Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Pali trail. Diamond head lookout , c'mon cuz get with the program. Must be like
16. Try scouting your neighbor hood mountain.


New Member
haha no not 16 but 17. im new to the growing process but not to the herbalizing. i live like by aloha tower and shit and need some tips like a good place.. not specifically though. can help "kkday"?


Well-Known Member
U gotta know someplace, go scouting palolo valley, papakolea, manoa valley there's alot of places in town that a small 4-6 plant crop can be pulled off. Just remember the harder it is to get to the better.


New Member
Much Aloha kkday. My dream and passion for growing my own crop has been my number one goal since this new year. I'm getting a batch of bag seeds today and need some help with caring and tending to my plant. Any suggestions? Or any successful tips? I would greatly appreciate it. And this is my absolute first time and i am big newcomer. The questions I have is: when should I plant? How many weeks does it take to grow the plant until curing time? When does it have to be watered? Does it need any solutions? What type of soil etc.. I'm not looking for any indoor because I live with my parents. Much mahalo to anyone that can help.


Well-Known Member
Don't get any help do it all by your self, don't tell any one about it just every one here on RIU(no specifics) use roots organics potting soil to start the seeds then after there forth set of leaves use foxfarms happy frog dry nutreints the tomatoe/vegtables one then when it starts to flower use the one for bulb plants like onions and stuff. Use about 2-3 gallon grow bags. All this stuff can be found at a hydro store.


New Member
Haha sorry dudeeee. But there is so many pages.. anyways ill read it thanks Dr. G. Can you just tell me what to do Dr. G like the soil, watering proces, how much sun and darkness, when to grow it, what to look for. Etc.. I would greatly appreciate it. Much Alohas

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Not being an ass but like I said, it's all in the thread, everything. I'd tell you what you'd want to know but if I did, my post would be just as long as this thread.


Well-Known Member
Ok enough said!!!! He's a cop!!!!! "conspiracy to sell narcotics to a miner" get the fuck out of here with your pork ass!!! Cop or not u just broke forum rules and will be reported


New Member
Lmao!!! Ok! Really? You call yourself a teacher? Are you really that naieve or dumb to consider me a cop? Dude your trippin. I think a cop would of said better shit than I have. Like I said I'm only 17 you fat duche bag! Hahahahahaha whatever this site is wack and I'm out. Peace out my fellow stoneys! Keep tokin all!!


Active Member
hahah the Narc's cover was blown! DIG BRADDAH DIG!!! hahaha

Narc or not, asking to pick up bud online is just dumb, you dont know who is trolling this site.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
that dude was funny! LOL I'm sure if bignuttz was to meet kkday in an alley, dude would straight shit his pants! :hump: I would tell the "fat deuche bag" sorry if I was you pardner


Active Member
Had to spend a few days in the hospital, But home now, Big Mama did her job, Her children are ALL over Puna and I got nuff meds for a long time.
Time to shut down an take it easy.

The ONE thing I learned ? It's about the LOVE, love them and they love you back !!!

10-4 over and OUT !