What Makes Ketamine Special...


Well-Known Member
When people speak of dissociatives one word comes to mind: KETAMINE!

From a historical point of view, ketamine is far superior in its effects and side-effects when compared to its brothers, which are phencyclidine and dextromethorphan.

Its great capability to bind to NMDA receptors and tickle the fuck out of them as you will, just gives rise to making this a recreational drug!

It is great for emergency medicine as it doesn't suppress breathing which makes this safe for the occasional user.

It beats the harsh tail side effects of PCP and DXM... as the trip is more level headed and the high doesn't last as long.

Considered to be a psychedelic valium for most, people have some high stated opinions about the subjective effects of ketamin and how its much different then the classical psychedelics: phenethylamines and tryptamine's.

The dissociative anesthesia it produces is considered to be enjoyable by some or a train wreck waiting to happen reported by many users.

What in your opinion makes Ketamine special... when in comparison to other traditional dissociative's or other psychedelics?

Personally speaking, I just fell upon some granted by a charitable fellow ;)

...and will be witnessing a k-hole experience very soon I hope!


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Bear in mind the you can build up a tolerance to K if you take it on a regular basis, I have a friend who went crazy on the shit. He had a motorbike accident, completely unrelated as he wasnt high, but on needing to put him under anaesthetic the hospital found that they needed to give him an increased dose due to his love of K-Holes...
Bear in mind the you can build up a tolerance to K if you take it on a regular basis, I have a friend who went crazy on the shit. He had a motorbike accident, completely unrelated as he wasnt high, but on needing to put him under anaesthetic the hospital found that they needed to give him an increased dose due to his love of K-Holes...


Doctor why he is not sedated yet?
i dont know what your prior experience with it is, however i would advise that you start out very small and work your way up, and ALWAYS STAND UP after u take a bump (or whatever your chosen dosing method). I have never had a bad or scary experience, but my first time i took a bump, waited and didnt feel anything, so i took another...this went on for about a half hour at which point i said "fuck this, it doesnt even work." i stood up, got 2 steps forward and thought i was frozen to the ground, i had to slowly lean forward to the point that i almost fell over, in order to get some momentum going and keep moving. i was walkin on clouds from that point on, just try to stand up and take a walk every so often and make sure you dont take too much thinking it isnt working.

btw...i wish i knew some charitable fellows who could point me in the direction of some, i havent seen any around in at least 8 years : (

Doctor why he is not sedated yet?

Exactly that! They preceded to ask him whether he experimented with recreational substances and got rather concerned when he said 'Yes, Ketamine'!

I dont know if its the same in the US, but over here in the UK its gotten its own special name among its regular users.... Regretamine ;):hug:
i dont know what your prior experience with it is, however i would advise that you start out very small and work your way up, and ALWAYS STAND UP after u take a bump (or whatever your chosen dosing method). I have never had a bad or scary experience, but my first time i took a bump, waited and didnt feel anything, so i took another...this went on for about a half hour at which point i said "fuck this, it doesnt even work." i stood up, got 2 steps forward and thought i was frozen to the ground, i had to slowly lean forward to the point that i almost fell over, in order to get some momentum going and keep moving. i was walkin on clouds from that point on, just try to stand up and take a walk every so often and make sure you dont take too much thinking it isnt working.

btw...i wish i knew some charitable fellows who could point me in the direction of some, i havent seen any around in at least 8 years : (

I've tried it both balls out K-Holing (bombed 1/2 a g), and little and often while out in a club. The little and often was far more enjoyable, whilst the k-holing left me wondering how to go for a lash without the use of my legs, I managed to drag myself to the loo only to find sitting on it wasnt an option as I had no feeling in my legs so just slumped off onto the floor! Luckily my mates were still out of it by this point otherwise a facebook photo session could have ruined me!
I've tried it both balls out K-Holing (bombed 1/2 a g), and little and often while out in a club. The little and often was far more enjoyable, whilst the k-holing left me wondering how to go for a lash without the use of my legs, I managed to drag myself to the loo only to find sitting on it wasnt an option as I had no feeling in my legs so just slumped off onto the floor! Luckily my mates were still out of it by this point otherwise a facebook photo session could have ruined me!

lol....sounds like you had quite a time!
lol....sounds like you had quite a time!

