The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
we go where ther conversation drifts. i'll play darts and pool but FUCK dominos :P i can't do anything from thursday night till tuesday, it sucks major balls. i miss having a real weekend to party through. fingers crossed on my possible new job next month or so. i'm sure there are 500 unemployed previously professional people who want the place, but hey, i'm young, eager, know a fair bit, can do a fair bit, so maybe they'll be totally irrational as far as business goes and say hey, let's employ the young guy, we can really better his life and knowledge :P hahaha, optimism, really puts a motherfucker on the mood, once you re-think what's been said.

ya never know though!
Good luck mate, you never know as yeh say. When I had my own business I didn't always hire someone based on their skill set but also based on what they are like as a person. Whats the point in hiring a fantastic IT guy if he is a total knob when you have to work with him everyday.

Having a few beers out in a weed friendly pub though in the beer garden during summer on a saturday afternoon though, that's nay so bad.
That sounds like heaven to me, shame there aren't that many weed friendly pubs round here.

I canny stand going out on the lash any more these days, dont know if i'm just getting old or what i'm only fucking 31 but the mrs is 21 so we still go to places like the garage and the catty in Glasgow and I have to deal with all the shit you mentioned. Dont see the fucking point to be honest.

Saying that i'm heading into Stirling a week tomorrow to see some punk band called twisted wheel so that should be a laugh. Only thing is i'm off the fags and it's always fun to have a cheeky spliff at a gig but I have been smoking that baccy alternative stuff as I canny no have a spliff. It's actually not too bad once you get past the fruity smell. Guess I could always take my wee micro pipe


Well-Known Member
im a geek too, star wars ,trek, babylon5 etc , used to be into my gaming but more or less gave that up a good few years ago so new shit on x box or ps3 is outta my league, keep meanin to go back to it but....i read all the time and do geeky quizzes...its reallly funny coz i dont look like that sorta guy, i'm all tattoos, shaved head, heavy drinkin dealer sorta lookin guy...its a kinda kick back to my skinhead years and its a good look if you wannna punt for a living , u gotta look the part to keep the punters aware of the situation...just a uniform really. ive been to uni so i can sit and talk history/politics etc and ive been to jail so i can walk the walk if need be. its like my politics, get me on a good day and i'm a genuine libertarian socialist get me on a bad day day and its fuckin zyklon b and pure blood. i think we may be a little schizophrenic or at least bi polar, it gets a touch chaotic but its never fuckin boring.....


Well-Known Member
im a geek, i'll admit it haha. cant beat having a good smoke and a good game :p i'd love to find a weed friendly pub round here, that'd be freaking sweet :bigjoint: i was gonna go out tonight BUT my dealer wont be home till 9pm! so i'll have to go out for a drive at 9, then come home and have a smoke and by then i just really cant be assed haha.

on a lighter note i just won my 400w HPS system on ebay, someone tryed to out bid me but i snuck one in with 3 seconds to go, i love the ebay app for my iphone, instant notifications anywer.
I got my 400watt HID from a mad industrial park in Glasgow, they are used in big factories but the guy sells them on eBay aimed at the growers. Had to build the Balast myself Ive attached a piccy but it seems to be doing the trick, he gave me two bulbs, one for veg and one for flowering plus a reflector for about £35 quid.



Well-Known Member
im a geek too, star wars ,trek, babylon5 etc , used to be into my gaming but more or less gave that up a good few years ago so new shit on x box or ps3 is outta my league, keep meanin to go back to it but....i read all the time and do geeky quizzes...its reallly funny coz i dont look like that sorta guy, i'm all tattoos, shaved head, heavy drinkin dealer sorta lookin guy...its a kinda kick back to my skinhead years and its a good look if you wannna punt for a living , u gotta look the part to keep the punters aware of the situation...just a uniform really. ive been to uni so i can sit and talk history/politics etc and ive been to jail so i can walk the walk if need be. its like my politics, get me on a good day and i'm a genuine libertarian socialist get me on a bad day day and its fuckin zyklon b and pure blood. i think we may be a little schizophrenic or at least bi polar, it gets a touch chaotic but its never fuckin boring.....
Fucking hell mate you sound like your talking about me except for the dealing and jail bits lol. Think we might be twins lol.


Well-Known Member
we mite be the same person living slightly outta shift in the space time continuum.....:bigjoint:
LMAO you really have been watching to many sci-fi programs or smoking too much pot. Actually can you smoke too much pot? Really? LOL I need to try.


Well-Known Member
that would explain a helluva lot if there were an alternative me making all the rite choices when im makin my good fun wrong ones, he'll be wealthy, relaxed, well dresssed and wont have a broken nose and dents on his head.


Well-Known Member
that would explain a helluva lot if there were an alternative me making all the rite choices when im makin my good fun wrong ones, he'll be wealthy, relaxed, well dresssed and wont have a broken nose and dents on his head.
Thats defo not me lol, I have the scars and memory/hair loss to prove it.


Well-Known Member
i've defo got memory loss....for the fuckin life of me i cant remember why i'm living with this fuckin halfwit of a bird....fuckin monkey....i just nipt out for 20 mins to do a bit of business and shes makin dinner...i came back and all shes done is make up a marie rose sauce and had no baked potatoes on, the corn on the cob at the wrong temp in the oven, the salads not on the plate....she sitasand watches all those fuckin cookery programs and doesnt have the first fuckin clue, i just launched the dumb bitch ouuta the kitchen and did the rest myself, less than ten mins....that birds a fuckin muppet


Well-Known Member
When i was young my mum would send me to shop with 50p!

I could get a wham bar, bag of pick and mix , a comic book, can of pop , big bag of crisps and a gob stopper and still come home with change! You can't do that these days!

Fucking CCTV


Well-Known Member
My wife went to the pub earlier & she's still not home yet.

I've just text her to say that if she isn't home soon then her sex will be in the dog.


Well-Known Member
totally off the subject but I'v never seen any1's grow in real life apart from my own,
wish i knew ppl who grew close 2 where i am


Well-Known Member
An Eskimo's car breaks down. He phones the AA and when
the Welsh mechanic arrives he tells him "You've blown a seal"
The Eskimo says "So what, you fuck sheep"


Well-Known Member
totally off the subject but I'v never seen any1's grow in real life apart from my own,
wish i knew ppl who grew close 2 where i am
look at this way mate, the less chance of getting caught . i made the mistake of tellin too may people at first coz i was really chuffed with myself, but at the end of the flowering i was gettin jumpy as fuck with all theses cunts askin about it, whole fuckin town seemed to know.... i just moved my shit elsewhere after that, i still talk about it but i'm either intentionally vague or its to very specific people. all it takes is for sum cunt to take thehuff with u and next thing you know everyones heard and ur front door gets a new cat flap courtesy of H.M Child Molesters.


Active Member
Got home a while ago after a 25 min each way drive to pick up 2 of the shittest £20 bags I've ever seen... Just under half a bag gone in the first roll :( need to get growing asap haha, won ma light tho :) hoping to get the dwc aswell! Or I'm just saving the money and going with soil for the first grow, I'm that impatiant haha