The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
still up in the air as of this point... Last I read at&ts exclusivity contract with apple is up and Verizon has the option to have it but they dont know if they will this year because they'll need to change there entire data network..


Well-Known Member
Im keeping my fingers crossed.. If it does happen it will be VERY soon though.. and I can upgrade my phone in October...


Well-Known Member
^^^^ My wife was just sayin that! Last I checked they were sittin @ $28.30 a share. And thats down from a monthly avg.


Well-Known Member
^^^ thats cause theres still uncertainty whether they're gonna get it or not.. believe me if they do that stock will go up..


Well-Known Member
Well the dude a Verizon, told me it was def. Tho it wouldnt b til the Holidays, maybe begining of nxt year:( BuT nothin is concrete!


Well-Known Member
Oh, and wife is gettin on Scotttrade. Bout to buy some cheap, then pull a flip-io. Prolly wont see a profit for a looong while


Well-Known Member
Yup. @28 its steal. Even if they annouce another 'rumor' it would prolly raise by $6. My uncle
has the Palm Pre. Pretty sweet, but no iPhone. But he has coverage!


Well-Known Member
SHIT DUDE.. i was right about to tell you I was gonna jump on plam b4 pre was announced.. I really wanted to.. but I hadda transfer $$ from my mutual fund got all the paper work and everything...but then i got high..but then i got high...but then i got hiiiiigh..


Well-Known Member
But then u got high!!!! That coulda been a new 1000w, a seed shopin spree, lol.

Who said there isnt useful shit in here? Stocks, iPhone rumors, Camel Toes, thats just from this evening, WAIT til tonite!!!


Well-Known Member
still got that paperwork sitting on my counter right now... :lol: Its like a fucking book... I def. wanna get into stock though.. got a g note to work with.. my old mans all about the stock market..


Well-Known Member
Love the stock market. U can do some damage with a G-bar. Sign up to Lots of good info on that site! Tho most of the info, is for OTC (over the counter) stocks. There very risky, but its a start. There was a app on the iPhone, called iTrade. It was a live stock market, Nasdaq, that u could play, just for fun. I was i a 'gang' called Greedy Theives lol. I could go on and on about stock....Oh, imma miss that app:wall::wall:

Anywho, hows the MJ? Still growin?:):)


Well-Known Member
yesir, theyre doing mighty fine.. got rid of the mold and got a fan pointed at the soil. buds are getting bigger by the day :) been giving the 800 watts for 8 hrs and then 1200 watts the other 4, usually during the morning cuase its soo fucking bright Im sure it would leak through my curtains and ppl could see that shit outside..