Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that since you were pointing out that every religion is man-made you're sticking essentially every religion in the same boat (i.e. every religion believes they are the one true religion with it's own god since they all come from man) but you didn't exactly realize that by making this theory about other religions, or insinuating it at least, that you yourself are in the same boat as your theory since it's a man-made theory.

Of course my theory is man made, my point was not to say that because something is a man made theory that it makes it automatically false. Religions don't claim to be man made, and if they do, that kinda ruins the whole point


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what would lead anyone to believe there is a higher power out there. The complexity of our world? Whose to say it's complex? It's only what we know. The fact that millions of people believe in various religions? To me it seems obvious that humans have evolved, and at various points in civilization, when living in far more drastic conditions than we live today, people had to make some sense of it. They had to have hope. It would be hard to have hope when you lived in a barbaric world full of unforgiveness. But, that is where religion came in.

The longer time drags on, the more scientific research is done. The more scientific research is done, the more ridiculous religion sounds. Do you realize that within 25 years no one will be dying? How will you explain that to God? "Can't judge this biatch! I'm never going to die!"

It seems to me that the only semi-logical thing you can do is believe in a higher power. And that is simply because it's impossible to disprove it at this stage. But to me, you'd have to be playing the devil's advocate (so to speak) to take that stand. Because with as much disease and bullshit that goes on in our world, it would seem pretty ludicrous to find out that there was some 'omnipotent' being behind all of it. Oh, and why do people always claim God to be 'omnipotent'? Well, because that's the only thing that makes even the slighest bit of sense. It's like you have to dig into our dictionary to find a word that God could possible be. Because obviously he's not a normal human being, or anything like that. He can't be. He must be some crazy omnipotent being that no matter what anyone says to me about him, I can reject and attribute it to his omnipotence. Hah.



Active Member
despite what you may believe in 25 years we will still be dying...
and god is real because I AM GOD BWAHAHAHA
jk yeah its all bullshit
if people didnt believe in a higher power thats gonna judge you some day then what would stop everyone from running around killing people.
+clear evidence of evolution disproves catholism which is like the majority of the population so youve all been duped by a bunch of thousand year old books
we are just a form of energy. we evolved over billions of years from little bateria shit and thats all.
no higher power no gods nothing
we live we die thats it


Well-Known Member
You wont end up in hell cause you are mis informed you will end up in hell, cause you didnt choose the REAL GOD or ANYTHING in your case, i am sure God has opened up to many of you countless times, but because you are devout about your beliefs, you stay close minded. Like i said before ignorance wont save you, you must take responsibility and be accountable for your choices, cause on judgement day you cant say "Oh, you are real, i'm sorry i doubted, disrespected, poked fun of, and plain out denied you (But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (KJV)), can i get in"? If you believe what you believe, the question is "are you willing to die and go to hell for your beliefs too. Cause at the end of the day, if i am wrong, Well..... nothing, but if you are wrong............ May God have Mercy on your soul...

And oh yea, my God, the one and only is, omnipotent, omni, dimensional, universe creating, all knowing, powerful and alot more!!!

Anyway. Being an atheist all my life I dont really have too much knowledge about the various religions. I do however find it very interesting that there are so many completely differant religions that date way further back than any of todays mainstream religions. Also most religions claim that if you follow any other religion you will end up in a bad way. How are spiritual people supposed to know which religion has the 'correct' story? In other words, say I had to now choose a religion. Which one should I choose?

I dont fancy ending up in hell or worse because I was misinformed.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you 1puff but that's a bit harsh. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." There are some groups of Christians who believe that everybody gets into heaven and that the bible is just a guide to how to live our lives on earth. But, at the end of the day everyone gets into heaven and that it doesn't say this in the bible because it would encourage ppl to sin. I found this idea interesting and would like to think it is true.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I applogize, i have no intent on being harsh (just telling the truth), just with all the previous post, its kind of upsetting.... but i am calm now and have smoked....


