Obamacare: Every American will be required...



thats old news, been in there for a while

some how people still think its good

the media has given ignorant people (and man there is a lot of them) the idea that if healthcare passes then all that changes is you can just go to the doctor whenever and everything is fine and dandy

no... you will have to pay monthly out of pocket every month for a service you dont need

under penalty of law...

extortion anyone?


Well-Known Member
yea, i keep telling my self that im leaving the country if obama keeps up this crazy healthcare regime. you saw jon q, i get it realize that the word is fucked up and move on

i dont think ill actually jump ship though, ive been saying the same thing about cig prices and the pointless war for oil


Well-Known Member
So what will happen if you dont pay?
I dont have insurance and dont plan on getting i anytime soon.

Fuck insurance I go to a catholic hospital anyway.They fix you up for free.


New Member
The fine is about 2% of your income though. And even less if you make under a certain amount. $0 if you're situation is shitty enough.

But that's how all insurance works, the more money in the collective pool, the better. Hell, my fiancee has to pay about 10% of her income for health insurance (pre existing condition) and I am one of those folks you hear about that is one illness or accident away from losing it all. So 2% sounds fine with me.


Well-Known Member
we have the same thing in the uk, its called national insurance, the government take a small percentage out of your wage's every week
the more you earn the more you pay
when your out of work you don't have to pay, you still get treated no worries


New Member
I don't really see why people bitch about this..
Seriously, there are so many different ways to do it better than we do now for cheaper while covering everyone. You always hear these horror stories about the NHS in England, but 90% of the folks who actually use it think it works well enough.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
I'm not for Obama's Health Care and I am not for the status quo, and here's why:

Problem 1: The mentality of a Doctor's visit is all wrong. People go in expecting to get a magical cure. For example, if you have Bronchitis, it is very treatable. There are two main forms, one that will respond to antibiotics and one that will not (you just let it run its course for a week and you are fine). However, people expect the doctor to give them something, even when its not necessary. If the doctor were to simply say "Just let it run it's course," the person would flip out because they just spent 30 mins of their time and a $40 copay, so instead they give you the unneeded antibiotic or medicine just to appease you. Because of this, insurance has to pay a ton of money for these unnecessary drugs.

Problem 2: Doctors practice "defensive medicine." Doctors do this to protect their own asses, since it's wayyyy too easy to sue them for malpractice. They will recommend tests, medicine, anything that will not damage you further in order to protect themselves from that .0002% chance of it being some random virus or a much more aggressive cancer, or whatever. So with these extra tests there are extra fees - more expensive insurance.

Problem 3: After working in a Pharmacy, you wouldn't believe how many prescriptions are filled for unnecessary medicine. I say unnecessary, because their conditions could easily of been avoided by being healthier - High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes (I understand that some people have genetics going against them, but that's not who I am talking about). There's 70% of the drugs dispensed in pharmacies everyday, just those 3 conditions alone. The other big drugs that are not needed are the ADD drugs. Am I really supposed to believe that every other child I see has ADD, really? Because that's how often Aderral, Vyvanse, Concerta, etc. are distributed. Do people not realize that the generic name (assuming a generic exists) for all of these drugs have Amphetamine somewhere in their name? Too many parents get these kids on this medication because they never established boundaries with them, so they need a "magic pill" to control them (again, I am not saying every single person who get's these medications don't need them, but the vast majority could be successful/productive without them). Also, because they are on these drugs, they also need a lunesta or an ambien to knock em out at night. - More Money

If politicians really wanted to tackle healthcare, they would at least acknowledge these 3 problems. By doing so, they would lower the cost of healthcare substantially and not have to make a centralized insurance plan.


New Member
any kind of "insurance" is nothing but a scam anyways!!
As a former student of actuarial sciences, this is true when a profit motive is involved. Eggheads armed with stats and probability tables determine the rates to charge so that expected value works out in their favor.

Remove the profit motive and suddenly prices become set fairly.

Gee, hasn't every other rich capitalist democracy removed the profit motive from health insurance? Don't they pay less per capita than we do while insuring all their citizens?

Why yes, they do.


Well-Known Member
I don't really see why people bitch about this..

Because it means I have to pay even more for some lazy, uneducated or unmotivated fuckup at life to get the same healthcare I do...

If you like paying for blow Joe to get healthcare then go for it, but I don't want anyone paying for mine, and I don't want to pay for theirs.

Sorry, I am about helping my fellow man, but at my OWN discretion, and not the government...


New Member
Have you guys ever noticed the 'uninsured motorist' fee on most auto insurance policies? It is no different with healthcare. You ALREADY ARE paying for the health care of Joe Blow with no insurance. That is why we pay out the ass (17% of GDP) on health care as a nation.


Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever noticed the 'uninsured motorist' fee on most auto insurance policies? It is no different with healthcare. You ALREADY ARE paying for the health care of Joe Blow with no insurance. That is why we pay out the ass (17% of GDP) on health care as a nation.

And so you want to pay even more?

Don't think so.


Mr. Buddy

Actually, the penalty for not paying is a fine plus imprisonment for federal tax evasion. Since you will be required to get it and don't then it becomes tax evasion. Ask anyone.

Dick Bacco

eh....it's just a matter of time before Comrade Obama hatches a plan that makes me want to flee to Russia.....at least there government oppression seems appropriate....