the chitown sourkush thread



let me know how that bigbud smokes.. hope you like.. she looks frosty...


Well-Known Member
just got done harvesting the cheese iam bout to make a video now so it will probly be tomorrow before its up !!!


Well-Known Member
sicc it was $94 off ebay NEW
ur shittin me man i paid 119 for mine and its smaller dosent have near as many built in holes for the vents as yours im pissed im gonna say somethin to my grow shop to hell wit that but man thats a nice ass tent and i cant wait to see what you do with it man.


Well-Known Member
ur shittin me man i paid 119 for mine and its smaller dosent have near as many built in holes for the vents as yours im pissed im gonna say somethin to my grow shop to hell wit that but man thats a nice ass tent and i cant wait to see what you do with it man.
i ordered mine from a grow shop in californa they had bout 20 of them left when i ordered !!!ithat sux man sorry to phear that!!! what size did u get ?


damn dude you should let that all dry and take a group shot of every strain you got.....


Well-Known Member
damn dude you should let that all dry and take a group shot of every strain you got.....
hahaha i would but dont have that much left of everything got bout 8 to 10 grams of each kind left except the powerkush i got like 1oz of that u know i had to make a little $$ hahahaha got plenty to smoke on for about another month or so maybe longer !! hope something shows female soon iam running out of bitchs only got the ls and the 1 female fruit kush and its kind of small:lol:


Well-Known Member
bout to be making some bubble hash after i get good and stoned its goin to take a couple hours but it will be worth it in the end going to use the trim from powerkush ,cheese,& bigbud also threw in some really small buds off the cheese that where to small to trim