Well-Known Member
You wont end up in hell cause you are mis informed you will end up in hell, cause you didnt choose the REAL GOD or ANYTHING in your case, i am sure God has opened up to many of you countless times, but because you are devout about your beliefs, you stay close minded. Like i said before ignorance wont save you, you must take responsibility and be accountable for your choices, cause on judgement day you cant say "Oh, you are real, i'm sorry i doubted, disrespected, poked fun of, and plain out denied you (But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (KJV)), can i get in"? If you believe what you believe, the question is "are you willing to die and go to hell for your beliefs too. Cause at the end of the day, if i am wrong, Well..... nothing, but if you are wrong............ May God have Mercy on your soul...

And oh yea, my God, the one and only is, omnipotent, omni, dimensional, universe creating, all knowing, powerful and alot more!!!

Well, while it may seem like "If I am wrong, well nothing" to you but to me it seems like a big deal to me to go through your entire life as a fool believing in something ridiculous. How much of the bible do you have to ignore because of its inappropriateness before you realize its all false? How many different religions do you have to see before you realize its human nature that brought them about in troubleing times. How many hours would you have wasted at a church, or even thinking about your faith, that you could have better spent living up life?

I wouldn't care if the entire world believed in a higher power, so long as they don't create any ridiculous religions claiming to know what's going on. It's religions that are corrupt, and have caused a great deal of suffering in our history. Take a look at 9/11.

Oh, and one last thing. If you honestly believe in all the heaven/hell crap, and don't think 99% of the population would be condemned to hell based on sinning. You're seriously delusional.


Well-Known Member
Well, while it may seem like "If I am wrong, well nothing" to you but to me it seems like a big deal to me to go through your entire life as a fool believing in something ridiculous. How much of the bible do you have to ignore because of its inappropriateness before you realize its all false? How many different religions do you have to see before you realize its human nature that brought them about in troubleing times. How many hours would you have wasted at a church, or even thinking about your faith, that you could have better spent living up life?

I wouldn't care if the entire world believed in a higher power, so long as they don't create any ridiculous religions claiming to know what's going on. It's religions that are corrupt, and have caused a great deal of suffering in our history. Take a look at 9/11.

Oh, and one last thing. If you honestly believe in all the heaven/hell crap, and don't think 99% of the population would be condemned to hell based on sinning. You're seriously delusional.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.....Oh yeah....well my God can beat up your God.......................................its a joke relax


Well-Known Member
You wont end up in hell cause you are mis informed you will end up in hell, cause you didnt choose the REAL GOD or ANYTHING in your case, i am sure God has opened up to many of you countless times, but because you are devout about your beliefs, you stay close minded. Like i said before ignorance wont save you, you must take responsibility and be accountable for your choices, cause on judgement day you cant say "Oh, you are real, i'm sorry i doubted, disrespected, poked fun of, and plain out denied you (But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (KJV)), can i get in"? If you believe what you believe, the question is "are you willing to die and go to hell for your beliefs too. Cause at the end of the day, if i am wrong, Well..... nothing, but if you are wrong............ May God have Mercy on your soul...

And oh yea, my God, the one and only is, omnipotent, omni, dimensional, universe creating, all knowing, powerful and alot more!!!

Originally Posted by mountainSpliff
Anyway. Being an atheist all my life I dont really have too much knowledge about the various religions. I do however find it very interesting that there are so many completely differant religions that date way further back than any of todays mainstream religions. Also most religions claim that if you follow any other religion you will end up in a bad way. How are spiritual people supposed to know which religion has the 'correct' story? In other words, say I had to now choose a religion. Which one should I choose?

I dont fancy ending up in hell or worse because I was misinformed.

Why would you go off on mountainspliff like that? His question was if he has to choose a religion how does he know which one is the true or real god.......They all claim to be the one true religion and have miracles and profess Gods spoken word through Prophets and holy books to back up their claims...I think you misinterpreted his post


Well-Known Member
Religion is for the weak minded individual.
God on a reality scale would be absolute positive polarity whereas Devil would be absolute Negative polarity therefore we cannot exist without the two. sure it is good to be good but remember without evil good has no job.
To not believe in god immediately tells you that you also dont believe in the devil cause the two are from the same story. so you cannot believe in the devil without admitting to believing in god.
therefore to relieve yourself in that thought frees up so much wasted energy in your daily life to live healthier in that.
in fact, Swear to nothing means just that. were not getting out alive so what good does it do to think about it just follow the do unto others thing as it is in any religion to do good cause we are all from the same. We are all that person inside that fire cannot touch and arrows cannot penetrate. we should be more that person and let go of our ego's.
Im out..........

