Club 600

mr west

Well-Known Member
well playing the numbers game u should get a run of fems soon mate, u didnt plant all ur tga beans did ya?


Well-Known Member
no i still have 6 querkle and 6 jilly beans left.

if i get one more male out of the two querks i have left im gona scrap this one and start over

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I must protest. My strawberry haze and arjan's haze #1 are both greenhouse seeds. I have seen not one male flower nor have I seen the makings of any beans on the girls. If tying these plants almost into a circle, supercropping them and tying them some more does not stress them into hermies I don't know what will.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
With all the talk of lemon skunk, I think I'll start my work day off with a couple of bags from the vaporizer before I head out to paint this morning.

Peace all and some nice bud porn.


Well-Known Member
Each to their own I guess with seeds. My issue with GHS is how they deal with the market and there general attitude towards other coffeeshops....everyone knows they are big, everyone knows they have money, everyone knows they bribe C-Cup Judges...hehe. So what is the point of consistently putting yourself up against other smaller growers/coffeeshops, just so that you can crap on everyone. This to me is not showing how great you are...

End of rant. It's MJ after all, peace, love and happiness.



Well-Known Member
Here's another for the 1BMM our bad brother

I am rocking this at the moment. Also got the remix album which I have yet to listen too.

Have a good evening, day ladies and gents....funny, I could say that all day and never be wrong! However, we also have a saying, when someone is being noisey, we say, "Ssssh, there's kids in bed in China." But then someone quite rightly pointed out that because China was ahead of us in a time zone it was quite likely that the kids where not actually in bed!! Smart arse!! With that I bid you adue.


mr west

Well-Known Member
cool tunes D, i feel a bit out of it jus lately lol the new music scene, I know depth charge from for ever lol


Well-Known Member
i cut my 2 purple indica plants today becaues they just seemed way to hermie to me even with the DM reverse they were goin nuts and bannanas on me so i cut them way early they are really stickie and coverd in trichs. plants were chopped 30-40 days earlt and i am guessing about 2 ozs dry from these premies. its not what i wanted to do but had to do. my shishkaberry are huge and lovin all the new room to grow in now the indicas are gone. im not upset at all about this either cuz well i have enough weed for awhile and a harvest coming soon then i will be having a grower and cargiver take care of the rest cuz i am a legal patient

i will have pics later when i am done cutting these bitches its not really nothin to show actaully so i wont post pics on second though. i will however end up with alot of hash from these ones


Well-Known Member
are those dna's lemon skunk?
Nope, Greenhouse. I originally had 5 GHS feminized LS seeds, the bud pics are of their clones. I did have a DNA LS, as well - I traded it away. Here's a side by side pic - they were began at the same time, sprouted the same day, same everything - but the GHS by far outgrew the DNA Lemon Skunk. GHS on the left, DNA on the right.


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Since I live in the states, I'm not aware of the coffee house scene in the dam and how greenhouse carries itself compared to others. I am aware Arjan considers himself the king of cannabis, for whatever reason, that I don't know. I don't follow the politics of the breeders and resellers and who is stealing from whom. The sativa mix of hawaiian snow, super silver haze, strawberry haze, arjan's haze #1 and Neville's haze was just what I was looking for, old time sativas, so I picked greenhouse for those beans. The malawi 99 is from Afropips, sour cream from DNA and the jock horror from The Sativa Seedbank. When it comes to buying beans, I'm a consumer, period, all that other stuff is meaningless to me. What does matter is that I am getting what I pay for. I don't particularly care for Arjan's personality, it's his products that concern me and so far I have had no problems to speak of. My arjan's haze has never looked good, always lagging, but she might turn out to be the best from the way her bud looks. Not the biggest producer but the best bud.

And speaking of DNA Genetics...the skunk train from the attitude for christmas...anyone get those free beans? My partner planted eight, seven were males. I still have the sleestack and LA confidential and one og18, I'm curious to see how many females I get out of those seven. I started two of the sour cream from DNA and only one popped, I still have four left.


Well-Known Member
The growers scene in NL seems weird to me. If you are happy with the product that is the main thing. Best purchase I have had is the New York 47, WOS (World of Seeds) There are lots of good breeders and sellers out there. DNA also have their problems, I get to hear about them. Things go missing from seed menus, mothers get taken, grow rooms get busted....happy days in the game of weed growing.


Well-Known Member
doe eye those babies look green and healthy.

just updated my journal here is a canopy picture. should be able to keep these ladies under control. fingers got alitlle bit sticky today from all the trichomes forming on the leaves now. (gets me really excited!) journal is in my sig to check out. :weed:


Well-Known Member
doe eye those babies look green and healthy.

just updated my journal here is a canopy picture. should be able to keep these ladies under control. fingers got alitlle bit sticky today from all the trichomes forming on the leaves now. (gets me really excited!) journal is in my sig to check out. :weed:
I was browsing through your journal last night, lots of great pics in there - and I love that you don't make 'em fullsize - that makes it hard on us dialup folks. So what's with the two seperate journal things? You'd probably have more followers, with just one for people to look in and comment both.:leaf:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
The growers scene in NL seems weird to me. If you are happy with the product that is the main thing. Best purchase I have had is the New York 47, WOS (World of Seeds) There are lots of good breeders and sellers out there. DNA also have their problems, I get to hear about them. Things go missing from seed menus, mothers get taken, grow rooms get busted....happy days in the game of weed growing.
So Mr. DST, that ny47 has me interested. I wonder how it compares to the jack47 I've been eyeballin'? I've smoked neither.

The whole weed scene in the netherlands seems weird to me. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it just as illegal there as it is here in the states? And money being what it is, sadly even the weed business eventually gets down to profit and how much can be made and all the other bad things you mention in your post. Maybe it's just me but I haven't grown anything I consider stellar, I've gotten close with my mutant and hope to get closer with these sativas but nothing I would consider breaking into the top ten of weed I've smoked over the last four decades, actually five decades. Anyway I think it's only a matter of luck when a truly exceptional plant happens to appear in your grow space. And speaking of my mutant, one of her offspring is shall we say showing some weird signs already. The second set of true leaves, popped out one leaf, it now has three true leaves. Some of these beans are I don't know how old and it's been a weird start. Two of them came up with no leaves just a stem. One still has not popped it's first set of true leaves, another seems stunted. I'm thinking these beans sat together too long in a drawer and they are affecting the others. It's only a damn weed!

So how is that ny47 dst?