FML Suicide

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Im 18, got no Job, no car, suspended license.

At home ALL the time I only have 4 friends and barley get to see three of them. School fucking sucks ass and everyone at my school is a bitch.

Only time i ever go out is on the weekends.

I feel extremely depressed all the time, (im a party kind of guy)

The only time i feel happy is when im out of the house.

Please give me reasons not to commit suicide.

Many threads about ppl killing themselfs are just fucking with you, i on the other hand, am not kidding. And if you think this is a joke go fuck yourself

I BARLEY get through the day without weed. If i don't have it, ill be in my bed all day doing absolutely nothing, not moving, not sleeping, just nothing.

BUT THE MOST PROBLEM IS, is that i need my own house, i DESPERATELY NEED IT!!!

My grandmother is fucking driving me up the wall, shes always on my ass, she repeats her self 24/7 it never stops, endless chores, she's always in a bitchy mood.

My grandfather is extremely strict..

Im a child in this house, they told me themselfs.

And i still get "grounded" sometimes id rather live in a fucking trash can.
I was going to drop out of highschool at 16 but my grandparents are so fucking up my ass all the time that id rather go to school then stay home with them!!


Well-Known Member
give you a reason not to kill yourself.....mmmmm

how about life it self..

man things will always be their that pisses you off..

you just need to find a consrtuctive way to deal with those things..

im not going to go in a long disscusion on why you shouldnt and shit..

but life is a good thing...chill out a little some where and just ease your stresses....

all things pass my man....keep your head up.......:peace:


Active Member
You're 18.. Get a job. Move out of your grandparents' house. Problem solved.
and only going out on the weekends is what most people do.. especially ones that work or go to school. Your life dont sound too bad.. sounds pretty normal to me. You need to look on the bright side of things and not wanna kill yourself over every little silly thing. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hard to do so, i was diagnoses with extreme depression, but i refuse to take pills.
its all will power..

you have an option to take meds...but you choose not to..

herb is a wounderfull mood stablelizer...

we all make our own choices...

like you gettin pissed of and shit...

you dont have to get like that...

only you can make your self mad not any one else..

just start slowin your roll alittle....and try to be chill..

someone ajatates you...fuck em..

keep doin what your doing.....:peace: out


Well-Known Member
your only 18 you dont know the half of it. your still in school, it only gets worse from there. life's a bitch then you die. deal with it. everyone else in this world is. this might seem harsh but its fact. if your life sucks its because you make it that way. perception is everything. i dont know why you're in this bad of a state, but i guarantee you there's someone else out that that had a much worse situation and decided to do something about it. piss or get off the pot. no one can give you a reason to live, you have to set your own standards. me, i look forward to the puff puff pass moments me and friends have, pussy, good music. hell pussy alone should be enough.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Move somewhere warm (cali, flordia), get a job. (it may not be the best) and make new friends...
Stick it out the rest of this school year then get the fuck outa that town


Well-Known Member
your only 18 you dont know the half of it. your still in school, it only gets worse from there. life's a bitch then you die. deal with it. everyone else in this world is. this might seem harsh but its fact. if your life sucks its because you make it that way. perception is everything. i dont know why you're in this bad of a state, but i guarantee you there's someone else out that that had a much worse situation and decided to do something about it. piss or get off the pot. no one can give you a reason to live, you have to set your own standards. me, i look forward to the puff puff pass moments me and friends have, pussy, good music. hell pussy alone should be enough.
pussy would be your reason

since you caint find it any

"I can't find Pussy anywhere."


Active Member
your only 18 you dont know the half of it. your still in school, it only gets worse from there. life's a bitch then you die. deal with it. everyone else in this world is. this might seem harsh but its fact. if your life sucks its because you make it that way. perception is everything. i dont know why you're in this bad of a state, but i guarantee you there's someone else out that that had a much worse situation and decided to do something about it. piss or get off the pot. no one can give you a reason to live, you have to set your own standards. me, i look forward to the puff puff pass moments me and friends have, pussy, good music. hell pussy alone should be enough.
This is very true. It does get worse.. the older you get, the more responsibilities you get, the more problems you have. Its a part of life. Everyone goes through hard times.. but you need to know how to deal with stressful situations. Be strong willed and find a solution to your probelms. And theres always someone out there who has it worse than you do. Be more optimisitic and get that suicide shit out your head.. you have your whole life ahead of you.


