The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that mdma is evil lol last time i ad it it was crystals pure as fuck n way too strong for my drug-fucked mind!

think even id leave it lol will prob get some nasty ol base in for the trim tho id rather get a G of the fast n do it meself than pay people like m8s do.
used to be into big time, used to buy an 8th for the w/e.


Well-Known Member
been there aswel m8 a few yrs ago, not so much the mandy but everything else so fucking glad thats in the past, still indulge now n then but very rarely.


Well-Known Member
been there aswel m8 a few yrs ago, not so much the mandy but everything else so fucking glad thats in the past, still indulge now n then but very rarely.
I just can't, I look at it, I instantly think about how its gonna make me feel and I just don't wanna lose the plot anymore.


Well-Known Member
great minds think alike lol couldnt agree more m8 im soooo fucking bored of blueberry n blueberry kief n blueberry bubblehash, blueberry fucking butter!

it aint gonna be straight away i gotta another run or 2 or the blueberry but im going for serious 2 n fancying HDF,S.A.G.E maybe double purple n a few some tga too?
sage is sum good shit i had a monster harvest with it:leaf:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
great minds think alike lol couldnt agree more m8 im soooo fucking bored of blueberry n blueberry kief n blueberry bubblehash, blueberry fucking butter!

it aint gonna be straight away i gotta another run or 2 or the blueberry but im going for serious 2 n fancying HDF,S.A.G.E maybe double purple n a few some tga too?
your so lucky mate to be bored of blueberry lol i can't wait to get some steady weed for myself my mate stopped by earlier for a burn and had crappy stuff clean but crappy he was saying he haven't had anything really good for a few wks! yeah some of the tga strains look good i'm hoping to have found 2 keepers before i get that far though lol i haven't seen any thing about that double purple? but i do avoid all the purple strains down here we were saturated with purple haze before it used to give me a banging head ache and the purple strains that have followed haven't been any better imo astro space queen i think it's callded tga looks good mate


Well-Known Member
your so lucky mate to be bored of blueberry lol i can't wait to get some steady weed for myself my mate stopped by earlier for a burn and had crappy stuff clean but crappy he was saying he haven't had anything really good for a few wks! yeah some of the tga strains look good i'm hoping to have found 2 keepers before i get that far though lol i haven't seen any thing about that double purple? but i do avoid all the purple strains down here we were saturated with purple haze before it used to give me a banging head ache and the purple strains that have followed haven't been any better imo astro space queen i think it's callded tga looks good mate
The tga strain your thinking of is deep purple,

To the guy who posted the pic of sage, I see how unruly that got, that cola on the left obviously got a little high.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
mate i was so proud with that grow 25 oz from a 400w hps n 2 125w red spec cfls the grow after that only yeilded 10 oz different strains tho:joint::hump:
i caught the end of your sage grow mate if i remember right you gave a chunk away? but yeah awsome i've been dying to try it since seeing your grow and then seeing them sog style on you tube, i'd be proud aswell mate that's a good no. to be pulling was it them you left to go on holiday?


Well-Known Member
i caught the end of your sage grow mate if i remember right you gave a chunk away? but yeah awsome i've been dying to try it since seeing your grow and then seeing them sog style on you tube, i'd be proud aswell mate that's a good no. to be pulling was it them you left to go on holiday?
yeah mate i came back from jamaica to see them doble in size lol:joint:
id be proud of that harvest from them lights too rasclot! too fucking right m8! +rep that man!
thanx for da rep bruv:joint::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
i slept for almost 30 odd hours there with a couple of half hour feeding time wake ups. my old war torn boddy just aint wot it used to be. kidneys are solid, back,neck and shoulder hurting and my head feels like its full of cotton wool, and becoz of that fuckin anti drinkin medication i cant even hit the pub and blow the cobwebs off it with afew pints. suppose it'll be a house work day then. fuckin place looks like twin towers the day after. and the kids are off school for two weeks so lifes lookin sheer fuckin hell right now. jeez. i fuckin hate my girlfriend, and to top it all off im gettin blackmail texts from sum dog( my mates girl) i shagged couple of weeks ago who knows i was bangin a married woman and i threatening to tell married womans husband and my mate wot ive been up too. life just doesnt get better than this. think i mite just kick her fuckin teeth in and see where it goes from there coz i know i could batter fuck out of my mate and that married ones husband, been a little while since i had good fight maybe just have a psycho week this week and fuckin trash the lot of the cunts.


Well-Known Member
i slept for almost 30 odd hours there with a couple of half hour feeding time wake ups. my old war torn boddy just aint wot it used to be. kidneys are solid, back,neck and shoulder hurting and my head feels like its full of cotton wool, and becoz of that fuckin anti drinkin medication i cant even hit the pub and blow the cobwebs off it with afew pints. suppose it'll be a house work day then. fuckin place looks like twin towers the day after. and the kids are off school for two weeks so lifes lookin sheer fuckin hell right now. jeez. i fuckin hate my girlfriend, and to top it all off im gettin blackmail texts from sum dog( my mates girl) i shagged couple of weeks ago who knows i was bangin a married woman and i threatening to tell married womans husband and my mate wot ive been up too. life just doesnt get better than this. think i mite just kick her fuckin teeth in and see where it goes from there coz i know i could batter fuck out of my mate and that married ones husband, been a little while since i had good fight maybe just have a psycho week this week and fuckin trash the lot of the cunts.
LMAO Dura I never know how to take your posts mate, your either a really funny guy with a crazy ass sense of humour or just a mad bastard lol and the fact your from east coast the latter actually sounds more plausible lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i slept for almost 30 odd hours there with a couple of half hour feeding time wake ups. my old war torn boddy just aint wot it used to be. kidneys are solid, back,neck and shoulder hurting and my head feels like its full of cotton wool, and becoz of that fuckin anti drinkin medication i cant even hit the pub and blow the cobwebs off it with afew pints. suppose it'll be a house work day then. fuckin place looks like twin towers the day after. and the kids are off school for two weeks so lifes lookin sheer fuckin hell right now. jeez. i fuckin hate my girlfriend, and to top it all off im gettin blackmail texts from sum dog( my mates girl) i shagged couple of weeks ago who knows i was bangin a married woman and i threatening to tell married womans husband and my mate wot ive been up too. life just doesnt get better than this. think i mite just kick her fuckin teeth in and see where it goes from there coz i know i could batter fuck out of my mate and that married ones husband, been a little while since i had good fight maybe just have a psycho week this week and fuckin trash the lot of the cunts.
lol you could try not fucking your mates wife!?!? just a thought.


Well-Known Member
im from the west coast mate over by kimarnock/ayr area mate and i can assure u although i have a fucked up sense of humour that previous post was completely true......unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
i like fuckin other people wifes, it usually means that its a no strings attached shag....its a bit dodgy when it all comes out in the wash though...... i cant help it, i thrive off chaos and mayhem... ive tried being normal but all that happens is i repress my natural instinct till the point it snaps back with multiple normal force and the result is pandemonium.......usually to the theme tune of police and ambulance sirens....... i genuinelly cant help myself.... ive kinda got a notion on my girlfriends mother as well hehehehe. nice little tight ass.


Well-Known Member
im from the west coast mate over by kimarnock/ayr area mate and i can assure u although i have a fucked up sense of humour that previous post was completely true......unfortunately.
Ah shit so you are, cant tell my east from west this morning, that wake and bake didn't help.

Sounds like you need to control were you stick that thing dude. There is nothing scarier than a woman scorn, specially a scottish one.

Hope she doesn't go mental on you and cause any more problems.