My first lowryder 2 grow

They are piratesofthecannabean's lowryder 2. His videos on YouTube said with bad weather in Holland it took 11 weeks outside. So I'm hopping in another month I will have some bud.
It looked worse the other day.They came back. And Two replacements are in the ground. Just learning to grow never grown bud before.This is prop 215 garden with a doctors Etc. That's why only growing for a few personal use. Think I'm allowed 6 adult-12 total but keeping no more then six because don't want to risk it or make the whole block smell like weed.



Well-Known Member
Those are stunted for how old they are, but I bet they will turn out great. They recover well and will take off after they show sex.


if those are a little over a month then ya they are definately small. im going through the same thing though but mine is small because of the dirt i put it in. im going to transplant mine into soil so the roots can move more freely and it should grow pretty fast. but on the positive side they do look very healthy and if u continue to take proper care you got some good bud on your hands. Good job bro looks nice. Heres a pic of mine. I planted it on March 3rd.


IT's been cold a lot of days and not much is happening. Anyway can you save lowryder2 seeds from your plants and do you get a lot of seeds off one plant?


Well-Known Member
They look to be a nice size. Can't beat the sun for a light source! Is that yellow real or a flash effect? If it is real then that is abnormal. Are you adding nutes yet? It so stop until they start to show sex which should be around 20-30 days. LR2 can be easily burned during early growth and it will stunt the plant and affect final yield significantly.
I think it was the cold that did it. It looked worse after a cold spell and looks a lot better after it has warmed up a little. It has still stayed pretty cool.It's hard to say best time to plant here because the weather is almost never the same 2 years in a row.Last year I had tomatoes that where still live in the spring when I tour the out. This year they where dead before x-mas from frost. I work in pest control on straw berries and some of fields got nailed with frost too.


Active Member
looking good, sweet bud soon!

If it was me I would mix a extra few bags of compost n some perlite to ya soil and grow em on a window sill till little bit bigger then harden and transplant. (thats just me though) keep up good work!


Active Member
I'm starting 2 more inside. Just opened-last of my seeds
still lookin good.....on those 2 new seedlings u should try LSTing on them as i did that on my short rider and made several alternate bud sites....if u like u can look....."Easy Short Rider Grow. The Anti-Journal" RIU....its tough to see the one tie down but its there..... ne ways cant wait to havest
LSTing? Not sure what your talking about.
still lookin good.....on those 2 new seedlings u should try LSTing on them as i did that on my short rider and made several alternate bud sites....if u like u can look....."Easy Short Rider Grow. The Anti-Journal" RIU....its tough to see the one tie down but its there..... ne ways cant wait to havest
I took a razor blade and cut the seed shell up pretty good not the flesh part and got the 3rd to wake up. I'm starting my seeds in a flower that I put foil in with one of those single reptile light with a florescent bulb.Too give them a jump start.It's pretty cool out side. Going to plant them out side as soon as it warms up a little.

