why is my yield looking dam small!?!?!


Active Member
ok Im using 600 watts LED on only a few plants, like 3 and the grow room is compressed small. like 5 feet tall 1 and a half feed deep and 5 feet long. I use earth juice nutrients, its like my plants don't stretch for shit. they were give only a week or 2 of vegged and I had them outdoors for a month and took it back in when i noticed bud on my plants. like white hair so I had them inside for a month. buds are bigger but the plant stopped growing. I heard of other peaple pulling 1 ounces ea with lots of plants under a a big light. but im using 600 watts and it looks like i might yield an 8th.

my strains are OG kush, SFV OG kush and Chocolate thai.

here is my SFV OG when I took it back in from outdoor

a close up nug shot

here is how it looks like 1 month later under LED nighting 600 watts

here is the side view

nugg shot

here is my other plant OG kush

nug shot

my chocolate thai when brought it indoors from outdoors

my chocolate thai 1 month later flowered indoors

nug shot

would it be possible that they small and shitty because they are not fully ready to be chopped yet? what could explain why they are so dam short. and why do my yield look so shitty.


LED lights never produce much buds. i did the smae thing i had 800watts of leds and from 3 plants got 10grams. then switched over to a 600watt hps with 3 plants all plants yeilded slightly over 1 ozzy which i was happy with as a first frow.


apart from the yeild tho your plants look ready to pick in a few days. they look pretty healthy :) should be some good smoke 4 ya


Active Member
they look like aut-flowering plants ? ifso thats probably why because not only are they tiny plants and dont produce much bud anyways you using LED isnt helping you pull more from the tiny plants.


Well-Known Member
How high are the lights from your plants? from them pic's thay look abit under fed to me. and low light?


Well-Known Member
Note on MY perception of LED lights, as I HAVE rown with them in the past.

They are great for Vegging you plants. Very good. In my opinion better than HPS, given enough wattage, and possibly just as good as MH would be for vegging.

However... With that being said, LED's lack enough light INTENSITY for bud development during flowering of the correct spectrum. Thus, limiting yield.

A good combination, IMHO, would be to veg with LED and use HPS for flowering.


I'd say, ur nutes. Different nutes for different occissions.​
judging by the plants their very healthy, so no not nutes..

from my experience with leds you never really get much yeild.. good reason to go buy hps your plants will love you for it :)


Well-Known Member
LED has low light penetration but ive read it is good for producing resin, so it has an up and down side


Active Member
my plants look small because it was low stress trained its whole life and it flowered too early outdoors but im blasting it with 600 watters so gay, looking very sad


Active Member
for the vegging stage of the plants i had the LED really close to them like a few inches away from the cola, and during the flowering stage i had the LED a bit further up, like a foot and a half away from the top cola.


Well-Known Member
i would still have kept it within a few inches, and maybe complemented your lighting with some CFLs or Floros


Active Member
yea thats the hole reason of going LED for me, I would be happy if i get a only .2 grams per watts because i know every joint or 2 i roll will last me a day ( instead of 3 or 4 ). but in my case it dosent even look like a .1 gram per watt!


Well-Known Member
they may have not been ready to go outside if you didn't get them ready to go out and just put them out there after being in a controlled environment could have stunted them...


Active Member
dude i think your right, they could of been stunt cuz i lost a few plants in the process and the ones you see is the ones that made it. i plus rep you for an eye opening reply.


Well-Known Member
somethings not rite , you should get easily an ounce but your grow looks small maybe 20grams max... how far is your leds away ? what size pots ? maybe next time mix in some wormcasting/manure to really give your plants what the need instead of chemical nutes.. or get a HID... or maybe Veg more then 2 weeks ! lmao