I thought so. Try explaining to my gf at the time when I phoned her at 7am the next morning explaining that she had to come and pick me up 'as I wasnt feeling too great'. When she saw the state of me she knew instantly it wasnt 'a touch of the flu'. Schoolboy error on my part for phoning the Missus, but all my mates were still larapped like me!:roll:
I thought so. Try explaining to my gf at the time when I phoned her at 7am the next morning explaining that she had to come and pick me up 'as I wasnt feeling too great'. When she saw the state of me she knew instantly it wasnt 'a touch of the flu'. Schoolboy error on my part for phoning the Missus, but all my mates were still larapped like me!:roll:

Regretamine... that had me laughing all the way to the kitchen... and mind you that I have a long diner hallway!

So far, I have done ketamine only in recreational doses. The most I have done in one session was 80mg's. The session was spaced over a 2hr period. Each bump I consumed was in 20mg increments. Walking was a bit of a challenge but fun at the same time. The body feels very comfortable like a warm cloth was placed over it... and soothing pulsations running through the feet, arms, an inner chest. I love the thought patterns or the illusiveness it brings to the table... I could sit or lay listening to a song and have a whole range of images playing in my head. The close eye imagery does have some infinite possibilities but I have yet to reach such a deep state in my ketamine trips. I'm almost afraid to reach that plateau... the 4th state!

Ketamine is special because a dose far smaller than that required for a hallucinogen will cause relief of entrenched, untreatable depression within 10 minutes and one dose can last a week.

That is very special.

Of course it's still not used therapeutically but I almost made several trips to Mexico to buy it over the counter for use in their country (not to smuggled home).

Ketamine is a very special drug, very important.


This study examines whether Ketamine can cause a rapid-next day antidepressant effect in patients with Major Depression/Bipolar Disorder .

Purpose: This study will test whether a single dose of ketamine - a drug that blocks a brain receptor called NMDA - can cause a rapid (next day) antidepressant effect in patients with major depression. Several medications are effective for treating depression; however, they take weeks or months to achieve their full effects.

A more rapidly acting antidepressant would have a significant impact on the treatment of depression. In a previous study, ketamine produced a rapid antidepressant effect within hours, but the effect lasted less than 1 week. Understanding how ketamine works may lead to a better understanding of the causes of depression and the design of a longer lasting rapidly acting.





Ketamine is special because a dose far smaller than that required for a hallucinogen will cause relief of entrenched, untreatable depression within 10 minutes and one dose can last a week.

That is very special.

Of course it's still not used therapeutically but I almost made several trips to Mexico to buy it over the counter for use in their country (not to smuggled home).

Ketamine is a very special drug, very important.


This study examines whether Ketamine can cause a rapid-next day antidepressant effect in patients with Major Depression/Bipolar Disorder .

Purpose: This study will test whether a single dose of ketamine - a drug that blocks a brain receptor called NMDA - can cause a rapid (next day) antidepressant effect in patients with major depression. Several medications are effective for treating depression; however, they take weeks or months to achieve their full effects.

A more rapidly acting antidepressant would have a significant impact on the treatment of depression. In a previous study, ketamine produced a rapid antidepressant effect within hours, but the effect lasted less than 1 week. Understanding how ketamine works may lead to a better understanding of the causes of depression and the design of a longer lasting rapidly acting.





I was always amazed by the therapeutic value of Ketamine. It has major medical value...

I guess that's why John Lilly was fascinated by it ;)

Does anyone know how to get Ketemine on the "Black market"? What kind of dealers carry it? I'd love to have a touch on hand for the late summer/fall when my depression hits hard, and for other people I supply bud for depression.

As well, how much is used for hallucinations? The anti-depressant dosage is orders of magnitude (many times) smaller than a hallucinogenic dose. If I can't find the therapeutic dose online I'll have to start by dialing back from say .. half or quarter a mild hallucinogenic dose. Then continuing to dial back until I get no benefits.


Does anyone know how to get Ketemine on the "Black market"? What kind of dealers carry it?

If you mean black market like street black market, maybe festivals? I know a lot of people who dabble with psychedelics who also dabble with Ketamine.

As well, how much is used for hallucinations? The anti-depressant dosage is orders of magnitude (many times) smaller than a hallucinogenic dose.

Correll, et al. gave ketamine intravenously to patients commencing at 15–20 mg/h (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/h) and the dose increased until a maximum tolerated dose was achieved. This dose was assumed to be a therapeutic dose and was maintained for 5 days. Patients were able to eat, drink, watch television, or read. They could feel inebriated and/or unsteady when walking. If hallucinations occurred, the dose was to be reduced.

That is for therapy.

Strong .5 - .75 mg / lb 60 - 125 mg
The K Hole 1 mg / lb 100 - 250 mg

That is for hallucinations.