Well-Known Member
I get depressed sometimes, but when I sit and think about life itself I realize how beautiful it is. It's beautiful in the fact that you never know what's coming around the corner. You could be having the shittiest day of your life, and the next day you might encounter something that changes your whole world. Like a girl, a job, a friend... something.

For instance, I was in your boat yesterday. I had no job, no money, had to move out of my own apartment and in with my dad. I got on the computer yesterday and applied for about 4 jobs. Today I got an email back, and now I'm scheduled for an interview on friday! This is all true.

It's easy to sit back and let life pass you by, but you have to find some kind of motivation to get up and take control of your life. Mine is my dog. I have to start making money and get a house with a yard so that I can have a good home for him.

If you're in highschool still, just finish. It'll be done soon enough and you can get on with your life. But I will warn you, life as an adult on your own is a little different and I've still got a good way to go before I figure it all out. It's confusing, but life is beautiful regardless.

Just be thankful for what you have and make a positive effort EVERYDAY towards some kind of goal. I still don't know what I want out of life, but start with basic goals to improve your life, like "get a job" or "finish school".


Well-Known Member
Man up, grow some balls, and stop acting like a bitch "Roll a Joint", this life ain't easy for no one unless you're spoiled rich, which apparently you aren't, neither am I.

You wanna say fuck my life, go visit North Korea, or practically anywhere in Central/Northwest Africa... see how they live, then just TRY to say fuck my life.

Here's a question... since your grandparents provide for you... when is the last time you did something for THEM on your own accord, meaning you did something for them that they didn't ask you to do.

If I put up with my grandson living at my house at 18, and he did nothing to show appreciation for what I've offered him (house, food, wash his clothes, whatever) then you can bet I'd be on his ass all the time too!


Well-Known Member
Im 21, been taking care of my self since i was 17, my mom and dad divorced when i was young, my moms a pill poping alcoholic and has no money and lives with a friend, She basically said im on my own when i was 17, I had a great full time job making great money rite out of high schoo, i got hit by a firetruck that blew threw a red light without slowing down over a year ago, the statement clearly said the accident was the firetrucks fault and i have STILL seen nothing yet. I finally got a new job after 7 months making half of what i made at my old one, I have to drive a pos around and i live paycheck to paycheck... Be glad the people in ur house give you a room to sleep in and food to eat.. Id take getting bitched at all day rather then having to grow up so quick and take care of my self since i was a teen. Goodday sir.

EDIT- ontop of that the 1200 bucks im getting in tax returned is going completly to a creditcard debt that has a lawsuit against me.


Well-Known Member
Im 21, been taking care of my self since i was 17, my mom and dad divorced when i was young, my moms a pill poping alcoholic and has no money and lives with a friend, She basically said im on my own when i was 17, I had a great full time job making great money rite out of high schoo, i got hit by a firetruck that blew threw a red light without slowing down over a year ago, the statement clearly said the accident was the firetrucks fault and i have STILL seen nothing yet. I finally got a new job after 7 months making half of what i made at my old one, I have to drive a pos around and i live paycheck to paycheck... Be glad the people in ur house give you a room to sleep in and food to eat.. Id take getting bitched at all day rather then having to grow up so quick and take care of my self since i was a teen. Goodday sir.

EDIT- ontop of that the 1200 bucks im getting in tax returned is going completly to a creditcard debt that has a lawsuit against me.
Yup, living on your own is all fine and dandy, but paying my own bills was a shocker. "You mean, I can't just spend my money on whatever the fuck I want?"


Well-Known Member
Yup, living on your own is all fine and dandy, but paying my own bills was a shocker. "You mean, I can't just spend my money on whatever the fuck I want?"

Man i havent spent my money on what i wanted for my self in YEARS


Well-Known Member
i think people post threads like this cause they no they will get get a huge respense good or bad? but attention is attention and thats what they wont, ive been there man but i didnt tell 1000s of people over the fucking net i orderd a shitload of oxys from the net and got done with it! fortunatly or unfortunatly i was found (NOT by me calling or speaking with ne1 i might add) and i lived, spent a few wks in hospital rippd a cafeter outa me nob but yeah i lived!

that was a good few yrs ago shit changes life changes now im happy i got a good girl and im 5months away from being a father.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member

not to change the topic of the thread
but this was one of the greatest movies of all time
this needs to be remade
it was truely ahead of its time



Active Member
:wall: whats that movie called, ive seen it so many times and i cant remember???? all killing yourself gonna do mate is guarentee your legacy as a pussy, what ever amount of weed yo smokin, triple it! filter out the bad vibrations, ya wanna reason ----> :weed:
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