt MH/HPS. I using 2 cheap duel outlet air pumps from Walmart with 1 air stone in each 2 gallon grow bucket. I'm using a combination of coco coir and hydroton for my medium. A 130 gph pump for circulation and an Aqua Euro micro electronic titanium chiller for the res. Two 60 cfm exhaust blowers with 5 3" passive air intakes. General Hydroponics Flora grow, bloom and micro. pH @ 5.8 and nutes @ around 800 ppm. I had a little mishap last week while painting my buckets white and installing the chiller. Long story short I put my plants in cooler with un pHed water and they went into shock for about 3 or 4 days. They were looking real pathetic but they are recovering nicely now. So if you see some discolored or curled leaves it's because of that.

This is the runt of the four and it's taking the longest to recover.

By the way this is just some dam good bag seed for my first grow and test run.:peace:


Well-Known Member
lol, about time to plant that clone KC!....I had a friend just come back from Cali, he told me to try and find Pornstar Kush...have you been growin OG for a while?


Well-Known Member
Tha'ts a really bright closet you got there Fuzzy, must make a great night light...I don't use one anymore, if you check the Boogie Man a few times he won't fuck with you anymore..:-P