P.S> Atheism is just a label that the religions give you. Labels are all man made so I call it Spiritual......Thank You.


Well-Known Member
Come on, I see you guys taking shots at God but offer no alternative solutions. What do you guys believe, the big bang theory? That's so nonsensical and flawed that I find it funny you question the intelligence of believers. The big bang theory states that time and space did not come into existence until the big bang happened. That is a contradiction in of itself. And where did the material involved in the big bang come from? Did it just appear out of thin air?
So that's what atheists believe. God is the abosule only thing that can explain the creation of our universe and planet.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well actually the big bang theory has been proven. We know through scientific evidence that the universe is constantly expanding in a spherical manner. Therefore it had to have had a starting point based on simple logic (i.e. if something is expanding then it had to have had a starting point for it to have expanded). Even christians believe this now. The only difference is that they believe god created the original point of energy that caused the big bang. Anyways, now we know that because of the imbalance of neutrino's and it's anti-matter counterpart, that were in the big bang, created matter itself otherwise the universe would have collapsed back on itself due to anti-matter. So essentially, it was an imperfection that created our 'perfect' universe that supposedly God created. That's what is now understood and essentially proven now.

Either way we still don't know how the original point of energy got there but to make the assumption that the only feasible explanation is a God is just absurd. That's taking something we don't understand and doing the same thing people thousands of years ago did to explain things they don't understand. Take lightening for example; we didn't know what caused thunder up until a couple hundred years ago. In ancient greece, lightening was explained as the wrath of Zeus being cast down on earth. We all know that this isn't true because we now have scientific evidence of how lightening works therefore the theory of a God hurtling lightening bolts down to earth is no longer accepted. Soon it will be the same with the christian God based on scientific evidence.

Huzzah for String Theory. It's probably the closest thing we have to absolute proof than anything...


Well-Known Member
I like the big bang theory and I reckon it is just one of countless big bangs in a space unimaginably bigger than any human will ever be able to comprehend and even then, that is probably only a drop in the ocean of whats really going on.



Well-Known Member
Well, it may have actually happened. But, it is not proven. That's why it's still a theory. Scientists still have no way of explaining atoms appearing out of thin air.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe in a higher power because there is no reason to believe that, and because I see the scientific theories on the origins of the universe and life on earth as a thorough enough explanation to not warrant belief in some outside force.


Well-Known Member
I gravitate more towards the eastern religions (Buddhism) personally such that there are far more things we can do to improve ourselves before questioning the origins of the universe.

I don't think science will have that big of an impact on religion insofar as someone could always maintain that God creates the science. I do however believe that archaeology could pose the most serious problems with what some religious texts postulate as fact and the actual evidence being found.

I won't go into details because this isn't really the point, but there are several things being uncovered that contradict a lot of commonly held beliefs. In spite of this, people will naturally believe what they have always been inclined to believe or have been taught.


Well-Known Member
I gravitate more towards the eastern religions (Buddhism) personally such that there are far more things we can do to improve ourselves before questioning the origins of the universe.

I don't think science will have that big of an impact on religion insofar as someone could always maintain that God creates the science. I do however believe that archaeology could pose the most serious problems with what some religious texts postulate as fact and the actual evidence being found.

I won't go into details because this isn't really the point, but there are several things being uncovered that contradict a lot of commonly held beliefs. In spite of this, people will naturally believe what they have always been inclined to believe or have been taught.

Yes, people do as they are told because they live in fear.
"Fear of what?" you ask. I say fear of the unknown.
What is the biggest mystery known to man?


I thought that movie 'The meaning of life by monty python' explained things pretty well actually.