Are you vegging the ladies indoors then putting them outside to flower? If so how tall are you letting your veg go before you move them outside? I'm in So Cal and the light cycle outside is 11light/13dark moving closer to 12/12 now. But it doesnt get to 13/11 until the end of May down here. So it will be hard to veg a plant outside until the end of May, unless you run lights on them outside too.
No prob,
I made the frames for the skylight (i like that better then vent) and got them in place today.
Drilled some holes and twisted more of those fence stabilizers for the arms and braces.
I used a couple fireplace pokers for the rods and got a coupler nut to hold them together.
Then I made spacers to hold the rods apart, there just not pictured.
Thats actually one of the spacers I made holding it up but I got the solar openers today and hope to have them mounted tomorrow.
Its gotta over lap when closed, I made little L brackets for it to rest on.
It was real windy today so I didnt get the material up. I should get it up tomorrow.
Cool application for calculating daylight hours. I've been just taking the local news sun rise and sun set times and doing the math and then subtracting an hour because I live in a valley. That application is really helpful though.
interested to see the automatic openers, pretty trick
anyway that skylight must be facing away from prevailing winds, i was thinking that frame was pretty light weight and with acentered mount a wind storm would fold your window like an umbrella! LOL any way how many of these opening lights are there?
be waiting for pics of this setup completed
Skylight? isnt a green house one big skylight? I think Cruzer lives in the sub-burbs so the green house should be shielded from strong winds by the fences and houses all around it plus it looked like he had some tall shrubbery along the fence. Plus I think he already supported the fixture by adding the L braces... pretty hard for wind to bend metal unless you get up to tropical storm wind speeds.
You should put surveillance cams out there man if you don't already. Some folks have had issues keeping their outdoor grows secure. Have your neighbors been asking about it?
Yea, I dropped some shit in my neighbors yard to the right and had to go over and get him to get it for me. He asked about it. Told him its for vegtables, Im tired of paying the price at the store, same with the guy behind me. We talked about Orchids.