straight eating hash


Well-Known Member
A few friends of mine were talking about eating hash, and I've looked it up online and a bunch of people claim it works.

Should I try this, or would it just be better to smoke it?

Anyone tried this, whats the higF%like?


Well-Known Member
I don't get high from eating anything, edibles.. None of it, even the ones I make with real buds. My wife can get a buzz off the weak edibles we buy from the dispensary.

The answer is only inside of you man. THC is either going to get you high by eating it, or it won't.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
You have to cook it first, it needs to hit like 200 Degrees for most
of the cannabinoids to be effective. Eating weed/hash raw does nothing
for you hallucinegetically.

But I get ripped off some potent brownies.. Much more high than when I smoke


Well-Known Member
I was going to mention it needs to be heated to released but honestly I didn't know if it was a fact. I do know I am not hitting 200 degrees when I am making my edibles though maybe this is why.


Well-Known Member
You guys are saying you have to heat it up, but google it... There are COUNTLESS reports of people just sticking pieces of hash inside a chocolate or just munching it straight, and they claim to get high.

I'm going to try it and disprove ya'll!


Well-Known Member
Either way, I'm gonna try it tomorrow.
I'm high as balls right now so it won't be a fair test.

I'm not gonna smoke any cannabis (weed or hash tomorrow) and I'm just gonna straight eat a gram of hash and see what happens


Well-Known Member
Most likely those people are convincing themselves they are high, or just flat out lying. It needs to be heated, to be reactive.


Well-Known Member
Nice information guys.. This is why I feel nothing from eating edibles, the ones at the dispensary are too weak and mine isn't activated. Wonder if I can activate the butter I already made...

Edit: fdd2blk 45K posts??!! whoah, anyway kicked you some rep thanks.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Nice information guys.. This is why I feel nothing from eating edibles, the ones at the dispensary are too weak and mine isn't activated. Wonder if I can activate the butter I already made...

Edit: fdd2blk 45K posts??!! whoah, anyway kicked you some rep thanks.

also i know for sure if you make green dragon it will get you blazed, obviously the dragon recipe includes decarbing, but the weed takes a ride on the alcahol through your liver and starts hittin you in 30 min or less

i have made the shit at least 100 times and i found through a great deal of digging and trial and error that

decarbing your weed at 225 deg f for 45min - 1 hour gives you best decarbing without losing any important canibanoids that vaperize at much lower temps than thc does,

i think cannabinoids start vaporizing at 240 deg f so i put mine on 225 deg f but you have to do it for much longer at lower these lower temps,

1 hour is best but by 45 min you got 95% decabing i dont know 1 hour seems too long so i like to do it for 45 min

but eating just hash is not the same high as eating it with weed

i used hash once to make green dragon but the high was missing its paranoia & intense elements that i enjoy

I think the CBN & CDB are key factors

i got rid of my hash making kit, was making my tolerence crazy smokin that all the time and drinking green dragon all the time :-P:weed: